How to use in sentence of “in appearance”

How to use in-sentence of “in appearance”:

+ Although similar in appearance to the quagga mussel, the two species can be easily distinguished.

+ He is similar in appearance and abilities to Robin Hood.

+ Although very similar in appearance to the Grant’s gazelle, they have some distinguishing features.

+ The buds are black, sooty or velvety in appearance and are sometimes compared to a Bishop’s Mitre in shape.

+ They were very similar in appearance to the Class 21 diesel-electrics.

+ Nevertheless, zip disks are quite similar in appearance to regular floppy disks.

How to use in sentence of in appearance
How to use in sentence of in appearance

Example sentences of “in appearance”:

+ Although the Medal is related to the Royal Victorian Order, it differs in appearance and in the way it is worn.

+ Male huskies are usually thicker in appearance than female huskies.

+ Although the Medal is related to the Royal Victorian Order, it differs in appearance and in the way it is worn.

+ Male huskies are usually thicker in appearance than female huskies.

+ Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: “combin in appearance the childish with the sophisticated—a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat careful coiffure, with a very small body of which perhaps the leading characteristic is the most self-confident little bust imaginable”.

+ Serving as her attendants were the empousai, a species of man-eating monsters who were vampiric in appearance with a leg made of solid bronze and the other that of a donkey.

+ His second form is similar in appearance to the first, except much larger, both in height and muscle mass, Frieza claiming to have nearly doubled his power in this state.

+ Unlike the Doctor’s other enemies, the Cybermen have changed a lot in appearance over the years, looking more and more modern, although retaining certain commonalities of design, the most iconic being the “handle bars” attached to Cybermen heads, that were supposed to aid with their hearing, their round eyeholes and their chest units.

+ They are half-fish half-tetrapods, in appearance and limb morphology.

+ Xiaomi has been compared to the American corporation Apple Inc., as reviewers found some of Xiaomi’s phones and tablets similar in appearance to Apple’s.

+ A telescope or strong binoculars will show Neptune as a small blue dot, similar in appearance to Uranus.

+ The mast cell, another granulocyte, is similar in appearance and function.

+ Glass frogs are similar in appearance to some green frogs of the genus “Eleutherodactylus” and to some tree frogs of the family Hylidae.

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