How to use in sentence of “occur”

How to use in-sentence of “occur”:

+ The problem will still occur if you use elsewhere in your module, however.

+ Since then, scientists have identified and named five different types of endorphins, all of which occur naturally in the body.

+ Francium-223 and francium-221 are the only isotopes that occur in nature.

+ Aquifers can occur at various depths.

+ In humans, for instance, sperms carry either an X or a Y chromosome, and they occur in roughly equal numbers.

+ Such movements do occur in healthy people.

+ Certain forms of the disease disappear after a time, they do for example only occur in childhood.

+ In the 1960s, economists used the term to describe Pareto efficiencyinefficiencies that occur because of information asymmetry.

How to use in sentence of occur
How to use in sentence of occur

Example sentences of “occur”:

+ There are 125 species worldwide and 2 species which occur in Azerbaijan.

+ This sort of habituation can occur through changes in sensory nerves themselves, and through negative feedback from the brain to peripheral sensory organs.

+ It might therefore be expected that the biggest gains occur with school-related content, such as vocabulary, arithmetic or general information.

+ These symptoms include psychosis that can occur in disorders such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder or mood disorder.

+ Furthermore, the letters used in English for the retroflex consonants, especially when they occur in the beginning of a word.

+ If cytokinesis were to occur to a cell that had not gone through mitosis, then the daughter cells would be different or not function properly.

+ Earthquakes, volcanovolcanic activity, oceanic trench formation occur along plate boundaries.

+ Frost is infrequent and snow does not occur every winter.

+ They also occur throughout Borneo.

+ They occur naturally in some rocks, particularly lodestone, but are now commonly manufactured.

+ All species occur in the Old World, and in northern and eastern Australia.

+ The animals occur in South America, and Trinidad and Tobago.

+ Long-term potentiation, a neural mechanism for storing memory, was first discovered to occur in the hippocampus.

+ Fair-weather waterspouts occur in coastal waters and are associated with dark, flat-bottomed, developing convective cumulus towers.

+ When vertical bars occur in parameter values that are not URLs, replace each vertical bar with.

+ It measures the probability that a certain number of events occur within a certain period of time.

+ All the elements of the group except Roentgenium have been known since prehistoric times, as all of them occur in metallic form in nature and no extraction metallurgy has to be used to produce them.

+ In these groups, therefore, high relatedness alone does not lead to the evolution of social behavior, but requires that groups occur in a restricted, shared area.

+ Jellyfish occur in four of the classes.

+ There are 125 species worldwide and 2 species which occur in Azerbaijan.

+ This sort of habituation can occur through changes in sensory nerves themselves, and through negative feedback from the brain to peripheral sensory organs.

More in-sentence examples of “occur”:

+ Dysgraphias occur because of damage done to the brain.

+ Nonverbal communication can occur through any Sensory systemsensory channel – sight, smell, touch or taste.

+ Dysgraphias occur because of damage done to the brain.

+ Nonverbal communication can occur through any Sensory systemsensory channel – sight, smell, touch or taste.

+ The process can occur either naturally, or it can be intentional.

+ He was awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Phillip Sharp for “the discovery that genes in eukaryotes are not contiguous strings but contain introns, and that the splicing of messenger RNA to delete those introns can occur in different ways, yielding different proteins from the same DNA sequence”.

+ The importance of this scenario, of two parties with strong support, and the one with weak support being the Condorcet winner, may be less than one would expect, though, as it is common in plurality voting systems, but much less likely to occur in Condorcet or IRV elections, which unlike Plurality voting, punish candidates who are opposed by a significant block of voters.

+ Papaverine and noscarpine also occur in opium, but the way they work is different.

+ Menstrually related migraine attacks occur usually between 2 days before and 3 days after the start of menstruation in at least 2 out of 3 menstrual cycles in a row.

+ There are 62 species worldwide and 8 species which occur in Azerbaijan.

+ The breaking of the C-X bond and the formation of the new C-Nu bond occur simultaneously to form a transition state in which the carbon under nucleophilic attack is pentacoordinate, and approximately sp hybridized.

+ Some religions have ceremonies that occur after a new baby is born, such as Baptism, which involves partly or fully covering the baby in water.

