How to use in sentence of “resonance”

How to use in-sentence of “resonance”:

– Experiments often need specialized tools such as particle accelerators, lasers, and important industrial applications such as transistors and magnetic resonance imaging have come from applied research.

– Müller joined the Battelle Memorial Institute in Geneva, soon becoming the manager of a magnetic resonance group.

– The reason for this high acidity is the resonance stabilization of the molecule when it becomes an anion.

– A key idea of NMR is that the resonance frequency of a particular substance is directly proportional to the strength of the applied magnetic field.

– This resonance is used in imaging techniques.

– These tools include spectroscopic methods like nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction.

– The ring is also close to the 1:3 orbit-spin resonance with Haumea’s rotation.

– Also, scientists measured brain activity of people on the autism spectrum with Functional magnetic resonance imagingfMRI while they were thinking about their own emotions.

How to use in sentence of resonance
How to use in sentence of resonance

Example sentences of “resonance”:

– That is, it appears to have jumped over to the next stable corotation resonance position.

– There are many types of spectroscopy, but most important to organic chemistry are infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

– This estimate was made by combining data from uranium-thorium dating, electron spin resonance dating and optically stimulated luminescence dating of the remains and the soil in the grave.

– If a sample is placed in a non-uniform magnetic field then the resonance frequencies of the sample’s nuclei depend on where in the field they are located.

– In 1987, an electron spin resonance test was done on pieces of bone from LM3’s skeleton.

– In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to vibrationvibrate with increasing frequencies of excitation.

– Nuclear magnetic resonance was first described and measured in molecular beams by Isidor Rabi in 1938.

– NMR is also used for advanced medical imaging techniques, for example, magnetic resonance imaging.

– One representation is that the structure exists as a superposition of so-called resonance structures, rather than either form individually.

– In Western classical music singers learn to sing in a bel canto voice which uses lots of resonance in the head and makes a smooth sound.

– It appears to orbit in the farthest edge of the Main belt in a 3:4 orbital resonance with planet Jupiter.

– Lipscomb was one of the first people to use nuclear magnetic resonance to study chemical structures.

– It could thus be that the resonance which holds Thule in a very low-eccentricity orbit serves to eject other smaller bodies whose distance from the Sun is only a bit different from that of Thule itself.

- That is, it appears to have jumped over to the next stable corotation resonance position.

- There are many types of spectroscopy, but most important to organic chemistry are infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
- This estimate was made by combining data from uranium-thorium dating, electron spin resonance dating and optically stimulated luminescence dating of the remains and the soil in the grave.

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