How to use in-sentence of “irrigate”

How to use in-sentence of “irrigate”:

– The clay minerals found in the soil are posing technical problems to the big wheeled structures moving around autonomously to irrigate the land.

– It allows farmers in the area to irrigate their crops.

– Today farmers use it to irrigate their crops.

– In the 1960s and 1970s, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya were first used by the Soviets to irrigate extensive cotton fields in the Central Asian plain.

– The park covers The eco-system has been in danger from draining the marshes, using river water to irrigate land along the coast, and making tourist facilities bigger.

– Water from the river is used to irrigate the market gardens of Bacchus Marsh and Werribee South.

How to use in-sentence of irrigate
How to use in-sentence of irrigate

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