How to use in-sentence of “parallelepiped”

How to use in-sentence of “parallelepiped”:

– A cuboidrectangular cuboid, also called a “rectangular parallelepiped” or sometimes simply a “cuboid”, is a parallelepiped of which all faces are rectangular; a cube is a cuboid with square faces.

– Thus the faces of a parallelepiped are planar, with opposite faces being parallel.

– A parallelepiped has three sets of four parallel edges; the edges within each set are of equal length.

– Also the whole parallelepiped has point symmetry “C”.

– The volume of a parallelepiped is the product of the area of its base “A” and its height “h”.

– A rhombohedron is a parallelepiped with all rhombusrhombic faces; a rhombic faces.

How to use in-sentence of parallelepiped
How to use in-sentence of parallelepiped

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