How to use in sentence of “lasting”

How to use in-sentence of “lasting”:

+ It does not appear that the Athlones left any lasting mark in Canada, or indeed conducted any public works, delivered any speeches or performed any works of lasting value, though photos of the Earl with Roosevelt, Churchill and Mackenzie King on the ramparts of the Citadel during the Quebec Conference were amply published at the time.

+ They did not form a lasting political organization until the Odrysian state was founded in the 4th century BC.

+ The film, lasting 52 minutes, is a documentary 80 years of Ricardo Rangel, 60 of which were dedicated to photography, directed by Licinio de Azevedo and co-produced by Camilo de Sousa and Ebano Multimédia.

+ Open-source projects offer an opportunity to contribute to something that has lasting value and that will continue to grow.

+ Phil” had been renewed through at least 2012-2013, lasting through the 11th season.

How to use in sentence of lasting
How to use in sentence of lasting

Example sentences of “lasting”:

+ Tires made of harder rubber are made for long lasting performance, like long-distance truck carriers.

+ Their attempts at reform had a lasting effect on Rome, because later on the Senate used some of the ideas from their reforms in their own laws.

+ Tires made of harder rubber are made for long lasting performance, like long-distance truck carriers.

+ Their attempts at reform had a lasting effect on Rome, because later on the Senate used some of the ideas from their reforms in their own laws.

+ The wave of immigration, lasting until 1929, gave labor and changed American culture.

+ Edward only ruled as King for nine years but made a lasting impression.

+ He served as Prime Minister of Jordan and formed four different governments, the last of which was Jordan’s longest lasting government in the history of the kingdom.

+ Among Napoleon’s most lasting reforms was a new law code, popularly called the Napoleonic Code.

+ In chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome there is pelvic pain of unknown cause, lasting longer than 6 months, as the key symptom.

+ During this period he made a lasting friendship with the painter Théo van Rysselberghe and the sculptor Constantin Meunier.

+ Hurricane John was the longest lasting and most continuous tropical cyclone on Earth in recorded history.

+ European settlers have made a few trips into the park, but there has been very few long lasting settlements and little change to the natural environment.

+ Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental PhilosophyPlumian Professor and director of the Cambridge Observatory, he investigated a wide range of physical phenomena though made few lasting contributions outside astronomy.

+ Radio 2 plays music from a period lasting over 40 year.

+ Toyota automobiles are well known for lasting a very long time.

+ On the other hand, sometimes behavioral treatment of insomnia may give more lasting results.

+ He had an extremely long career, lasting over 65 years.

+ Its lasting legacy is returning to Christmas the merriment and festivity the day lost after a period of Puritan sobriety.

+ He became famous starting in 1931 and lasting for three decades.

+ It is a very long act, lasting 2 ½ hours, but it is normally played without an interval as the music is continuous, even between the scenes.

+ Mozart made the symphony into a carefully worked-out piece lasting up to half an hour.

More in-sentence examples of “lasting”:

+ She understands firsthand that individuals who have fled African countries to save their lives often have lasting trauma that needs to be acknowledged and treated holistically to ensure long-term progress.

+ David McClure Brinkley was an American newscaster for NBC and ABC in a career lasting from 1943 to 1997.

+ During all this time lasting for three to four hundred years, the Chola kings were growing in power and influence.

+ He was involved in professional baseball from 1949 until his death, lasting 65 years.

+ Upon the ATF’s failure to raid the compound, a siege lasting 51 days was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

+ After a gestation period lasting around 1 year, the females give birth to around 1-15 pups.

+ This species of shark is viviparous, giving birth to 1-5 pups after a gestation period lasting up to 12 months.

+ The discovery or establishment of common ground between individuals is a fundamental component for long lasting interpersonal relationships.

+ After the conquests of Adad-nirari II in the 900s BC, the Neo-Assyrian Empire became the successor to the Old Assyrian Empire, and dominated the Ancient Near East, the East Mediterranean, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, and parts of both the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, Conquestconquering and lasting longer than their rivals, such as the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Canaan, the Kushite Empire, and Ancient Egypt.

+ In Scotland the Jacobite cause became a lasting romantic memory.

+ The songs can last up to four hours, with some individual songs lasting up to one hour.

