How to use in-sentence of “perspective”

How to use in-sentence of “perspective”:

+ In graphic arts, perspective is the representation of how an image is seen by the eye.

+ The buildings use forced perspective to make the street look longer than it really is and Cinderella Castle look taller.

+ The “Issei” were born in Japan, and their cultural perspective was primarily Japanese; but they were in America by choice.

+ Pauline Stafford, ‘Succession and inheritance: a gendered perspective on Alfred’s family history’, “Alfred the Great: Papers from the Eleventh-centenary Conferences”, ed.

+ Then, since the formal system is a formal arithmetic, which can make statements about numbers and their arithmetical relationships to each other, it follows that the system can also, by means of Gödel coding, indirectly make statements about itself: that is, a proposition of the formal system can make assertions which, when viewed through the perspective of the Gödel mapping, translate into assertions about other propositions of the same formal system, or even about itself.

+ In considering microsize prey, one should see the issue from the perspective of their main predator, which is birds taking larvae to feed their chicks.

How to use in-sentence of perspective
How to use in-sentence of perspective

Example sentences of “perspective”:

+ The difference between the two is the perspective of which country a person is leaving and which country they are going to.

+ The "Issei" were born in Japan, and their cultural perspective was primarily Japanese; but they were in another country by choice.
+ In particular, they have been very helpful in providing a unique perspective on public health discourse.

+ The difference between the two is the perspective of which country a person is leaving and which country they are going to.

+ The “Issei” were born in Japan, and their cultural perspective was primarily Japanese; but they were in another country by choice.

+ In particular, they have been very helpful in providing a unique perspective on public health discourse.

+ The Last of Us is a third-person perspective game.

+ He is famous as one of the first painters of the Italian Renaissance to use perspective in his pictures.

+ Abegunrin, Olayiwola Africa in Global Politics in the Twenty-First Century: A Pan-African Perspective Palgrave MacMillan New York, New York 2009 page 20 Following these successful negotiations, Nelson Mandela was elected to the Presidency of South Africa after multi-racial elections were held in April 1994, and became the first black person to hold the position.

+ Palladio was to transform the architectural style of both palaces and churches by taking a different perspective on the notion of Classicism.

+ Most chemistry professors do not have a professional perspective on teaching and learning efforts.

+ They add a Historyhistorical and geographical perspective which is important to tourism and tradition.

+ Sometimes they do a good job telling the stories but sometimes they get things wrong or they don’t understand the perspective of the women they are talking about.

+ In art, a vanishing point is the point in a perspective perspective drawing where lines that either parallel to each other or are not parallel to the main subject of the painting come together.

+ This terrible experienciale Favela served to realize that she is a much loved and put in a new perspective on life, believing her to relax and take better care of their health and focus more on being with your loved ones.

+ Parth-Shorvori along with the entire Bhanushali family redouble their efforts to take care of Teni and the perspective child.

+ They provide a global perspective of the person’s health in the patient’s unique life situation.

+ The significance of the “Res Gestae Divi Augusti” from an accounting perspective lies in the fact that it illustrates that the executive authority had access to detailed financial information, covering a period of some forty years, which was still retrievable after the event.

+ From the perspective of the anti-nuclear movement, most of the problems with nuclear power today are much the same as in the 1970s.

+ Wright introduced novel concepts to adapt to this change of perspective including deep democracy and interstitial revolution.

+ The Venetian artist Jacopo de’ Barbari, whom Dürer had met in Venice, visited Nuremberg in 1500, and Dürer said that he learned much about the new developments in perspective perspective, anatomy, and Body proportions from him.

+ The movie tells the story of the American Civil War from the perspective of a young Southern United Statessouthern woman named Scarlett O’Hara.

+ Augustine’s perspective follows from and is built upon the “neo-Platonic” views of his era, which in turn have their original roots in Plato’s cosmogony.

More in-sentence examples of “perspective”:

+ Combined with public diplomacy, these results develop a national and international interaction and give effective information, ideas and suggestions to the related decision makers; thus bring about strategic contributions to a Turkey centered perspective on the basis of power and justice.

+ Sidney Rosenblatt in his essay, "Thumbelina and the Development of Female Sexuality" believes the tale may be analyzed from the perspective of Freudian psychosexual development.
+ These artists also invented perspective where things in the distance look smaller in the picture.

+ Combined with public diplomacy, these results develop a national and international interaction and give effective information, ideas and suggestions to the related decision makers; thus bring about strategic contributions to a Turkey centered perspective on the basis of power and justice.

+ Sidney Rosenblatt in his essay, “Thumbelina and the Development of Female Sexuality” believes the tale may be analyzed from the perspective of Freudian psychosexual development.

+ These artists also invented perspective where things in the distance look smaller in the picture.

+ Finch’s daughter, Scout, narrates the story from her perspective as an adult.

+ The game is played from a third-person perspective and revolves around slashing, jumping, and kicking your way through a series of 3D environments.

+ Hadid’s buildings are neo-futuristic, characterized by curving forms with “multiple perspective points and fragmented geometry to evoke the chaos of modern life”.

+ The reason being, past can be rewritten through present knowledge and perspective of the event.

