How to use in sentence of “minotaur”

How to use in-sentence of “minotaur”:

– He killed the Minotaur in the labyrinth.

– Underneath the village, the Minotaur says that Hercules will pay.

– King Minos took the Minotaur and put it in a labrynth, or maze, built by Daedalus.

– When he first saw her, Percy described Annabeth as “pretty” with blond hair curled “like a princess” After Percy heals from the Minotaur attack, Annabeth hears that he is to go on a quest and she wants to go along, thinking Percy is “the one” from The Great Prophecy.

– Percy engages the Minotaur with the magical pen, which turns into a sword named Riptide.

– Percy and his mom dodge it, but Grover is too slow and the Minotaur charges him.

How to use in sentence of minotaur
How to use in sentence of minotaur

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