How to use in-sentence of “monitoring”

How to use in-sentence of “monitoring”:

+ Seagate – The disk drives would measure the disk’s “health parameters”, and the values would be transferred to the operating system and user-space monitoring software.

+ About 700 people work at the US/Australian Pine Gap joint defence satellite monitoring base.

+ As is moved towards the South China Sea, both the JMA and the JTWC started monitoring it.

+ These changes can often be tracked by monitoring the presence of proteins on the surface of the cell.

+ Applications include instrument synchronisation, alarm monitoring and results gathering.

+ He was chief of the PLO Steering and Monitoring Committee until 12 February 2011.

+ In many countries, when a customer apply for credit from a bank, store or credit card company, their information is checked with credit monitoring organization.

How to use in-sentence of monitoring
How to use in-sentence of monitoring

Example sentences of “monitoring”:

+ The USGS also runs or supports several regional monitoring networks in the U.S.

+ Many chemists believe that GC-MS is the best tool for monitoring Persistent Organic Pollutantorganic pollutants in the environment.

+ Prenner”/ For instance, by monitoring the effects of foreign substances, it can be found to what extent a drug is pure.

+ Scientists began to check the volcano for an eruption.The way scientists checked the volcano was by implementing 10 composite monitoring stations around the volcano, including broadband seismometers, thermal surveillance cameras, tiltmeters, electronic distance meters, lahar acoustic detectors and other instruments.

+ The industry’s first hard disk monitoring technology was introduced by IBM in 1992 in their IBM 9337 Disk Arrays for AS/400 servers using IBM 0662 SCSI-2 disk drives.

+ This work included research for monitoring the health of cell cultures on the space shuttle or station.

+ It requires monitoring mainly because of habitat and resource loss.

+ Clarke returned to the Conservative front bench in 2009 as the Shadow Business Secretary where he has the job of monitoring the performance of the current Business Secretary Peter Mandelson.

+ The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction reports the typical retail price of amphetamine in Europe varied between €3 and €15 a gram in half of the reporting countries.

+ After another user requested him to remove it he did so, but with a edit summary ‘ insinuating that he is still monitoring me.

+ My main issue is with his monitoring of a user which I believe to be me.

+ He had to wear a monitoring radio bracelet, surrender his passport, not leave Alabama, and remain indoors at his home from sundown to sunup during the bail.

+ If you think that my contribution level on this wiki is too low, please remind me when you think I can recieve the rights, I’m not going to stop small wiki monitoring activity any time soon.

+ Early on September 14, the JMA started monitoring a cluster of thunderstorms to the southeast of Taiwan as a tropical depression.

+ Firstly, it is pointless for us to be monitoring global blocks because globally blocked IPs tend to start off being locally blocked first, during which a local administrator would have already left an “optional” block notice.

+ However, the increase in hate crimes over the years, which have been poorly taken into account, led to the decision to specialise a group of gendarmes on this particular mission, with a strong emphasis on monitoring social networks.

+ A control panel is a flat surface area which has controlling or monitoring devices.

+ The USGS also runs or supports several regional monitoring networks in the U.S.

+ Many chemists believe that GC-MS is the best tool for monitoring Persistent Organic Pollutantorganic pollutants in the environment.

More in-sentence examples of “monitoring”:

+ The birth defects of thalidomide led to the development of greater drug regulation and monitoring in many countries.

+ This night, this makes me think that our community needs a special status for people monitoring bot flags and watching them.

+ New real-time monitoring can detect “Cryptosporidium” better than the older spot testing and batch testing methods.

+ The second studio album of Exo, previously served as the album with the highest sales in the first week registered by the website monitoring album sales Hanteo Korea with more than 267,900 copies.

+ Finnix is a Debian based Live CD Linux distribution, developed by Ryan Finnie and intended for system administrators for tasks such as filesystem recovery, network monitoring and OS installation.

+ I will be closely monitoring them but in case any issues arise I would be grateful if you contact me about them.

+ Diatom communities are a popular tool for monitoring environmental conditions, past and present.

+ This category contains all pages labeled with, and exists primarily for bot-based monitoring of accuracy disputes.

