How to use in sentence of “kurdistan”

How to use in-sentence of “kurdistan”:

– The British and French governments did not want to move their armies back, and because of this they said any Kurdish state would have to be in parts of Kurdistan controlled by Turkey in August 1920, when the Ottomans, British, and French all signed the Treaty of Sèvres.

– In 2005 the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran reported that about 50.000 persons had demonstrated against the Iranian gouverment.

– Iraqi Kurdistan is divided into 6 provinces.

– It was established on June 24, 2018, by Zanko Bakhshi and Zhiar Ali, in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

– Iraqi Kurdistan or Kurdistan region is the the part of Kurdistan which is in Iraq.

– Further to the west are Turkish Kurdistan and Syrian Kurdistan.

How to use in sentence of kurdistan
How to use in sentence of kurdistan

Example sentences of “kurdistan”:

– The city is in Kurdistan Province, in Iranian Kurdistan.

– Many international and local sources claim it is mainly used by the Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to spread propaganda for the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party.

– Writers have published novels in Iraqi Kurdistan as well as in Iranian Kurdistan.

– At the same time, events in Iraqi Kurdistan meant that the lives of the Kurdish population Syria became much worse.

– Sanandaj is the capital city of Kurdistan Province of Iran, in Iranian Kurdistan.

– The Iranian government is fighting a slow battle with the Kurdistan Free Life Party.

– Iraqi Kurdistan is to the west of Iranian Kurdistan.

– Marivan Hashiye is a city in the Kurdistan Province of Iran, in Iranian Kurdistan.

– In the 7th century AD, the Muslim conquests of the Ancient Near East meant that Kurdistan became part of the Rashidun Empire.

– The Kurdistan region is an autonomous region of northern Iraq.

- The city is in Kurdistan Province, in Iranian Kurdistan.

- Many international and local sources claim it is mainly used by the Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to spread propaganda for the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party.

– The life in Kurdistan region was very difficult, because of the state of emergency in 1990s and soon after the family had to move again, this time to the west coast of Turkey, in Aydin.

– Eastern Kurdistan is the name for the western and north-western regions of Iran.

– It was one of the founders of the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate.

– To the south-west is Syrian Kurdistan, and to the south-east is Iraqi Kurdistan and Iranian Kurdistan.

– Oil was discovered in Syrian Kurdistan in the 1960s.

– The organization had its first physical activity on November 1, 2018, on World Vegan Day in two cities of the Kurdistan region in Sulaymaniyah and Erbil.

– He acted as the president of the RussiaRussian backed Republic of Mahabad, in Kurdistan of Iran in 1946.

– The armies of the Russian Empire took control of Iranian Kurdistan in World War I, during the Persian Campaign.

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