How to use in-sentence of “phosphate”

How to use in-sentence of “phosphate”:

– The phosphate bed where the remains were found places the animal’s age as 61.1 to 57.8 million years ago.

– Jordan is the largest producer of the mineral phosphate in the world.

– It formerly was used in detergents, but the phosphate fueled algal blooms.

– Zinc phosphate is a chemical compound.

– Dicalcium phosphate is a white solid.

– One phosphate group is still bound to the pump.

– The ATP phosphate exchange is a nearly never-ending cycle, stopping only when the cell dies.

How to use in-sentence of phosphate
How to use in-sentence of phosphate

Example sentences of “phosphate”:

- As the hydrogen flows, ATP is made from ADP and phosphate ions.Rich P.R.

- This has two layers of phospholipid molecules with phosphate heads on the surfaces and lipid tails on the inside.

– As the hydrogen flows, ATP is made from ADP and phosphate ions.Rich P.R.

– This has two layers of phospholipid molecules with phosphate heads on the surfaces and lipid tails on the inside.

– This was a plan to capture Nauru and Banaba IslandOcean Island for their phosphate deposits on 15 May.

– A nucleotide is composed of a nucleobase, and one phosphate group.

– The dihydroxyacetone phosphate is converted into G3P, leaving us with the two G3P triose sugar molecules used in the Pay-off phase.

– It is made by reacting calcium phosphate rock with sulfuric acid.

– The male deer need minerals such as calcium and phosphate for their antler growth.

– Disodium hydrogen phosphate, also known as disodium phosphate is a chemical compound with the formula Na.

– A less pure form is made by reacting sulfuric acid with phosphate rock.

– It takes in a substrate to form hexose phosphate as the product.

– When ATP breaks a bond with a phosphate group and becomes ADP, energy is released.

– Another phosphate group is added turning it into fructose -1,6- biphosphate.

– This is because under higher temperatures the phosphate undergoes colour changes, which are measured with the “conodont alteration index”.

– It is an essential component of living systems and is found as phosphate in nervous tissue, bones and cell protoplasm.

– An example of a phosphate is sodium phosphate.

– There were several visits and explorations of the island, but it was only when valuable phosphate of lime was discovered that the island was “annexed to” the British Crown on 6 June 1888.

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