How to use in-sentence of “keep to”

How to use in-sentence of “keep to”:

– It established a council of 25 barons to see John keep to the clauses, including access to swift justice, parliamentary assent for taxation, scutage limitations, and protection from illegal imprisonment.

– Germany immediately found ways not to keep to these conditions.

– In this way, Rowling introduces the two worlds of her story, the world of ordinary people, called “Muggles”, and the secret world of the magic folk who usually keep to themselves.

– At the Wicket Gate the gatekeeper, Goodwill, tells him to keep to the straight path.

– We as historians have no excuse for creating ambiguity and must keep to the notation described above in one of its forms.

– Convicts who did not keep to the conditions of their ticket could be arrested without warning, go to court without being able to appeal, and lose all their property.

– The movie is about a seemingly wholesome family who always keep to themselves.

– You keep to the rules, you are fine; you break the rules, and you will be treated like any other guy that does.

How to use in-sentence of keep to
How to use in-sentence of keep to

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