How to use in sentence of “messiah”

How to use in-sentence of “messiah”:

+ According to the Jewish tradition, the Messiah will come through this gate to the Temple.

+ During the early years, the band used either session session vocalists Messiah or Maniac for live/studio performances.

+ These teachings say that Jesus will return to the earth in the End Of Days; he will then destroy the false messiah or Anti-christ before the day of judgment.

+ Christians believe that the promised Messiah was Jesus.

+ This includes the performance of classical music such as Handel’s Messiah as well as orchestral concerts and band recitals.

+ You can read about this Messiah in the New Testament.

How to use in sentence of messiah
How to use in sentence of messiah

Example sentences of “messiah”:

+ The Messiah was a leader of the Jewish people, and had been spoken of in Old Testament prophecies.

+ He gave his first concert in 1961, singing in Handel’s Messiah at Surbiton.

+ Christianity, which began in Israel with Jewish followers of Jesus, holds that the Messiah foretold by the Jewish Scriptures is Jesus, and that in fulfillment of prophecy Jesus died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead and lives today, seated at the right hand of God until His return.

+ The Jews think that the Messiah will be a human being that will save Israel and lead the whole world into the End Of Days and eternal peace.

+ On May 17th, 2012, Messiah Foundation International republished “The Religion of God” with Hay House.

+ The word Messiah comes from the Hebrew word “mashiah”, which means “the anointed one”.

+ Zechariah said that after these wars the Messiah would come.

+ In the Gospel of Matthew, it says that wise men from a far country saw a new star in the sky and travelled to find the young Jesus because they knew that the Messiah was going to be born under a star, and that the star was a sign that Jesus was born to be a king.

+ This will include the coming of a Messiah who will suffer for others.

+ Christians that believe that Jesus Christ will someday come back to earth, translated the sentences of the Messiah and the Lamb of God, are the symbolism of Jesus, that will return to the earth to fight the Antichrist in the battle of “Armageddon”.

+ So he asked his helpers where the Messiah would be born.

+ The Messiah was a leader of the Jewish people, and had been spoken of in Old Testament prophecies.

+ He gave his first concert in 1961, singing in Handel’s Messiah at Surbiton.
+ Christianity, which began in Israel with Jewish followers of Jesus, holds that the Messiah foretold by the Jewish Scriptures is Jesus, and that in fulfillment of prophecy Jesus died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead and lives today, seated at the right hand of God until His return.

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