How to use in sentence of “minerva”

How to use in-sentence of “minerva”:

– Some states claim to be principalities but are not recognised by other countries: Sealand, the Principality of Hutt River in Australia and the Principality of Minerva in the Pacific.

– In 1903 he grounded the NV Minerva Motors’ in Berchem.

– The head of Gryffindor house is Minerva McGonagall.

– Therefore, many people misunderstood that Minerva was Minnie’s real name.

– Imperia putted the name Minerva on their automobiles for export to England and France and for the trucks.

– Benedict was buried in a tomb in Santa Maria sopra Minerva completed by Pietro Bracci and others.

How to use in sentence of minerva
How to use in sentence of minerva

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