How to use in-sentence of “ponce”

How to use in-sentence of “ponce”:

– In the fighting Ponce de León received a mortal wound, possibly by a poisoned arrow.

– Juan Ponce Enrile, later Juanito Ponce, is a Filipino politician.

– Jay Barnes in “Florida’s Hurricane History” pg 56, noted a hurricane, possibly the same, that smashed Cape Florida and Key Biscayne, creating the Norris Cut and knocking over the Ponce de Leon lighthouse.

– Florida was first discovered by a European in 1513 by the Spanish Juan Ponce de LeónPonce De Leon, who called this peninsula “Tierra de la Pascua Florida” because it was discovered on Easter: in the next centuries only the last word remained.

– Around this time, Ponce de León married Leonora, an innkeeper’s daughter.

– In 1505 Ovando authorized Ponce de León to establish a new town in Higüey, which he named Salvaleón.

– Like other conquistadores, Ponce de León soon sought fame and fortune through exploration, and it is believed he began his quest as part of Christopher Columbus’s second expedition in 1493.

How to use in-sentence of ponce
How to use in-sentence of ponce

Example sentences of “ponce”:

- The large stone house Ponce de León ordered built for his growing family still stands today near the city of Salvaleón de Higüey.

- The party was founded in 1951 under the name of Social Christian Movement by Camilo Ponce Enríquez, who was Ecuador's president from 1956 to 1960, and Sixto Durán Ballén.

– The large stone house Ponce de León ordered built for his growing family still stands today near the city of Salvaleón de Higüey.

– The party was founded in 1951 under the name of Social Christian Movement by Camilo Ponce Enríquez, who was Ecuador’s president from 1956 to 1960, and Sixto Durán Ballén.

– The islands were discovered in 1513 by SpainSpanish explorer Juan Ponce de León.

– In 1513, with three ships, Ponce de León led an expedition to discover what is now the east coast of Florida.

– The party returned to Cuba where Ponce de León died.

– In 1513, the SpainSpanish explorer Juan Ponce de León kept the first records.

– During that time, Juan Ponce de León, who discovered Florida, Vasco Núñez de Balboa, who discovered the Pacific OceanPacific, and Ferdinand Magellan, who first sailed that ocean to the Orient, profoundly influenced de Soto’s ambitions.

– In 1956 Ponce won the presidential elections and named Durán Ballén minister of public works.

– The city was named after Juan Ponce de León y Loayza, the grandson of Spanish languageSpanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León.

– She is a member of the Puerto Rico women’s national volleyball team and played for Leonas de Ponce in 2018.

– The so-called “Dominickers”, a number of related mixed-race families, lived for decades after the Ponce de Leon, with a separate church and segregated public elementary school.

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