+ The novel described the utter cruelty of the war from the perspective of a twenty-year-old soldier.

+ From Jin’s perspective in the story, he believes his mother, Jun, has died.

+ In the foreword, young Starčević elaborated his linguistic ideas, pointing out that the mixture of all three Croatian dialects and the Krajina dialect is called the Croatian language, which Starčević considers from the perspective of its six hundred years of history.

+ In video games, it is used as a perspective perspective, like in Grand Theft Auto 1 and 2.

+ Plato’s teleological perspective is also built upon the analysis of “a priori” order and structure in the world that he had already presented in “The Republic”.

+ The Planet Hocotate has many locations types of locations, including a and resembles Earth, but from the perspective of an insect, because Olimar and Louie are actually smaller than a quarter.

+ Its difference from ethnography is the high degree of subjectivity that is introduced to the study, and the fact that the Perspective perspective of the author shows personal involvement with the subject much more than participant observation invites.

+ A molecular phylogenetic perspective on the evolutionary radiation of the salamander family Salamandridae.

+ In perspective of the laws of the People’s Republic of China, the Taiwan Independence movement is considered as “secessionism”, too because the PRC considers the Taiwan area as its integral part as a rogue province.

+ This served the same purpose point-of-view shotsubjectifications of the camera view, such as when the vampire filmed on the ship from the frog perspective or stand looking out of windows, parts of the frame and shoots into view.

+ Finally, I hope that other editors who have not worked with second or foreign language learners will get some perspective on how some of them write.

+ Computational Finance: A Scientific Perspective WorldScientificPublishingCo 2001 page 23 also known as Friar Luca dal Borgo, is said to be the “Father” of accountancy.

+ Sometimes feminist anthropologists talk a bit about their experiences to let people understand their perspective and their potential bias more before reading their paper.

+ Gould, Scharm and the paleontological perspective in evolutionary biology.

+ The movie is filmed as a home video from the perspective of one of the teenagers attending the party and using a camera to record the night’s events.

+ They were not going to follow the rules of anatomy and perspective in the way that Leonardo and Raphael did.

+ They knew about Perspective perspective, and they knew of different ways to draw things.

+ Jogging has different perspective come up to consider when someone are planning work out.

+ Now, though, even the name “Excelsior Stadium” is rarely used by Airdrie United supporters as well as opposing fans and even the media as the stadium has instead come to be referred to as New Broomfield which is more palatable from an Airdrie perspective due to its association with the former home of Airdrieonians, Broomfield Park.

+ The situation of 221 AOD was not in any demeanor note from a strategic perspective and was exposed to the adversary from all sides and needed to depend on its soldier intrepidity for its defense.

+ The Expressionist stress on the individual perspective was also a reaction to positivism and other artistic movements such as naturalism and impressionism.

+ Sometimes the two would switch instruments for a different perspective and relationship.

+ European History in a World Perspective – Page 68 by Shepard Bancroft Clough For centuries after that, the area was a major Armenian population center.

+ Once you throw the chakram, the perspective switches to that of the whirling circle, which you are able to aim, after a fashion.

+ He soon became disillusioned with his literary skills and concluded that he had little world experience and no strong personal perspective from which to write.

+ The cell-first perspective projection of the 16-cell into 3-space has a triakis tetrahedral envelope.

+ In authoring the book which bears that title, he applied ethology to humans by studying them in a perspective more common to volumes studying animal behavior.

+ So they reinvented perspective and the art of free standing realistic sculptures that had been characteristic in Greek and Roman art.

+ Uccello became very good at mathematical calculation of the perspective of buildings, but it was not until his old age that he could fully understand how to calculate the sizes of things like people in the distance.

+ In some part of the episode, Bobby will break the fourth wall by telling the audience his perspective on life.

+ While some meetings with a third-world perspective were held before 1955, historians consider that the Bandung Asian-African Conference is the most immediate antecedent to the creation of the Non-Aligned Movement.

+ The Pikmin Universe has many locations, including the Planet Hocotate where Olimar lives and works and a planet that resembles Earth, but from the perspective of an insect, because Olimar is actually smaller than a quarter.

+ It is a record of the 100th anniversary of the Tour de France in 2003 from the perspective of the then-Team Telekom.

+ He retaining the theme and concept of the song and detailed the synopsis through the perspective of a male.

+ A perspective to the future is SOC.

+ The second is that they use perspective to give the impression that the viewer is looking into the scene.

+ We also get the perspective of her father and stepmother as they try to heal from Hannah’s trauma.

+ He used Perspective perspective technique to draw lines from one dot on the canvas.

+ In the early 16th century, Raphael was the first to construct a Perspective perspective image of a regular hexadecagon: the tower in his painting “The Marriage of the Virgin” has 16 sides, elaborating on an eight-sided tower in a previous painting by Pietro Perugino.

+ It is an objective ethics needed to see life in its proper perspective and to be guided in action.

+ Uccello studied perspective all his life in a way that was quite obsessive.

+ Soil classification can be approached from both the perspective of pedogenesis and from soil morphology.

+ Spectators can fly around the world freely, or they can look at it from the perspective of other players and mobs, meaning they can see what the player or mob sees, as if they were looking through their eyes.

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