How to use in-sentence of “Prime minister”

How to use in-sentence of “Prime minister”:

+ This is a list of Prime Ministers of Lesotho since the creation of the post of Prime Minister of Lesotho in 1965, to the present day.

+ Igor Lukšić, He became Prime Minister on 4 December 2012 and was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2012 to 2016.

+ It was set up in 1977 and is named after Sir Arthur Fadden, Prime Minister of Australia in 1941.

+ Francis Michael Forde was the 15th Prime Minister of AustraliaPrime Minister of Australia.

+ Prime Minister of AustraliaAustralian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd released a statement saying, “It was with great sadness that I have learned of the passing of Heath Ledger…

How to use in-sentence of Prime minister
How to use in-sentence of Prime minister

Example sentences of “Prime minister”:

+ Rear Admiral Thawan Thamrongnawasawat was the eighth prime minister of Thailand.

+ The Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea is appointed by the President of South Korea, with the National Assembly's approval.

+ Rear Admiral Thawan Thamrongnawasawat was the eighth prime minister of Thailand.

+ The Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea is appointed by the President of South Korea, with the National Assembly’s approval.

+ She was the 14th Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia and Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia from 19 June 2017 to 19 July 2019.

+ He was nominated to be the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on 17 January 2014 by President of the Czech RepublicPresident Miloš Zeman.

+ He also was Acting Prime Minister of Serbia from 31 May 2017 until 29 June 2017.

+ Tshering Tobgay is a Bhutanese politician who served as the Prime Minister of Bhutan from 2013 to 2018.

+ He was Prime Minister of Sri Lanka two times from 2000 to 2001 and again from 2005 to 2010.

+ The Prime Minister of Georgia is the most senior minister within the Cabinet of GeorgiaCabinet of Georgia, appointed by the President of Georgia.

+ Whitlam is the only Prime Minister who has lived in the lifetime of all the other Prime Ministers.

+ Aldo Moro was an ItaliansItalian politician who was the 38th Prime Minister of Italy from December 4, 1963 through June 24, 1968.

+ In June 1960 he became the sixth Prime Minister of South Korea.

+ In 2000, Prime Minister of FrancePrime Minister Lionel Jospin agreed to give more autonomy to Corsica but just for stopping the violence.

+ It was the Prime Minister himself, Robert Peel, who recommended his appointment as Master of Trinity.

+ He was the Prime Minister of SomaliaPrime Minister of Somalia from October 8, 2000 to October 28, 2001.

+ It was held by only four people–Frank Tudor, a leader of the Australian Labor Party; James Scullin, the 13th Prime Minister of Australia; Stan Keon, an important figure in the ALP-Democratic Labor PartyDLP Split; and Jim Cairns, who later became Deputy Prime Minister of Australia.

+ In 1951, Mohammed Mossadegh was brought to power after being electionelected as prime minister by nearly all members of the Majlis in Iran.

+ She was married to former Prime Minister of DenmarkPrime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen from 1994 until her death.

+ He was the 42nd Prime Minister of Italy, serving from August 1979 to 1980.

+ Duccini made the news again when Baroness Margaret Thatcher died and critics of the former Prime Minister tried to propel “Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead” on the radio charts to celebrate her passing.

More in-sentence examples of “Prime minister”:

+ Louis Henri de Bourbon, Duke of Bourbon, Prince of Condé was head of the Prince of Condé and a cousin of the then reigning House of Bourbon from 1710 to his death, and served as prime minister to his kinsman Louis XV from 1723 to 1726.

+ Executive authority is exercised by the Cabinet who was led by the Prime Minister of Singapore.
+ William McMahon became Prime Minister and Gorton became Defence Minister from March to August, 1971.

+ Louis Henri de Bourbon, Duke of Bourbon, Prince of Condé was head of the Prince of Condé and a cousin of the then reigning House of Bourbon from 1710 to his death, and served as prime minister to his kinsman Louis XV from 1723 to 1726.

+ Executive authority is exercised by the Cabinet who was led by the Prime Minister of Singapore.

+ William McMahon became Prime Minister and Gorton became Defence Minister from March to August, 1971.

+ In August 24, 2017, Jared Kushner visited Israel to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

+ Edward knew that the government and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin would resign if the marriage went ahead.

