How to use in sentence of “medusa”

How to use in-sentence of “medusa”:

– In the anthozoa, there is only a polyp stage, and no medusa stage.

– In biology, a medusa is a form of cnidarian in which the body is shaped like an umbrella.

– A polyp is the form that attaches to a surface, while a medusa is the form that is free-floating; a species of cnidarian may take each form in a different phase of its life.

– The medusa form of Hydrozoans are known as hydromedusae.

– She is often shown with her helmet on and with her shield, the shield later had Medusa‘s head on it, after Peresus slayed the her, he gave the head of Medusa to Athena for safekeeping who put the head on her shield.

– The Latin poet Ovid writes in Book IV of his “Metamorphoses” that Poseidon had raped Medusa in the temple of Athena.

– Jellyfish at the medusa stage usually lives only up to six months, after which it dies.

How to use in sentence of medusa
How to use in sentence of medusa

Example sentences of “medusa”:

– There have been some deaths after severe medusa stings.

– The Gorgoneion was very scary and made all the children cry, but worked only against Medusa and not her sisters.

– In a complete cycle, the offspring of a medusa will develop into a polyp, and the offspring of a polyp will be a medusa.

– The images on the right show the case of jellyfish: The medusa looks different from the polyp; they are different phenotypes.

– Medusozoans differ from anthozoans in having a medusa stage in their life cycle.

– Adult cnidarians are usually either free-swimming Medusa medusae or sessile polyps.

– The medusa form predominates in the classes Scyphozoa and Cubozoa.

– It is the closest “big” asteroid: no asteroid closer to the Sun has a diameter above 25kilometres or two-elevenths that of Flora itself, and not until the tiny 149 Medusa was found was a single asteroid orbiting at a closer mean distance known.

– Long ago, Perseus killed the monster Medusa using a reflective shield and winged sandals.

– The Staurozoa are unique in not having an alternation of polyp and medusa life cycle phases.

– He leads his two remaining allies into the gorgon’s lair, where Medusa herself kills the two men, shooting one of them with an arrow and petrifying the other.

– Only Medusa was mortal.

– Light is given off in the form of flashes when the medusa is stimulated by the turbulence of a ship’s motion or by waves.

– The goddess was outraged, and changed Medusa into a monster with snakes for hair.

– Perseus uses his shield’s reflective side to deceive Medusa and decapitates her.

- There have been some deaths after severe medusa stings.

- The Gorgoneion was very scary and made all the children cry, but worked only against Medusa and not her sisters.

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