+ Therefore, reactions such as the SN1 reactionS1 reaction and the E1 elimination reaction normally do not occur if a primary carbocation would be formed.

+ Globular clusters occur in the halo of a galaxy and in its disk.

+ It does not occur as an element in nature.

+ An example of changes that occur only slowly are those of desertification or the rise of the sea level.

+ Punctuation marks have their own square, except when they would occur at the top of a line.

+ They are common from June to October, but can occur at other times.

+ This compulsion to repeat unpleasurable experiences explains why traumatic nightmares occur in dreams, as nightmares seem to contradict Freud’s earlier conception of dreams purely as a site of pleasure, fantasy, and desire.

+ Where both species live in the same waters, tiger muskies occur naturally.

+ Google’s search engine normally accepts queries as a simple text, and breaks up the user’s text into a sequence of search terms, which will usually be words that are to occur in the results, but one can also use Boolean operators, such as: quotations marks for a phrase, a prefix such as “+”, “-” for qualified terms, or one of several advanced operators, such as “site:”.

+ Alternative splicing can occur in many ways.

+ The stones occur in a number of Neolithic sites around the FranceFrench village of Carnac, in Brittany.

+ While several of the core ideas of the desktop experience on one hand apply to a connected mobile device, others do not: Users usually only look at their phone’s screen — presence status changes might occur under different circumstances as happens at the desktop, and several functional limits exist based on the fact that the vast majority of mobile communication devices are chosen by their users to fit into the palm of their hand.

+ This is most likely to occur on sunny winter days when the air is very dry.

+ Despite the slight probability of losses resulting from an insured event in the nuclear industry, in the event of an insured event does occur the possibilities for damages are considerable.

+ They occur in temperate and tropical habitats.

+ This name has changed by some Arab countries since the 1960s, there was no act until the early 1960s does a major new development occur with the adoption by the Arab states bordering on the Gulf of the new expression “al-Khalīj al-ʻArabī” as a weapon against Iran for political influence in the Gulf.

+ In simulations of planetary dynamos, reversals occur from the underlying dynamics.

+ Enterococci are Gram-positive cocci that often occur in pairs or short chains.

+ This is the first shutdown in United States history to occur while both chambers of Congress as well as the White House are controlled by the same party.

+ As the name suggests, these birds only occur in the Old World.

+ Primary waves travel faster than any other waves, so when earthquakes occur primary waves arrive first at the surface.

+ This is often the case with words that only occur once in a text.

+ The slowest waves are called delta, and they occur at 1 to 4 cycles per second.

+ Usually, dreams do not occur during this time.

+ Endemism can also occur in areas which are separated from other similar areas like the highlands of Ethiopia, or large bodies of water like Lake Baikal.

+ Further growth is more horizontal than vertical, and additional rooting may occur where branches touch the soil.

+ Nuclear reactions occur in the sun, in nuclear reactors, in particle accelerators, and in outer space.

+ It is the largest of the jackals, and the only species to occur outside Africa, with 13 different subspecies being recognised.

+ The psychological trauma which may occur in explosive blast survivors includes post traumatic stress disorder.

+ Thus the most frequent word will occur about twice as often as the second most frequent word, three times as often as the third most frequent word, etc.

+ They are found worldwide, but mostly occur in the Northern Hemisphere and southern Africa, typically in dry and/or cold areas where water may be scarce.

+ These sounds changes also occur within, and at the end, of words, although the simplified classification found in ordinary books does not mention this.

+ Even though this is wrong, it may be difficult to tell the difference between different kinds of malware; they often occur together, and only an expert may be able to tell them apart.

+ The “r” process is thought to occur in supernova explosions because the conditions of high temperature, high neutron flux and ejected matter are present.

+ This means that data loss can occur at significant rates, in practice.

+ Pectinases are used commercially to isolate the protoplasts that occur in plants.

+ When an association of animals, but that this does not occur as a result of planning or co-ordination.

+ Occupational asthma with latency: this asthma type is when the signs and symptoms of asthma occur after a period of time after being exposed to the environmental irritants.

+ Venus clams occur in all seas of the world.

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