How to use in-sentence of “listening”

How to use in-sentence of “listening”:

– She says: “As people they think what I am doing is good, but as teachers they say I should stop.” A teacher who supports her said: “Greta is a troublemaker, she is not listening to adults.

– He traveled extensively around the country, listening and recording details about Armenian folk songs and dances performed in various villages.

– Several endangered animal and plant species now exist among the heavily fortified fences, landmines and listening posts.

– They may argue about it, without listening to other users.

– Amonasro, who has been listening secretly, then comes out of hiding and reveals that he is the King of Ethiopia.

– Princeton University’s Wordnet dictionary says that “progressive rock, art rock” are “a style of rock music that in the 1970s; associated with attempts to rock with jazz and other forms.” It also says that it is meant “for listening and not dancing”.

– She loves listening to jazz music, cooking, baking, shopping and makeup.

How to use in-sentence of listening
How to use in-sentence of listening

Example sentences of “listening”:

– Cage, Messiaen, Boulez and Stockhausen all learned from listening to his music.

– When he was sent home to recover from a wound, he met people who were opposed to the war, and, after listening to their arguments, he began to believe that the politicians were deliberately making the war last longer than it needed to, instead of taking opportunities to make peace with the Germans.

– They are listening to the central figure, who is the philosopher, Plato.

– The title track, “Superhero”, was 8 minutes and 58 seconds long, and mainly consists of Lynch listening to the audience suggest names for superheroes.

– People can also listen to radio Broadcastingbroadcasts in English, or watch programmes in English to help them improve their listening ability.

– He bought his first drum kit at the age of 15 and decided to become a metal drummer after listening to “Killers Killers” by ELO, Steve Smith, Dave Lombardo, and Tommy Lee.

– It is about what happens to a group of teenagers one night in August 1962 in Modesto, California while they are driving around town and listening to radio DJ Wolfman Jack.

– Medical professionals can tell the difference by listening to the throat with a stethoscope.

– Music therapy consists of two parts: One is an active listening part.

– Some of his melodic twists, like the melody insisting on the major seventh of the chord, became common use in jazz and easy listening music after him.

- Cage, Messiaen, Boulez and Stockhausen all learned from listening to his music.

- When he was sent home to recover from a wound, he met people who were opposed to the war, and, after listening to their arguments, he began to believe that the politicians were deliberately making the war last longer than it needed to, instead of taking opportunities to make peace with the Germans.
- They are listening to the central figure, who is the philosopher, Plato.

More in-sentence examples of “listening”:

– The song also topped the easy listening chart for one week in February 1975.

– After listening to the song “传说” “Legend” in this album, Shinji Tanimura 谷村新司 was very impressed by Xue’s outstanding composition, and invited him to the Asia Music Festival held in Osaka, Japan.

– Claudio also said in an interview he learned to play guitar by listening to the Misfits’ Legacy of Brutality.

– An actor would use ethos to prove to his audience that he’s credible and worth listening to by presenting their ethical opinions and making ethical decisions.

– After listening to Kelly Kelly berate him for not calling her back, Orton told Kelly that he didn’t need her to protect him against Kane.

– Because of this, it is said that her voice has a relaxing effect that has been observed in electroencephalograms taken from the brains of people listening to her singing.

– After listening to both sides the jirga then comes to a decision.

– They try wearing BirkenstockBirkenstocks, listening to an licking carpet”.

– With the NSA, people were upset at the Obama Administration that the government was possibly listening to their phone calls.

– I place great emphasis on listening to the community and considering feedback presented to me on my work and my mistakes.

– The brothers grew up listening to such bands as Los Chichos, Los Chunguitos, and Bordón on their trips with their parents from Cornellà to Zarza Capilla, where their parents were from.

– The famous guitar player, Eric Clapton, spoke highly of Don McLean’s guitar playing skill after listening to his guitar performance.

– In his youth, Shavo used to spend his time skateboarding and listening to punk rock and heavy metal music.

– He works to improve speaking and listening skills in Dutch, French and Portuguese skills.Nagatsuka, Kaz.

– Flea said it was because of “the fact that we grew up listening to different music”.

– People can also study English by reading books, or listening to English courses on recorded CDs or cassettes.

