How to use in sentence of “lowering”

How to use in-sentence of “lowering”:

– The movie is set in a vertical prison, in which the food for the prisoners is taken down on a lowering platform, leaving the prisoners on the lower levels to get the leftovers.

– That is, voters can sometimes help a more-preferred candidate by strategically lowering the ranking of a less-preferred candidate on their ballot.

– Most of those tag-box templates allowa parameter “section” when lowering the tag-box further down the page.

– Both Prime Minister of BelizePrime Minister, Dean Barrow and Leader of the Opposition, Johnny Briceño of the People’s United Party are on record supporting lowering the maximum five-year term of the National Assembly of Belize to four years.

– Wall clouds are localized, large and persistent lowering cloud formations that develop below the rain-free region of thunderstorms.

– That led to the lowering of Mount Mazama around 5700 BC.

– Most catalysts work by lowering the ‘activation energy’ of a reaction.

– The Galapagos shark has been reported to display threat behaviors including arching of the back, raising the head, and lowering the caudal and pectoral fins while swimming in a twisted, rolling motion.

How to use in sentence of lowering
How to use in sentence of lowering

Example sentences of “lowering”:

– While many agree that lowering oil dependence is safer for the environment as well as politically wise.

– Deflation can be helped by the country’s own government by lowering the companies’ tax levels, so they can lower their prices while getting the same profit.

– The slashing became an Internet memes and led to people talk about lowering the age of criminal responsibility in Japan.

– He then made the return trip from Los Angeles to New York City in 27 hours and 19 minutes, lowering the West to East record by 1 hour and 36 minutes.

– While unimportant posts generally do take up space at simple talk, I somewhat disagree about lowering the automatic archive time from 7 days.

– This display involves arching its back, raising its head, and lowering its pectoral fins as it swims with a noticeable twisting motion.

– Jindal is a conservatismconservative Republican who believes in lowering taxes for all classes.

– Alabama” by lowering the burden of proof that a defendant must meet to make a “prima facie” case of purposeful discrimination.

– Nelson supported same-sex marriage, lowering taxes on lower and middle income families, expanding environmental programs and regulation, protecting the Affordable Care Act and expanding Medicaid.

– Along the coastlines of certain countries, such as Libya and Israel, population growth has led to over-population which has caused the lowering of water table and the subsequent contamination of the groundwater with saltwater from the sea.

– In the Austrian legislative election 2008 campaign, the ÖVP saw the lowering of brokerage commissions and the charges for arrears letters of debt collection agencies and winter fuel payments for lower-income households as appropriate economic recovery measures and the Greens sought to facilitate the changeover to renewable energy in order to reduce energy prices.

- While many agree that lowering oil dependence is safer for the environment as well as politically wise.

- Deflation can be helped by the country's own government by lowering the companies' tax levels, so they can lower their prices while getting the same profit.

– The first version was speeded up on tape, raising its pitch and tempo, and the second slowed down, lowering its pitch and tempo.

– Once one is near another of its family, it raises its mass by lowering another’s overall mass.

– Bobby Seale, the eighth man charged, had his trial end during the proceedings, lowering the number of defendants from eight to seven.

– Captain Smith orders Officers William Murdoch and Charles Lightoller to begin lowering the lifeboats.

– He was not against lowering the voting age.

– Note: Due to Morocco’s proximity to the Sahara desert and the North Sea of the Atlantic Ocean, two phenomena occur to influence the regional seasonal temperatures, either by raising temperatures by 7–8 degrees Celsius when sirocco blows from the east creating heatwaves, or by lowering temperatures by 7–8 degrees Celsius when cold damp air blows from the northwest, creating a coldwave or cold spell.

– The Center for Immigration Studies is an American research organization and think tank that supports ending illegal immigration and lowering the amount of immigration in the United States.

– Finally, some people thought lowering the voting age was not that important for the country, and that it should be left up to each individual state.

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