+ Hughes had taken over as leader of the Australian Labor Party and Prime Minister when Andrew Fisher resigned in 1915.

+ David Lloyd George, the Prime Minister during the later years of the war, also did not agree with Haig.

+ Joining the government as minister of environment in 1994, she was elevated to Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairsminister for foreign affairs by prime minister Göran Persson in 1998 and considered his successor as party chairman and prime minister before her assassination in September 2003.

+ He served as Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1956 until 1957.

+ Paul John Keating was the 24th Prime Minister of Australia.

+ In 2012, he was appointed as Prime Minister of Russia and Leader of United Russia.

+ In June 2018, he became the 7th Prime Minister of East Timor.

+ Following his death, Prime Minister of the United KingdomPrime Minister Theresa May said on Twitter that: “My thoughts are with the friends and family of Carl Sargeant following his tragic death”.

+ He was the leader of the Liberal Party of AustraliaLiberal Party and Prime Minister of Australia.

+ She was elected Prime Minister of Pakistan two times.

+ On April 23, 2011, the Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard visited Minami Sanriku.

+ He also was the caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan from 2007 to 2008 and the acting President of Pakistan from 18 August 2008 to 9 September 2008.

+ In the 1990s he was an important assistant to prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu of HaLikud.

+ The next night, the Prime Minister of AustraliaPrime Minister Joseph Cook said that “…If the old country is at war, so are we”.

+ Her prime minister under this term was Ratnasiri Wickremanayake.

+ Gretsky did not emphasize his Ukrainian roots, but at a large fundraising dinner in Toronto in support of the Canadian medical mission to help victims on the Maidan and the ATO on September 11, 2014, Wayne and his wife Janet were introduced to Prime Minister of CanadaCanadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper as guests of honor.

+ In 2015, Prime Minister Najib Razak was accused of money launderingsending over Many Malaysians called for Najib to resign because they did not want a corrupt prime minister.

+ Jomo Kenyatta, who was the first prime minister of Kenya, is portrayed as a savior of the nation in the novel.

+ He was the 21st Prime Minister of Canada.

+ He previously served as the Prime Minister of Algeria from 3 September 2012 to 13 March 2014.

+ The position of prime minister was already present in the first government after independence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the first prime minister Patrice Emery Lumumba.

+ Keating was Treasurer from 1983 to 1991 and Deputy Prime Minister from 1990 to 1991.

+ Arthur Neville Chamberlain 9 November 1940 was a British politician, Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1937 to 1940.

+ In September 1949, the first trees were planted by Prime Minister Ben Chifley and Director of Kew Gardens, Sir Edward Salisbury.

+ Salisbury was again Secretary of State for India under Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.

+ The President appoints the Prime Minister and must be approved by the State Duma.

+ Lyne did not have the support of other politicians, and so Edmund Barton became the first Prime Minister of Australia.

+ Samak Sundaravej was the 25th Prime Minister of ThailandPrime Minister of Defence and also the leader of People’s Power Party.

+ She is a daughter of Ngangkhaleima and the biological daughter of King Chingkhuba and foster daughter of Khuman Purenba, the prime minister of the kingdom.

+ He was the son of Prime Minister Michel Debré.

+ Between 1 June 2018 to 5 September 2019, he was the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy.

+ He was the Prime Minister of Slovakia from 22 March 2018 to 21 March 2020.

+ He was the first Prime Minister of the KDP-controlled part of Kurdistan.

+ His first action as Prime Minister was to put the oil nationalization in place.

+ Syed Makhdoom Yousaf Raza Gillani was the 16th Prime Minister of Pakistan.

+ He was voted mostly by the left-wing coalition led by Prime Minister Romano Prodi, head of the Italian Government.

+ The Seimas approves or rejects the candidate for the Prime Minister nominated by the President.

+ The prime minister is Lithuania’s head of government and is appointed by the President.

+ She is the first female Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development since 12 May 2018, during the Mahathir Mohamad cabinet.

+ He also served as Prime Minister of Laos from 15 August 1991 to 24 February 1998.

+ It was created in 1955 and is named for Stanley Bruce, who was Prime Minister of Australia from 1923 to 1929.

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