How to use in-sentence of “primordial”

How to use in-sentence of “primordial”:

– In Greek mythology, Pontus or Pontos was one of the primordial deities, the personification of the sea.

– Oparin suggested that different types might have formed in the Earth’s primordial ocean.

– Sanamahi Ahong Khong Chingba or Sanamahi Cheng Hongba is a religious grand chariot pulling festival dedicated to Lainingthou Sanamahi, a primordial deity of Sanamahism, mainly celebrated by the Meitei ethnicity.

– Only 286 primordial nuclides are known.

– The Pakhangpa Laihui is one of the most significant religious scriptures of Meitei religion, which accounts for the divine mythical origin and the personality of Pakhangpa, a primordial serpentine dragon god of the religion.

How to use in-sentence of primordial
How to use in-sentence of primordial

Example sentences of “primordial”:

– He is the son and husband of the primordial goddess Gaia Gaia and father of the Elder Cyclopes.

– As mentioned in the “Shiji” of Sima Qian this scheme was a result of the military administrative reform of the Xiongnu leader Modu Chanyu in 209/206-174 BC which in turn originated from the Turkic primordial ancestor Oghuz Khagan.

– The Hekatonkheires are one of the three races of beings born to Ouranos and Gaia, the primordial gods of the sky and the Earth.

– She was a primordial being, one of the first to have sprung forth from the void of Chaos.

– These are the primordial nuclides.

– They are also called primordial isotopes.

– Pure hydrogen is very uncommon in the Earth’s atmosphere, because nearly all primordial hydrogen would have escaped into space due to its weight.

– There is also a theory which takes Kashmir to be a contraction of Kashyap-mira or Kashyapmir or Kashyapmeru, the “”Sea or Mountain of Kashyapa””, the sage who is credited with having drained the waters of the primordial Lake Satisar, that Kashmir was before it was reclaimed.

– Tatenen is the god of primordial mound in the ancient Egyptian religion.

– The 34 primordial radionuclides are isotopes of 28 separate elements.

– Leimarel Sidabi, is a primordial goddess in Meitei mythology and religion.

– It is based on the divine account of the power of Lainingthou Sanamahi, a primordial deity of the paganism.

– Imoinu is a primordial goddess in Meitei religion.

– Some said they were the daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Themis, or more likely of primordial beings like Nyx, Chaos or Ananke.

– A Cyclops, is a member of a primordial race of giants in Greek mythology, each with a single eye in the center of his forehead.

– It was named in April 2007 after Bergelmir, a jotungiant from Norse mythology and the grandson of Ymir, the primordial giant.

– Songs such as “妹妹你大胆的往前走” came to represent an earthy, primordial masculine image of China, as opposed to the soft, sweet, polished urban gang tai style.

– Helium-3 occurs as a primordial nuclide.

- He is the son and husband of the primordial goddess Gaia Gaia and father of the Elder Cyclopes.

- As mentioned in the “Shiji” of Sima Qian this scheme was a result of the military administrative reform of the Xiongnu leader Modu Chanyu in 209/206-174 BC which in turn originated from the Turkic primordial ancestor Oghuz Khagan.
- The Hekatonkheires are one of the three races of beings born to Ouranos and Gaia, the primordial gods of the sky and the Earth.

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