How to use in-sentence of “intensity”

How to use in-sentence of “intensity”:

+ Initially heading west-northwest, it changed direction to almost due west shortly after reaching Saffir_Simpson Hurricane ScaleCategory 4 intensity on July 11.

+ The lower degrees of the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale generally deal with the manner in which the earthquake is felt by people.

+ The light intensity required is easily investigated in an aquatic plant such as pondweed.

+ Despite Ioke’s extreme intensity and impacting two small land masses, damage was surprisingly moderate.

+ Isaac continued strengthening a little bit during the next day near Bermuda, reaching its peak intensity with sustained winds of 85mph and minimum central pressure of 985 mbar.

+ Of those, 22 attained tropical storm intensity, 12 reaching hurricane intensity and 8 becoming major hurricanes by reaching Category3 or higher on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.

+ The other main properties of light are intensity intensity, polarization, phase and orbital angular momentum.

+ It had a peak intensity of.

How to use in-sentence of intensity
How to use in-sentence of intensity

Example sentences of “intensity”:

+ The concept of preference intensity has been criticized over the past sixty years because of the problems in measuring it.

+ The cyclone broke several intensity records, and its duration was the tenth longest on record for an Atlantic hurricane.

+ This part of the story of radiation was first explained by James Clerk Maxwell via wave theory but the predicted and actual intensity vs.

+ In addition, the client identifies a positive belief.  The therapist helps the client rate the positive belief as well as the intensity of the negative emotions.  After this, the client is instructed to focus on the image, negative thought, and body sensations while simultaneously engaging in EMDR processing using sets of bilateral stimulation.  These sets may include eye movements, taps, or tones.  The type and length of these sets is different for each client.  At this point, the EMDR client is instructed to just notice whatever spontaneously happens.

+ In an environment over warm waters, it rapidly intensified, reaching Tropical Storm intensity the same day it formed.

+ He could easily detect the rays and measure their intensity by using paper sheets with a layer of phosphorescent materials.

+ The small table is a rough guide to the degrees of the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale.

+ Eta briefly gained a eye feature before bad conditions removed most of its convection, although the storm was able to maintain its intensity as it grew in size and approached South Florida.

+ He confessed that his passion for collecting was second in intensity only to his addiction to cigars.

+ The weight of an object is the measure of the intensity of the force imposed on this object by the local gravitational field.

+ Despite its record intensity and severe damage, the name Tip was not retired.

+ After reaching peak intensity as a Category 5 typhoon on August 7 and 8 to the west-southwest, Genevieve began to weaken as conditions worsened.

+ As it accelerated northward, it strengthened back into a tropical storm and reached its peak intensity of 45mph late on September 24.

+ The intensity of a sound is how much sound energy goes through a square meter in one second.

+ Standard election procedures notoriously ignore differences in intensity of preferences.

+ Fausto intensified rapidly after it reached hurricane intensity on the 12th, peaking with sustained winds of.

+ The storm was the second strongest hurricane in the month of November also Iota is the only greek letter name to attain Category 5 intensity and the last storm ever use any letter in the greek letter alphabet since in March 2021 the World Meteorological Organization retire Iota and Eta abolished the entire greek letter naming system due Eta and Iota itself causing devastation in Central America.

+ Manzarek liked the intensity of the words to the song and asked Morrison to form a rock band with him.

+ Hurricane Douglas was the strongest storm, reaching Category4 intensity on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale and had its beginnings in the Atlantic as Hurricane Douglas.

+ The concept of preference intensity has been criticized over the past sixty years because of the problems in measuring it.

+ The cyclone broke several intensity records, and its duration was the tenth longest on record for an Atlantic hurricane.

More in-sentence examples of “intensity”:

+ However, the protection given by this system was limited to hurricanes up to Category 3 intensity on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

+ Dvorak intensity of the storm is at T2.5.

+ The intensity of emotion in the scenes for the lovers is contrasted with the grotesqueness of the witches’ scenes.

+ Its distribution is limited by light intensity and hydrology.

+ The data is interpreted graphically Intensity vs.

+ This represents the least intensity of each of the color components.

+ The intensity is enhanced up to a factor of N at harmonic wavelengths due to the constructive interference of the fields emitted during the N radiation periods.

+ Hockham of the British company Standard Telephones and Cables were the first to show that the loss of intensity in optical fibers could be reduced, making fibers a practical communication medium.

+ The deepening continued, and Linda reached Category 5 intensity the next day.

+ It reached its peak intensity of 80 knots and 973 mb November 9.

