How to use in sentence of “live in”

How to use in-sentence of “live in”:

– About 2.2 million people live in the metropolitan area.

– These people may come because they want to do business, or to live in a democracy, to join their family, or because they are refugees.

– About 10 million people live in the center of Chile around Valparaíso and Santiago, on about 20% of the total land.

– Millipedes are the most common in temperate, wet deciduous forests, but are also often found in coniferous forests and high-altitude alpine environments, some species live in deserts, and even fewer in caves.

– A few groups have evolved to live in terrestrial environments, but are restricted to humid areas.

– These are their final hosts, but since they do not live in water, the nematomorph life cycle has an extra stage.

– They need this because they live in small lakes and rivers that sometimes dry up.

– Most of the people living in the state now live in urban areas.

How to use in sentence of live in
How to use in sentence of live in

Example sentences of “live in”:

– Living things live in their environment.

– They live in bush land and in cities near people.

– These lions did not live in “prides” because of this.

– Instead of spending money on the military, the government spends money on education and head 1 people live in Costa Rica.

– Many bass live in or near North America.

– They live in about 200 different lands called countries.

– About 294,000 people live in the city.

– Few insects live in the oceans or in very cold places, such as Antarctica.

– Many people who live in nursing homes pay through the government program Medicaid, which pays less than Medicare or regular insurance companies.

– Around 1,500 people live in Flüelen and it has an area of.

– About 37,000 people live in the town.

– Many bird bird species to live in their natural habitat.

– About 25,000 people live in Westerwolde.

– On the other hand, the schools did not prepare them well enough to live in Western society and they still faced racism because they were Indigenous.

– Three of the four species of river dolphins live in fresh water rivers.

– They live in “shabonos”, which are villages made with wood, straw and palm leaves.

– Wagner had already left Munich in 1865, but the king still supported him, making it possible for him to live in a large house called Triebschen on Lake Lucerne.

– The Family family Aquificaceae are bacteria that live in harsh environmental settings such as hot springs, sulfur pools, and hydrothermal vents.

– Lobsters are large crustaceans that live in the sea.

– The town has about 1700 people, many of whom live in underground houses to keep out of the heat.

- Living things live in their environment.

- They live in bush land and in cities near people.

More in-sentence examples of “live in”:

- Nomadic people in many countrycountries live in tents made of felt.

- As of the 2002 census, 12,392 people live in the town.

– Nomadic people in many countrycountries live in tents made of felt.

– As of the 2002 census, 12,392 people live in the town.

– Groups of pandas are forced to live in small areas.

– Otherwise they live in a territory where males control territories with resources that attract females.

– He left India in 1894 to live in London from where he continued to take an interest in the Indian National Congress.

– This frog lives in flood plains, forests, grasslands, swamps and streams, but it can live in rocky places if there are streams through them.

– Around 17,280 people live in Houghton Regis.

– They live in the fictional city of Bayport on the Atlantic Coast with their father, internationally famous private detective Fenton Hardy.

– Most live in fresh water, but some live in seamarine and soil habitats.

– Some can live in snowy mountains, but more live in rainforests.

– In 1879, other buildings for children to live in were added to the orphanage.

– They live in low density, from 1 to 5 pairs per.

– Old males live alone but family groups of up to ten members live in thickets within dense and dry savanna woodlands.

– Web-toed salamanders live in habitats where there are a lot of rocks.

– About 3 million Azerbaijanis, many of them guest workers, live in Russia.

– They live in tropical regions of Asia and Africa.

– After the partition, a large number of Muslims migrated from various urban centers of India to live in the new nation of Pakistan.

– The 2005 edition of Ethnologue reports some 2.2 million speakers, 90% of whom live in Pakistan.

– The show had a huge change in focus from the original series, with episodes focusing less on Batman and more on the many characters that live in Gotham City.

– It is also called the Iranian cheetah because the only living Asiatic cheetahs live in Iran.

– Newer information says 12,629 people live in the city.

– They live in a multi-million dollar penthouse on the Upper West Side.

– The Kalash people live in three isolated valleys.

– They live in grasslands, deserts, mountain areas, and forests.

– Saltwater Crocodiles live in mangrove and salt marshes on the coast near the reef.

– About 400,000 people live in Sacramento.

– But the king and his family do not live there anymore; they live in a smaller palace, and only use the Royal Palace for important events, like meeting other kings and other official ceremonies.

– Other beetles do not live in special places but they have colours or shapes that make them hard to find.

– After peace, many people from the Soviet Union went to live in Karelia.

– Over the years there have been claims that Hart and Dan Kelly did not die at the hotel, but escaped and went to live in Queensland.

– Levantines continue to live in Istanbul, and the lesser port city Mersin where they had been influential for creating and reviving a tradition of opera.

– Wombats live in burrows that they dig with their sharp claws.

– Furthermore, after the war was created the “Free Territory of Trieste” in north-western Istria: in the years following the division of the territory between Italy and Yugoslavia, up to 40,000 Istrian Italians chose to leave the Yugoslav “B zone” and move to the “A zone” or Italy for various reasons – some were intimidated into leaving and some simply preferred not to live in Tito’s Yugoslavia.

– They live in the Gir Forest in the state of Gujarat, India.

– In 2013, Huntington Woods was ranked the #10 best suburb to live in by Market Watch.

– Topeka is the state capital, and about 250,000 people live in the metropolitan area.

– Lice, are wingless insects that live in hair.

– Indonesian mountain weasels are endangered because they are they only live in a very small area and because not much is known about them.

– People who live in Nova Scotia are called Nova Scotians.

– By Scrooge’s suggestion, the djinni decides live in Manor McDuck during the race.

– Most people who live in Büsingen, work in Switzerland and earn their salary in Swiss francs.

– The “Millennium” is the period following the “rapture”, and the “tribulation”, that Christians believe they will live in glory on the Earth.

– Jaguars live in South America and Central America.

– They live in south central United States.

– They live in the southeast corner of Africa.

– About 1 million people live in the city.

– They live in Australia and New Guinea.

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