How to use in sentence of “mecca”

How to use in-sentence of “mecca”:

– Jerusalem is Islam’s third holiest city after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.

– Muhammad stayed behind until all of his people left Mecca safely.

– The Battle of Tabouk in 631 left Tā’if completely saperated from the other ares so members of Thaqīf arrived in Mecca to negotiate the conversion of the city to Islam.

– Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah was the fifth sultan of the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golkonda and founded the city of Hyderabad, in South-central India and built its architectural centerpiece, the Charminar and Mecca Masjid.

– Because of the big size of the army, the people of Mecca were afraid to fight back.

How to use in sentence of mecca
How to use in sentence of mecca

Example sentences of “mecca”:

– After three years of it, a small group of horsemen from Mecca attacked a Muslim camp and killed a few of them.

– They moved southwards because, even though the Axumite Kingdom welcomed and protected the companions of Prophet Muhammad to Ethiopia, who came as refugees to escape the persecution of the ruling families of Mecca and earned the friendship and respect of the Prophet.

– The Muslims and those from Mecca were advised to fight for their property.

– He died at Hyderabad on 26 February 1869, after a reign of just 12 years and was buried at the Mecca Masjid mosque.

– During Hajj, pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals: each person walks counter-clockwise seven times around the Ka’aba, runs back and forth between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, drinks from the Zamzam Well, goes to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil, spends a night in the plain of Muzdalifa, and performs symbolic stoning of the devil by throwing stones at three pillars.

– Muhammad had preached the religion of Islam in Mecca from 613 to 622.

– Somebody who makes a pilgrimage to Mecca is called a “hajj” in the Arabic language.

– Although there are sections only for women and children, the Masjid al-HaramGrand Mosque in Mecca is desegregated.

– In 1916, the Hashemites launched their revolt against the Ottoman Empire in Mecca in June.

– All the gravestones face Mecca in the Islamic tradition.

– After the pagans of Mecca failed to gain control of Medina, the Muslims became stronger.

– They considered themselves to be in a state of war with Mecca and raided Meccan caravans that had Muslim belongings left in Mecca.

– The city had fallen and then in July, Abdullah I of JordanAbdullah, the eldest son of the Hashemite leader and Sharif of Mecca Husayn ibn Ali, was sent with seventy men to Tā’if.

– In modern-day Saudi Arabia, the Grand Mosque and all of Mecca are open only to Muslims.

- After three years of it, a small group of horsemen from Mecca attacked a Muslim camp and killed a few of them.

- They moved southwards because, even though the Axumite Kingdom welcomed and protected the companions of Prophet Muhammad to Ethiopia, who came as refugees to escape the persecution of the ruling families of Mecca and earned the friendship and respect of the Prophet.

More in-sentence examples of “mecca”:

– This tribe told their allies in Mecca to sell of all the things and homes that Muslims of Mecca left behind.

– Ibn Battuta goes on to describe it as a city of canals and trees with most of its inhabitants belonging to Bani Hanifa, and reports that he continued on with their leader to Mecca to perform the Hajj.

– The Muslims fled Mecca in 622 after years of persecution and established themselves at Medina.

– Bilal, shouted out loud to the people of Mecca that they were all safe: “All those who lay down arms are safe.

– He went on a pilgrimage to see the Islamic holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

– Hijra, or withdrawal, is the word that is used for the movement of Muhammad and most of his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622.

– Jerusalem is Islam’s third holiest city, after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.

– One year after the fight at Badr, the army of Mecca had outside help.

– Bilal ibn Ribah, a former Ethiopian slave, shouted out loud to the people of Mecca that they were all safe: “All those who lay down arms are safe.

– The victims were mostly foreign Muslims in Mecca for the annual Hajj.

– He lived in Mecca for three years.

– The number of Muslims from Mali who go to Mecca is increasing and some study in Arab countries.

– Saudi Arabia sees the cities of Mecca and Medina as holy.

– Pilgrimage is very important in Islam, because every Muslim person is expected to make a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca once in their lifetime, if they can possibly do so.

– The city is considered a black mecca and has a large African American population.

– Both Ta’if and Mecca were resorts of pilgrimage.

– It is estimated that only Mecca and Medina receive more Muslim pilgrims.

– Abu Sufyan, third leader of Mecca in Muhammad’s lifetime, tried to resume the truce, but Muhammad politely refused the offer.

– According to stories, he took 60,000 people on a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 along with camels loaded down with gold.

– They were told to fight against the people of Mecca who burned down their homes and stole their property.

– The city of Mecca is sacred to all Muslim people as the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad.

– However, he later told his followers to face Mecca instead of Jerusalem when praying.

– Ibni Zubayr had taken the black stone along with other sacred items and moved the new temple to the place where today’s Mecca is, away from Umayyad attacks.

– Foster mothers came to Mecca to feed children.

– Many Muslims from around the world visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia to make a pilgrimage.

– Sometimes a special part of the mosque was railed off for women; for example, the governor of Mecca in 870 had ropes tied between the columns to make a separate place for women.

– In 1813, with the help of Muhammad Ali PashaMuhammed Ali Pasha, he defeated the Wahhabis, who desecrated the holy places and shrines in Mecca and Medina.

– Albanian: Korreshi was the dominant tribe of Mecca upon the appearance of the religion of Islam.

– Since late 2010, this place is served by Mecca Metro.

– He was buried alongside his ancestors at Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad.

– Even though the Pakistani Government recognizes a third gender on ID cards, many people from the LGBT community are hesitant to apply for it as they will not be allowed to enter the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a transgender person.

– In “”Si Mogador m’était contée”” tells the story of the trip to Mecca of Si Taieb El Ech Chiadmi Maskali, since 1912.

– Bilal ibn Rabah was an Ethiopian born in Mecca in the late 6th century, sometime between 578 and 582.Bilal was an Ethiopian slave.

– The Hashemite Sharif of MeccaSharifs of Mecca ruled the Hejaz region starting in the 900s.

– Pilgrims can also go to Mecca to perform the rituals at other times of the year.

– Ibni Zubayr had taken the Karataş along with other sacred items and moved the new temple to the place where today’s Mecca is away from Umayyad attacks.

– Islam has three holy sites; Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina.

– Below it is the image of a mosque with a mehrab that is facing Mecca with a prayer mat inside.

– These forces then continued to take Mecca and Medina.

– It marks the end of the pilgrimage hajj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year and pray 5 times a day.

– In Mecca the area closed to non-Muslims extends well beyond the limits of the built-up area.

– Leaders of Mecca punished and tortured the followers of Islam.

– The group is named after the folk mecca “:en:Greenwich_VillageGreenwich Village” in the United States.

– He had attracted a small community of followers, but also had opposition from the rest of the Quraysh, the clan that ruled Mecca and to which he belonged.

– He founded the Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Mecca Hejaz and Diyar Bakr.

– Houston is often called a black mecca for African Americans.

– The cities of Medina and Mecca became the holiest places of Islam.

– The Quraysh pagans of Mecca heard about this, and they sent a larger army numbering 1000 warriors to fight the Muslims.

– This movement from Mecca to Medina is called the “Hijrah”.

- This tribe told their allies in Mecca to sell of all the things and homes that Muslims of Mecca left behind.

- Ibn Battuta goes on to describe it as a city of canals and trees with most of its inhabitants belonging to Bani Hanifa, and reports that he continued on with their leader to Mecca to perform the Hajj.
- The Muslims fled Mecca in 622 after years of persecution and established themselves at Medina.

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