How to use in-sentence of “obtain”

How to use in-sentence of “obtain”:

– The past authoritarian nature of the government made it difficult to obtain accurate information about the legal or social status of LGBT citizens of Myanmar.

– It says the speaker should first get attention, hold the interest level of the audience, arouse desire for the solution or the objective desired to communicate, and finally obtain action or actionable commitment from the audience.

– Rounding is often done on purpose to obtain a value that is easier to write and handle than the original.

– Please contact a local bar association, law society or similar association of jurists in your legal jurisdiction to obtain a referral to a competent legal professional if you do not have other means of contacting an attorney-at-law, lawyer, civil law notary, barrister or solicitor.

– When the couple begin working together, they obtain much more as a harmonious duet than it might seem at first glance.

– His lack of political aspirations could be proven by noting that he did not attempt to obtain any leading position after the King’s flight to Varennes in June 1791.

– A Item on a Pole match is where a wrestler has to climb the turnbuckle and obtain the item in order to win.

How to use in-sentence of obtain
How to use in-sentence of obtain

Example sentences of “obtain”:

- Some countries, such as some states of the former Soviet Union, require that their citizens, and sometimes foreign travelers, obtain an exit visa in order to be allowed to leave the country.

- Pavelic had only two wishes, Veesenmayer reported to Berlin: first to obtain German recognition of Croatia; and second, an opportunity to thank Hitler in person and promise him "to live and die for the Fuehrer".
- The "heating resistor" is attached to the boundary walls that enables one to obtain a furnace generating and keeping the required heat amount inside the enclosure.

– Some countries, such as some states of the former Soviet Union, require that their citizens, and sometimes foreign travelers, obtain an exit visa in order to be allowed to leave the country.

– Pavelic had only two wishes, Veesenmayer reported to Berlin: first to obtain German recognition of Croatia; and second, an opportunity to thank Hitler in person and promise him “to live and die for the Fuehrer”.

– The “heating resistor” is attached to the boundary walls that enables one to obtain a furnace generating and keeping the required heat amount inside the enclosure.

– The military polonaises were certainly understood as political statements of patriotism for his country, which was struggling to obtain its freedom…

– Professor Clive Finlayson, director of the Gibraltar Museum, was responsible for coordinating the efforts to obtain this nomination.

– At least one circular rule, a 1931 Gilson model, sacrificed some of the scales usually found in slide rules in order to obtain additional resolution in multiplication and division.

– The university also welcomes foreign students who wants to obtain a French degree.

– These were a group of aliens which wore pendants, allowing them to obtain psychic powers.

– They would be adorned with garlands, wreaths, offerings and anointed with oil to obtain luck and protection.

– The fourth is to recognize when some other people are hurting other people and want to obtain justice for those being hurt.

– Saint Faustina wanted to found a “Congregation which will proclaim the Mercy of God to the world, and, by its prayers, obtain it for the world”.

More in-sentence examples of “obtain”:

– Numerical methods for partial differential equations are computational schemes to obtain approximate solutions of partial differential equations.

– In the same way, savate uses different colours in the gloves in order to show the level of a fighter; although, on the contrary that disciplines as the judo or the capoeira, where the fighters obtain new belts in each promotion, every fighter can use the same pair of gloves in several promotions.

– The city had to force owners to sell the properties to obtain the land for the park, and won the case in 1895.

– Until 2004, foreign students in Russia were issued only an entry visa on being accepted to University there, and had to obtain an exit visa to return home.

– Hindu history also contains a story about the churning of the Cosmic Ocean in order to obtain Amrita – the nectar of immortal life.

– The objective of the game is to obtain more points than the opposing team within 80 minutes of playing time.

– A mass spectrometry detector is capable of being able to obtain information from incompletely separated components.

– Muslims pray because God has told them that they are to do this, and because they believe that they obtain great benefit in doing so.

– With most combination locks, it is possible for a thief to obtain the combination by watching a legitimate user entering it.

– Even the target taxon can be omitted, since the system will attempt to obtain the name of the taxon from the title of the article.

– Crease the paper tightly, and you will obtain clear-cut J forms.

– Professor Hans Eysenck of London University’s Institute of Psychiatry stated “Unless there is a gigantic conspiracy involving some thirty university departments all over the world, and several hundred highly respected scientists in various fields, many of them originally skeptical to the claims of the psychical researchers, the only conclusion that the unbiased observer can come to is that there does exist a small number of people who obtain knowledge existing in other people’s minds, or in the outer world, by means as yet unknown to science”.

– To obtain a torus, the point around which the rotation occurs must be in a Plane plane with the center of the circle.

– Chemical reactions are carried out on a large scale to obtain a useful product.

– Swarm intelligence wants to obtain similar behaviour than that observed with these animals.

