How to use in sentence of “Political economy”

How to use in-sentence of “Political economy”:

– Psychology is frequently the fulcrum around which political economy centers, in that it deals with decision making, not as being a black box whose effects are seen only in price decisions, but as being a source of study, and therefore the assumptions in a model of political economy.

– After attending the Gyosei Junior and Senior High School, Sakurai entered the Faculty of Political Economy at the Waseda University.

– Buchanan is largely responsible for the rebirth of political economy in the second half of 20th century.

– From the point of view of political economy, economics is a branch of the entire study, and economics has, at its basis, a theory of political economy which should be open to examination.

– Most types of environmental economics consider the shift to measuring them inevitable, arguing that reframing political economy to consider the flow of these basic commodities first and foremost, helps avoids use of any military fiat except to protect “natural capital” itself, and basing credit-worthiness more strictly on commitment to preserving biodiversity aligns the long-term interests of ecoregions, societies, and individuals.

– From 1964 to 1999 he was Professor of Political Economy at the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, and from 1997 to 2006 he was Professor in the History of Economic Science.

– Meuthen is professor for political economy and finance at the Academy of Kehl.

– He went to school in China at Peking University where he received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy of political economy and doctorate in international law.

How to use in sentence of Political economy
How to use in sentence of Political economy

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