How to use in sentence of “punitive”

How to use in-sentence of “punitive”:

– Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned the raid, saying “the incident once again revealed the criminal and war-mongering nature of the Zionist regime.” Iran also on the UN Security Council and the OIC to take swift punitive action against Israel.

– Whoever repeatedly avoids work, despite previous warning stays away from roll calls for work assignments or head counts, constantly reports to the doctor or dentist without reason, feigns physical suffering or disability doesn’t march, constantly acts lazy and sluggish, was unclean, writes obnoxious letters, steals from fellow prisoners, hits, bullies for their attitude, derides or ridicules, will be punished for incorrigibility with continuous punitive labor, detention, with punitive exercise or be flogged.

– The block was designed to be punitive and not preventative.

– Tribal raiding into British-ruled territory was a constant problem for the British, requiring frequent punitive expeditions between 1860 and 1945.

– This flows from the principle that a block is a preventative measure, and not a punitive measure.

– His law firm has been noted nationally for winning major awards for its clients; among them was an $11.8 billion punitive damage award against Exxon Mobil Corporation in 2003.

How to use in sentence of punitive
How to use in sentence of punitive

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