How to use in-sentence of “natural environment”

How to use in-sentence of “natural environment”:

– This method too is conducted in a natural environment but the only difference is the researcher gets involved in the discussions and can mould the direction of the discussions.

– Some things in the natural environment can kill people, such as lightning.

– Humans interact with each other in their natural environment on a constant basis.

– No other natural environment on Earth is as rich in oxygen.

– Trees to create a natural environment were planted on the bridge after it was completed.

How to use in-sentence of natural environment
How to use in-sentence of natural environment

Example sentences of “natural environment”:

– However, many kinds of life, especially plants and protists, have had a much greater effect on the air, the rocks, life, and natural environment on Earth.

– They work to ensure zoos can provide the most natural environment possible for wildlife in its care.

– The natural environment was changed, population densitypopulation densities grew, and people ate more vegetable and cereal foods in their diet.

– Physical geography studies the natural environment and human geography studies the human environment.

– The best-known studies of “Drosophila” in a natural environment was done by Theodosius DobzhanskyDobzhansky and colleagues on “Drosophila pseudoobscura” from the early 1930s to 1970.

– Environmental chemistry is the chemistry of the natural environment and of pollutant chemicals in nature.

– This is because of Loei’s natural environment and amalgam of northern and northeastern cultures.

– The main components of the Natural Environment can be simply defined.

- However, many kinds of life, especially plants and protists, have had a much greater effect on the air, the rocks, life, and natural environment on Earth.

- They work to ensure zoos can provide the most natural environment possible for wildlife in its care.

– This was healthier for their bodies to be around a natural environment instead of living in the city.

– Things in the natural environment that we value are called natural resources.

– In humans, the refractive power of the lens in its natural environment is approximately 18 dioptres.

– She specialized in the fields of economy of the natural environment and sustainable development.

– Randers’s reflections are based on two central questions: “What will happen to the consumer over the next 40 years?” and “Under what conditions – in which social and natural environment – this future consumption will take place?” He uses computer models to make sure feedback effects are not overlooked.

– One reason that the natural environment in so many estuaries is in danger is because they are also good places for people to live and build cities.

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