– Mitsuko Uchida told Humphrey Burton in a 2002 BBC Radio 3 interview that “there is nobody on earth who can actually get certain range of colour, and also the control – don’t underestimate this unbelievable control of his playing.” In addition, the conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin cites Lupu as an inspiration while he was a piano student, saying that listening to recitals and recordings by Lupu “shaped my conception of sound from a very young age”, and the cellist Steven Isserlis called him “one of the greatest artists I have ever heard or known”.

– People around the world still enjoy listening to the music of one of America’s greatest performers of popular and jazz music.

– A trending Twitter hashtag surfaced, “#RIPChester”, which was used several million times, and simply listening to Linkin Park songs, fans managed to populate, and even completely fill charts with many classic Linkin Park songs, even some from “Meteora” and “Hybrid Theory”, which at the time were over 13 years old.

– If music is not written down, then people can only learn other people’s music by listening to it and trying to copy it.

– In Luke, Mary, sister of Lazarus is contrasted with her sister Martha, who was “cumbered about many things” while Jesus was their guest, while Mary had chosen “the better part” that of listening to the master’s discourse.

– Wood gradually made his audiences get used to listening to longer pieces of music.

– People who are learning English and not able to listen to English might like this feature as it gets them off the ground as far as listening to English goes.

– The festival became larger by connecting with the local cultural art community and listening to what people said was wrong and fixing it.

– Uses for these devices include reading and writing e-mails, surfing in the internet and listening to music.

– The video was directed by Kinga Burza and it featured Nash playing different instruments at the same time that her friend “Caroline” sits in her room playing music, taking photographs, trying on different clothes, listening to David Bowie, putting on makeup and sitting at her computer checking a website.

– Popular legend holds that all of the radio audience may have been listening to Edgar Bergen and tuned in to “The War of the Worlds” during a musical interlude, thereby missing the clear introduction that the show was a drama, but research beginning in the 2010s suggests this only happened in rare instances.In the days following the adaptation, widespread outrage was expressed in the media.

– He grew up listening to rock bands like Metallica and Nirvana, and claims that he incorporates grunge aesthetics into his personal style by having a Nirvana tattoo on his knee.

– On 23 December 1985, Vance and Belknap, after hours of drinking beer, smoking weed and apparently listening to Judas Priest, went to a playground at a church with a shotgun to kill themselves.

– Like me, he may not always get involved actively in all the various discussions, but it that does not mean we are not listening and taking notice.

– She loved listening to jazz music by Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby and The Boswell Sisters.

– He is well known for his analysis of “Human Way of Life” by listening from elders.His birthday is celebrated as Teachers Day all over India.

– She is always listening to rock bands and is into the punk subculture.

– They are always looking, listening and smelling for danger.

– After listening to the recording supplied by Finegold, the London Assembly voted unanimously to ask Livingstone to apologise.

– His best known hit single is “Feels So Good” which was the Billboard Easy Listening Singles number-one single on May 13, 1978 and has been featured in many movies like “Zombieland” and “Let’s Go to Prison”.

– On June 28, 2005, a 10 hour 25 minute audio book version of “The Lightning Thief”, read by actor Jesse Bernstein, was published worldwide by Listening Library.

– I look forward to listening to the community on how I can do better and answering any questions they might have.

– Quests can be discovered by listening to friendly NPCs.

– It is named after the fact that a person attending a noisy cocktail party is able to focus their listening to the conversation they are doing, and disregard the other conversations.

– Mazarin had taught him to work rigorously, and Louis maintained a punishing schedule throughout his life, shrugging off a series of minor illnesses and not listening to the advice of his physicians.

– They are used for things such as calculation, listening to music, reading an article, writing etc.

– In these room, students can use computer and enjoy watching and listening CD’s and DVD’s.

– Although emphasis will be on speaking skills, reading, writing and listening skills will also be practiced.

– They can do this by reading books about orchestration, but also they can do this by studying orchestral scores and listening to orchestras in concerts or on CDs.

– Kat spent her time listening to Aretha Franklin and Billie Holiday records.

– It can also cause problems with speechspeaking, listening and understanding instructions.

- The song also topped the easy listening chart for one week in February 1975.

- After listening to the song “传说” "Legend" in this album, Shinji Tanimura 谷村新司 was very impressed by Xue's outstanding composition, and invited him to the Asia Music Festival held in Osaka, Japan.

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