How to use in sentence of “partisan”

How to use in-sentence of “partisan”:

– In fact, before the second session of AVNOJ in Jajce, here he was Supreme Partisan Headquarters, led by Josip Broz Tito.

– The Bielski group’s partisan activities were aimed at the Germans and their collaborators.

– By the first house at Mirna he had to get out of the cart because a partisan guard seized and interrogated him.

– The 12th was a heavily Democratic district with a majority-black voting population and a Cook Partisan Voting Index of D+26, and Adams was favored in both the special and general election.

– In early 1944, on April 24, the Chetniks attacked the partisan units and their hospital Cor, following the departure of Šiprage.

– In April 1945, as Yugoslav Partisan units neared the camp, the Ustaše guards tried to get rid of evidence of their crimes and the people who knew what they had done.

How to use in sentence of partisan
How to use in sentence of partisan

Example sentences of “partisan”:

– The Open Our Democracy Act would appoint independent redistricting commissions nationwide to end partisan gerrymandering, make Election Day a federal holiday and create an open top-two primary system.

– The advance of Tito’s partisan forces, joined by the Soviet UnionSoviet Red Army, caused mass retreat of the Ustaše towards Austria.

– The Bielski partisan leaders split the group into two units, one named “Ordzhonikidze”, led by Zus, and the other “Kalinin”, commanded by Tuvia.

Partisan General Lado Kocijan stated that “for the partisan tribunal, Grozde was a White Guard courier, and so he was condemned to death.

– A Gestapo report to Himmler on increased Partisan activities stated that “Increased activity of the bands is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustasha units in Croatia against the Orthodox population.

– In response, Dewey gave a blistering partisan speech in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, a few days later on national radio.

– Cerkno is well known for the “Laufarija” carnival, a festival during spring with Wood carvingcarved wooden masks, and also by the “Franja Partisan Hospital a hospital from World War II, that is to northeast of the town of Cerkno and to the west of Dolenji Novaki.

– Although he largely was not involved in partisan politics, Kaczorowski remained an active figure after his Presidency.

– A partisan is an armed fighter, who is not part of the regular troops of a country or state.

– The British Army then turned over a number of them to the partisan forces.

– James Henry Lane, also known as Jim Lane, was a partisan during the Bleeding Kansas period.

- The Open Our Democracy Act would appoint independent redistricting commissions nationwide to end partisan gerrymandering, make Election Day a federal holiday and create an open top-two primary system.

- The advance of Tito's partisan forces, joined by the Soviet UnionSoviet Red Army, caused mass retreat of the Ustaše towards Austria.

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