How to use in sentence of “resisting”

How to use in-sentence of “resisting”:

+ Although the Company was becoming increasingly bold and ambitious in putting down resisting states, it was getting clearer day by day that the Company was incapable of governing the vast expanse of the captured territories.

+ The family went into exile in 1926 for resisting Mussolini.

+ In Amerst’s opinion, the Native Amricans had to accept British rule, since the French were no longer in control of the territory.  He also believed that they were incapable of resisting against the British Army; therefore, of the 8,000 troops under his command in North America, only about 500 were stationed in the region where the war erupted.

+ However, the glue is not so good at resisting shear.

+ He was charged with battery of a spouse, resisting a police officer, and possession of a controlled substance.

+ The 1967 convention spoke on the draft and resisting within the Army itself, and made a call for immediate withdrawal from Vietnam.

How to use in sentence of resisting
How to use in sentence of resisting

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