+ Vermeer concentrated the two major colors in two distinct areas: a vibrant red for the hat and a sumptuous blue for the robe; he then used the intensity of the white cravat to unify the whole.” National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

+ Overnight between August 24 and August 25, Ioke strengthened rapidly, becoming a Category 5 hurricane on the 25th – the first system originating from the Central Pacific to reach that intensity while still in the Western Hemisphere.

+ Striking Fiji at Category 5 intensity on 20 February, Winston inflicted extensive damage on many islands and killed 44 people.

+ John became a hurricane again late on the 8th, and retained that intensity for another day.

+ Oliwa stayed at that intensity for over two days.

+ Rayleigh-Jeans formula predicts that the radiated intensity should increase as square of frequency.

+ Perhaps because of the intensity of male-male competition and the threat of infanticide, interactions between groups are typically hostile: the males display aggressively toward one another and sometimes engage in physical aggression, while females grab their infants and run.

+ Change in light intensity will affect the change in rate of photosynthesis.

+ Mike retained its intensity of 165mph winds for a day as it approached the Philippines.

+ The magnetic field’s intensity is measured in gauss.

+ A wiggler can be considered to be series of bending magnets stuck together, and its radiation intensity goes up as the number of magnetic poles in the wiggler goes up.

+ The variable measured is most often the light’s intensity but could also, for instance, be the polarization state.

+ Rosa intensified quickly, peaking at Category 2 intensity just before landfall near La Concepcion on the morning of October 14.

+ It reached peak intensity on August 31 after striking the Northern Mariana Islands.

+ Ioke began to fluctuate in intensity afterward; weakened back to a Category 4 while undergoing an eyewall replacement cycle, regaining Category 5 strength on August 26.

+ Five hurricanes reached Category 2 intensity or higher on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

+ Other discoveries include Purkinje images, reflections of objects from structures of the eye, and the Purkinje shift, the change in the brightness of red and blue colours as light intensity decreases gradually at dusk.

+ Eta’s intensity at the beginning of its lifetime followed by its odd path afterwards bought devastating impacts across Central America, the Greater Antilles, the Bahamas, and Florida with heavy rainfall, strong winds, and flash flooding causing most of the damage.

+ A fire hose might have an intensity of 100 buckets of water per minute per open window of a certain size in a burning building.

+ Sheehan was later the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict Interdependent Capabilities from 2011 to 2013 during the Barack Obama administration.

+ Stevens’ power law is a proposed relationship between the Magnitude magnitude of a physical stimulus and the intensity or strength that people feel.

+ So, a 1 W/m intensity is 120 dB.

+ An eye started appearing in Marilyn and the storm reached a peak intensity of 949 millibars with winds of 115 mph, a Category3-major hurricane.

+ Moderately conducive conditions were unable to aid Krosa in strengthening, and it stayed the same intensity before landfall in Japan.

+ The system maximum intensity hit 55 knots.

+ After passing near the Cape Verde islands, Debby moved generally northwestward for much of its life, reaching a peak intensity of 50mph.

+ Synchrotron sources also have a much higher intensity of X-ray beams, so data collection takes a fraction of the time normally necessary at weaker sources.

+ The intensity of the field is weakest near the equator where it is horizontal.

+ However, increasing the intensity of light will increase the number of electrons being emitted, as long as the frequency is above the cut off frequency.

+ It broke Hurricane Ava’s long-standing intensity record.

+ Loudness is how people sense the intensity of sound.

+ On August 28, the National Weather Service in Slidell, LouisianaSlidell, a bulletin predicting “devastating” damage rivaling the intensity of Hurricane Camille.

+ Within the Southern Pacific a tropical depression is judged to have reach tropical cyclone intensity should it reach winds of 65km/h, and it is evident that gales are occurring at least halfway around the center.

+ Following parameters are defined: odor substance concentration, intensity of odor and hedonism assessment.

+ Other examples of storms that peaked at Category4 intensity and made landfall at that intensity include: Donna.<!– Please maintain a limit of eighteen storms per Saffir-Simpson category, eliminating older and less notable systems as more recent storms make landfall.

+ When interference is destructive, the intensity will decrease, sometimes to a point where it is completely destroyed.

+ They also preserve a record of the direction and intensity of the local magnetic field at that time.

+ The decibel scale makes sound intensity numbers easier to work with.

+ On August 27, the storm reached Category 3 intensity on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale, becoming the third major hurricane of the season.

+ However, the protection given by this system was limited to hurricanes up to Category 3 intensity on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

+ Dvorak intensity of the storm is at T2.5.
+ The intensity of emotion in the scenes for the lovers is contrasted with the grotesqueness of the witches' scenes.

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