How to use in-sentence of “in and out”

How to use in-sentence of “in and out”:

– Clouds stop the heat from both going in and out from the earth.

– The bridges over the channel can lift to allow yachts and other boats in and out of the lake.

– It was a red and gold boxcar with huge double doors at the center for Jumbo to be able to go in and out easily.

– They “porpoise” in and out of the water at high speed.

– He would then spend the next four years as the Rangers’ seventh defenceman, moving in and out of the lineup as needed and serving as a valuable defensive reserve.

– An open system means that energy can freely flow in and out of the room.

– Multi-touch gestures permit zooming in and out of photos.

How to use in-sentence of in and out
How to use in-sentence of in and out

Example sentences of “in and out”:

– In the bark are lenticels which allow gases to move in and out of those inner tissues which have living cells.

– While being a largely virtual convention, it was officially centered at the Wisconsin Center, where its production was headquartered and from where it was gaveled in and out each night.

– The company went in and out of business a few times between World War I and World War II.

– He was elected in and out of parliament over the next 15 years.

– Cacosternine frogs are small and slender and live on the ground or in and out of water.

– This can be seen by Congress’s making laws to control the amount of flights in and out of National Airport.

– The B2145 is the only road in and out of the town crossing a bridge over the water inlet at Pagham Harbour at a point known as “the ferry”.

– The attack lasts over four minutes, during which the victim slips in and out of consciousness.

- In the bark are lenticels which allow gases to move in and out of those inner tissues which have living cells.

- While being a largely virtual convention, it was officially centered at the Wisconsin Center, where its production was headquartered and from where it was gaveled in and out each night.

– The government has created widespread travel restrictions, and then suspending flights and banning travel in and out of the country.

– András has been in and out of the stock photo and advertisement industry as a model.

– New main characters have been written in and out of the series.

– Due to the difficulty of public school and family problems she was often in and out of school but eventually graduated and went to a private school called Rhodes Preparatory school.

– Ebert’s death prompted wide reaction from celebrities both in and out of the entertainment industry.

More in-sentence examples of “in and out”:

– At a country fair, barn sale, a country concert, or other rural event, drivers may park their vehicles in a meadow that has been mowed and marked off with ropes or bales of hay to guide drivers in and out of the area.

– McNair started all 16 games in 2006, but often rotated in and out with Boller.

– It can have capital flow in and out based on what the company is doing and also what the competitors are doing.

– Siberian camps greatly simplified the problem of keeping prisoners from running away, though it was harder to feed these camps and move goods in and out because the camps were so far away.

– There are many air, rail, sea, and road links in and out of the city.

– Baker was in and out of jail before enjoying a career surge in the late 1970s and ’80s.

– The air can be moved in and out of the patient by attaching an oxygen mask on the patient or by connecting the ventilator to a breathing tube inserted into the nostrils, the larynx or the trachea.

– She would have pushed this type of machine in and out of the sea.

– After a few years L’Aquila became an important point of communication between cities in and out of the kingdom.

– This sort of music, which has several voices weaving in and out of one another, is the kind of music used at the time for requiems.

– Flights in and out of the airport are mainly to and from eastern Australia.

– The production team video tapes their lives in and out of the house.

– On the capital account, foreign institutional investors have convertibility to bring money in and out of the country and buy securities.

– In the storyline, humans have created light speedfaster than light travel, and now live on many moons in and out of the Solar System, both fictional and real.

– The tide going in and out changes the amount of area that can be used.

– Her father and brother were in and out of prison most of her life.

– In contrast to the surface water, the deep sea water does not move as much because the five straits in and out are narrow and shallow., Tokai University Press.

– They allow respiratory systemrespiratory gases to move in and out of the pupa.

– The action potential is the result of ions moving in and out of the cell.

– Volcanic ash can also stops the sunlight from going in and out from the earth.

– Most of the airplanes coming in and out of Davenport Municipal are local.

– He spent the rest of his life in and out of psychiatric hospitals and asylums, as his family travelled round Europe.

– Many people drive in and out of Peoria on Interstate 74.

– About 70 million pounds of air cargo are moved in and out of the Airport each year.

– The main highways in and out of Toledo are Interstate 75, Interstate 90, and U.S.

- At a country fair, barn sale, a country concert, or other rural event, drivers may park their vehicles in a meadow that has been mowed and marked off with ropes or bales of hay to guide drivers in and out of the area.

- McNair started all 16 games in 2006, but often rotated in and out with Boller.

– They usually live in reefs where their flat bodies can slip in and out among the corals, sponges, and rocks, keeping hidden from predators.

– Bean is gay, and wrote a book, “Going the Other Way: Lessons from a Life in and out of Major League Baseball”.

– It pumps water in and out of the cell through osmoregulation.

– Jones’s men guarded the roads that went in and out of Lawrence to stop people from leaving.

– During childhood, she and “Teedie” were in and out of each other’s houses.

– When he, his family, and Stu go to Bridges Restaurant to celebrate Miranda’s birthday, Daniel must switch in and out of costume repeatedly since he is also eating dinner with Jonathan Lundy.

– It is usually in a city or urban area and takes people in and out of it.

– The chiton has eight plates, and underneath the plates is a muscular foot that moves the chiton over rocks and other structures, both in and out of the water.

– The electrical signal of an axon is made by ions that flow in and out of the cell producing an electric impulse called an action potential.

– It means that air is not getting in and out of that lung.

– In a modern sewing machine the fabric easily glides in and out of the machine without the inconvenience of needles and thimbles and other such tools used in hand sewing, automating the process of stitching and saving time.

– On June 5, 2018, Brown was arrested for a third time in Las Vegas after the police witnessed him walking in and out of a motel with a high drug and prostitution area.

– The juxtaposition of the colony makes it convenient for its residents to get in and out of the bustling city life.

– Often the only way to goods in and out of the valley was to drag them up or down on sleds.

– She claimed not to have slept and to have heard people moving in and out of the court throughout the night.

– The IM security providers created new products to be installed in corporate networks for the purpose of archiving, content-scanning, and security-scanning IM traffic moving in and out of the corporation.

– Many ships sailed in and out of the city’s port, and people came to the city to buy and sell all sorts of things.

– The Atari 2600 uses game cartridges which can be swapped in and out to change games, which was a new idea in video games at the time.

– They control their body temperature by moving in and out of the direct sunshine.

– The agreement protects the full sanctity of all ICRC property in Switzerland including its headquarters and archive, grants members and staff legal immunity, exempts the ICRC from all taxes and fees, guarantees the protected and duty-free transfer of goods, services, and money, provides the ICRC with secure communication privileges at the same level as foreign embassies, and simplifies Committee travel in and out of Switzerland.

– Chaplin had a rough childhood; his mother, Hannah Hill Chaplin, a talented singer, actress, and piano player, spent most of her life in and out of mental hospitals.

– The stadium is completely covered, featuring a grass field that slides in and out of the stadium.

– Entry in and out of the ghetto was controlled.

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