How to use in sentence of “louder”

How to use in-sentence of “louder”:

– This is particularly useful to make a tune louder than the accompaniment.

– This leaves their left hand free to show the various instruments when they come in and to give interpretative gestures, such as indicating when to play louder or softer, or faster or slower.

– Violins are louder than viols.

– These hearing aids did not make sound louder but collected sound and directed it into the ear which made the sound energy stronger when it hits the ear drum, helping to make hearing easier for people with hearing loss.

– This is then made louder by the instrument.

– Modern violins are louder than the early 17th century violins, largely because of they have metal strings instead of gut strings.

How to use in sentence of louder
How to use in sentence of louder

Example sentences of “louder”:

– The terms “crescendo”, and “diminuendo mean a gradual getting louder or softer.

– For example: a string tuned to a slightly higher note will sound louder and brighter because it is tighter.

– This makes it easy for the organist to build up the music, getting louder gradually, by starting at the top and gradually coming down.

– Frustrated about the fact that guitars were louder than his harmonica he started using a microphon and pluging it into the guitar amplifiers.

– Once the signal from the radio or electric instrument has been made louder and stronger, the signal needs to be connected to a loudspeaker so that people can hear it.

– To be louder than the visitors of the crowded clubs he changed the acoustic guitar for an electric guitar.

– The harder you hit, the louder the sound, the softer you hit, less the sound.

– Two more aggressive styles of heavy metal music, death metal and black metal, are louder and faster than other types of metal.The singers usually do not sing, but instead they growl or roar to make the songs more intense.

– The tunes of all three parts are exactly the same, but one part will be louder than the previous part.

– This made it possible to have louder reed stops because of the higher wind pressure.

– The effect is not that great on the IPHONE because the words are very small and the spoken text is rather faint, but it is quite good on the IPAD where the sound is louder and the text is bigger.

- The terms "crescendo", and "diminuendo mean a gradual getting louder or softer.

- For example: a string tuned to a slightly higher note will sound louder and brighter because it is tighter.

– On a piano it is possible to play louder or quieter by playing the keys with more or less force.

– In general, musical instruments have become louder as concert halls have become bigger.

– In 2019, YouTube stopped letting Crowder make money from posting Louder with Crowder videos in response to a gay Hispanic journalist named Carlos Maza saying that Crowder was bullying him after Crowder used homophobic language to describe him.

– Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.” So they shouted even louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears wildly, as was their custom, until the blood flowed from their wounds.

– These instruments are louder than the recorder and are better for playing difficult music.

– It would do this by turn sound into electronic current and making it louder and moving it to the ear.

– This was partly due to the scarcity of high quality silk strings and partly due to the newer strings’ greater durability and louder tone.

– The tune should usually be played a little louder than the accompaniment.

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