How to use in sentence of “intelligible”

How to use in-sentence of “intelligible”:

+ Most ESLers contribute at a level appropriate for their English skill; however, we have some editors who can’t write intelligible prose yet contribute long paragraphs.

+ These are not mutually intelligible This means a speaker from one region cannot understand a speaker from another region, unless they have also learnt that language.

+ It is mutually intelligible with other languages of the Western Desert and is very closely related to the Yankunytjatjara language.

+ I say “supposedly” because the content on those new articles are nonsensical/indicative of machine translation efforts, and in some cases I am unable to validate the existence of those channels – some have been deleted as obvious hoaxes, and some by virtue of lack of intelligible content, have been deleted under QD G1.

+ Though still entirely mutually intelligible with standard Spanish, Chilean Spanish has distinctive pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and slang usage.

How to use in sentence of intelligible
How to use in sentence of intelligible

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