– Clair Cameron Patterson, an American geochemist who pioneered studies of uranium-lead radiometric dating methods, is famous for having used it to obtain one of the earliest accurate estimates of the age of the Earth.

– By 2002, Dunham was hoping to obtain more TV work to raise his profile and ease his standup schedule.

– Some other euglenozoa feed through the absorption, and many euglenids possess chloroplasts and so obtain energy through photosynthesis.

– You may use non-breaking spaces to obtain spaces or to have labels that have spaces.

– Students learn to become educators and obtain multiple licenses allowing them to teach nursery school, kindergarten and elementary school.

– To restore synchronisation, various offsets can be tried systematically to obtain the correct decryption.

– It uses predicates to express the state of certain things, which are “incomplete propositions” with a placeholder for objects or subjects that must be inserted in order to obtain a valid proposition.

– It is stated that he will finish his PhD at The Johns Hopkins University SAIS Bologna Center there, but that all he has to do is complete his thesis, which does not require his permanent presence in Bologna, but does enable him to obtain a two-year residence permit.

– In October 2010, Canal+ SA applied to the Higher Audiovisual Council CSA to obtain a frequency for the channel on the TNT but this application was rejected on 14 December in favor of the string CFoot.

– Abedzadeh was unable to obtain a work permit in UK and after briefly returning to Iran and training with Iran Pro League side Steel Azin, where his father was a coach, to keep himself on form,.

– Wilson, a Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney, who on occasion puts up a frown if Walker does not obtain results in time.

– They used two main devices, the rod and a device called a “groma”, which helped them obtain right angles.

– They would be adorned with garlands or wreaths and anointed with olive oil to obtain luck.

– Note that CMYK values are not included by default as there is no single way to obtain a CMYK quartet from an RGB triplet.

– It did not obtain fame until the 16th century, when its head, Antoine de Noailles, became admiral of France and was ambassador in England during three important years, 1553–1556, maintaining a gallant but unsuccessful rivalry with the Spanish ambassador, Simon Renard.

– The user does not have to know how to solve algebraic equations, look up data in tables, use a slide rule, or substitute numbers into equations to obtain results.

– These four companies pooled their patents, with the result that all other manufacturers had to obtain a license and pay $15 per machine.

– The idea was to obtain hard currency for them.

– Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis, which allows plants to obtain energy from light.

– Partnerships allowing students to obtain a Master of Science with the degree of IPSA exist with Shenyang University in China,.

– He studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem but didn’t obtain a degree.

– If there is not a quorum at a meeting, then in most cases the only business that can be discussed is taking steps to obtain a quorum, to decide on a time when to adjourn the meeting and to adjourn the meeting.

– Finally, the beans are trodden and shuffled about and sometimes, during this process red clay mixed with water is sprinkled over the beans to obtain a finer color, polish, and protection against molds during shipment to factories in the United States, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and other countries.

– Originally it acted as the port for the export of Iron Ore, then in order to obtain the renewal of the mining lease, BHP was forced by the then government of South Australia to build a blast furnace to smelt the ore into pig iron.

– In order to have access to any given movie, the library owner must obtain a physical copy of it.

– If you wish to obtain CMYK values for these colors, you will get appropriate conversion values from your graphics application when you define the type of ink and paper you will be printing on.

– A commercial bank belonging to the Federal Reserve System can obtain Federal Reserve notes from the Federal Reserve Bank in its district whenever it wishes by paying for them in full, dollar for dollar, from its account with Federal Reserve Bank.

– Some go to lengths to obtain extremely ancient wood, such as that from Han dynasty tomb structures or coffins.

– This is becoming increasingly popular as more apps are able to use such features to help the user obtain access to websites and special resources, such as being used in ‘digital cities’, such as Bordeaux.

– To obtain the degree, people need to pass a special exam, called a doctorate, or by writing a thesis.

– She also made a brief career in politics in 2010 as a candidate for the Parliament of Catalonia for the mock political party Coordinadora Reusenca Independent which did not obtain any seats.

– Allama’s words and ideas inspired many Muslims, some of whom became leaders of the Muslim League, and struggled to obtain Pakistan later on.

– In the same year Iqbal went to University of Washington to obtain his PhD which he earned in 1982.

– In: Journal of Development Economics 87 : 161-177 The first sector is about directly using natural resources, the second sector is about processing these resources to obtain “higher level” goods.

- Numerical methods for partial differential equations are computational schemes to obtain approximate solutions of partial differential equations.

- In the same way, savate uses different colours in the gloves in order to show the level of a fighter; although, on the contrary that disciplines as the judo or the capoeira, where the fighters obtain new belts in each promotion, every fighter can use the same pair of gloves in several promotions.
- The city had to force owners to sell the properties to obtain the land for the park, and won the case in 1895.

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