+ This template is for use in monitoring articles that have been moved off of the reports.

+ In the case of monitoring a criminal or someone on probation, the person has to report to a base station at given times.

+ These smart grids are capable of monitoring decentralised electricity production, regulating the variations of the feeds into the distribution networks with greater precision and managing the demand peaks linked with the charging of electric vehicles more effectively.

+ Dispatching for electricity and natural gas together with the monitoring rooms for remote network control and management are installed at the Creos facility in Heisdorf.

+ Veterinary science tries to help human health by monitoring and controlling Zoonosiszoonotic diseases.

+ We will be monitoring the usage to check for any failures or issues, but please do let us know on the Content Translation talk page or through if you spot any problems that prevent you from using the tool.

+ It exists primarily for monitoring of articles whose accuracy is disputed.

+ I am a pretty active user of Small Wiki Monitoring Team and I revert vandalism almost every day.

+ Instead, they agreed on a follow-up “Reactive Monitoring Mission”.

+ On March30, the JMA began monitoring an area of low pressure southwest of Yap.

+ Conspiracies exist which link the site to covert programs for monitoring and testing of laser weaponry for satellite and space based attack/defense.

+ With the addition of iPass SmartConnect, the architecture now opens avenues for improving connection success, real-time monitoring of network outages, and least-cost network routing.

+ Between 1928 and 1958 Dobson established a worldwide network of ozone monitoring stations.

+ Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions.

+ But, selective ion monitoring only monitors selected peaks associated with a specific substance.

+ This category is for use in tracking and monitoring pages that have been moved off of the reports, as they meet a minimum level of quality, but that still could benefit from attention and expansion.

+ Communications between the physical unit and the monitoring software were limited to a binary result – namely, either “device is OK” or “drive is likely to fail soon”.

+ To monitor or monitoring generally means to be aware of the state of a system.

+ The activities management accountants provide inclusive of forecasting and planning, performing variance analysis, reviewing and monitoring costs inherent in the business are ones that have dual accountability to both finance and the business team.

+ Too much energy and effort is being wasted monitoring him and cleaning up after him.

+ Any assistance and monitoring would be appreciated.

+ This allows online users to browse anonymously and securely while dodging possible monitoring of traffic.

+ Predictable failures can be detected by certain monitoring devices.

+ He released top secret NSA documents proving the United States Government was monitoring phone calls, emails, webcams of its own citizens.

+ On October 7, the JTWC started monitoring a tropical disturbance about 750km to the south of Hagåtña, Guam.

+ At the time of his arrest, the man, a suspected member of a motorcycle gang who had been released from prison in January, was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet.

+ The National Hurricane Center began monitoring a tropical cyclonetropical wave that would later become Gamma around November 11, but the system did not develop into a tropical depression until after it had passed the Lesser Antilles on November 13.

+ Today, computerized GC-MS instruments are widely used in environmental monitoring of water, air, and soil.

+ This category contains all pages labeled with, and exists primarily for bot-based monitoring of missing coordinates.

+ The company makes glucose monitoring devices for diabetics.

+ The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, also called the Senate Rules Committee, is in charge of the rules of the United States Senate, administration of congressional buildings, monitoring elections and deciding whether or not the members should be there.

+ Are we going to stop monitoring vandalism if it’s at level 5? Are we going to get more people involved if it’s at level 1? Other than being transcluded on a handful of user’s talk and user pages, it’s not used anywhere of note on the project.

+ Reason: Just a hunch, but i’ve been monitoring and it seems very Tharnton like.

+ In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published a cryptographycryptographic protocol, which allows users to establish secure channels in order to exchange keys, even if an attacker is monitoring that communication channel.

+ United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre ; Mark McGinley.

+ Workpuls is an automated time tracking and employee monitoring software.

+ I usually stop monitoring a thread when it hits a “not done”…

+ Pharmacoepidemiology provides pharmacovigilance, the later is a type of continual monitoring of unwanted effects and other safety-related aspects of drugs in current growing integrating markets.

+ The birth defects of thalidomide led to the development of greater drug regulation and monitoring in many countries.

+ This night, this makes me think that our community needs a special status for people monitoring bot flags and watching them.

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