+ The Deadline for Candidate Nominations will be on 1 October 2020, with political Campaigning lasting for four Weeks until Polling day on 1 November 2020.

+ Its purpose is to console the victims of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakiatomic bombs and to pray for the realization of lasting world peace.

+ Members of the People’s National Assembly are directly elected through proportional representation in multiple-member districts and serve terms lasting five years at a time.

+ These periods, as said, were extremely short, lasting less than a second.

+ Even though the Taiwan Democracy only existed for a short time, it inspired the ideas of the provinces’ independence and autonomy and had a lasting impact.

+ Most fissure are acute, lasting about 4-6 weeks.

+ The bridge’s collapse had lasting effects on science and engineering.

+ Today Terrazzo continues to provide environmentally friendly durability and low maintenance, typically lasting the life of the building.

+ They had been tortured for a long time, and they had withdrawn their confessions.” This witchcraft trial left a lasting impression on Praetorius and may have changed his thinking.

+ There are also school holidays, lasting one week in March and September, about one month in June, and about one and a half months in December.

+ Many performances for this song were shown on Korean TV, unusual for Younha as her last appearance on TV was with her single “Touch.” Much promotion occurred for this single and it helped for a long charting life for “Audition”, lasting well over 3 months in all the Korean charts.

+ He followed with 2002’s “My Ride’s Here” and the ballad “Genius”, later taken as the title for a 2002 Zevon anthology, and a song whose string section illustrates the lasting influence of Stravinsky on Zevon’s work.

+ It is lit up at dusk every September 11, lasting until dawn the next day.

+ This Parliament is known as the Long Parliament, because it ended up lasting for twenty years, until 1660.

+ It is a very long work, lasting about 75 minutes.

+ These services were very long, lasting about three hours.

+ In England and Wales, about 40% of these meetings do not lead to a long lasting relationship.

+ It is a fundamental idea for International Labour Organization for universal and lasting peace; And Vienna Declaration also affirm social justice as a subject and a purpose of education for human rights.

+ The celebration occurs every Corpus Christi, lasting for five days.

+ Anthony Edward Tudor Browne For his lasting contribution as a children’s illustrator he won the biennial, international Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2000.

+ While in NXT, Dallas was a one-time NXT Champion and holds the longest reign as NXT Champion, lasting 280 days.

+ In response to a British proposal, Stresemann wrote to the German ambassador in London: ” final and lasting recapitalization of Poland must be delayed until the country is ripe for a settlement of the border according to our wishes and until our own position is sufficiently strong”.

+ Countries could venture into nuclear energy production to help meet the rising energy demand, to help conserve the environment by avoiding air pollution, and also as a long lasting replacement for the depleting fossil fuels sources of energy, but would have to ensure the ongoing safety of production and waste storage.

+ The celebration is celebrated in the Tamil month of Aani lasting a month.

+ During this war lasting for about ten years, Afghanistan’s economy suffered badly.

+ Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is a good example of a piece which develops from just four notes into a large piece lasting about half an hour.

+ A “superchron” is a polarity interval lasting at least 10million years.

+ His career had an large and lasting effect on Russian culture.

+ He was a career soldier who spent much of his military career in India, where he developed a love of the country and a lasting affinity for the soldiers he commanded.

+ He was quoted as saying “A lasting relationship with a woman is only possible if you are a business failure”.

+ The dukes were never very important in forming the history of Europe, and unlike their relative in the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha never set out to form a long lasting dynasty.

+ With, the Orchestra of Radio Television Belgrade, the Grand National Orchestra RTB and others, he made many lasting and valuable recordings of the Yugoslav national heritage.

+ His lasting contribution as a children’s writer, Helsing was a finalist in 2010 for the biennial, international Hans Christian Andersen Award, the highest recognition available to creators of children’s books.

+ At the time, it was the longest inquest over the death of a single individual in the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office lasting eight days with testimony from 49 witnesses and 87 exhibits and the first televised inquest in California.

+ It is used by historians and political theorists to show that the conservative “Reagan Revolution” led by President Ronald Reagan in domestic and foreign policy had a long and lasting impact.

+ She understands firsthand that individuals who have fled African countries to save their lives often have lasting trauma that needs to be acknowledged and treated holistically to ensure long-term progress.

+ David McClure Brinkley was an American newscaster for NBC and ABC in a career lasting from 1943 to 1997.

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