How to use in-sentence of “impossible”

How to use in-sentence of “impossible”:

+ Galois’ theory could also be used to show that it was impossible to square a circle and double a cube.

+ For this reason, it is perhaps impossible to know exactly when the embryo or fetus feels pain, even if it has developed the links in the thalamus.

+ Even if having the animal makes the owner feel better, these animals cannot be service animals because it is impossible to train them to do something to help a person with a disability.

+ Those theorems are important to mathematicians because they prove that it is impossible to create a set of axioms that explains everything in maths.

+ In 1882, Ferdinand von Lindenmann proved that this cannot be done because it is impossible to calculate √piπ exactly, because it is a transcendental number.

+ If these three rules are obeyed, then it is impossible to read the secret message without knowing the secret key.

How to use in-sentence of impossible
How to use in-sentence of impossible

Example sentences of “impossible”:

+ This causes high blood sugar levels and makes it impossible for the cells to use glucose to make energy.

+ Without fair-use this would be impossible for many companies.

+ It becomes impossible to find out who was responsible for the actions taken.

+ He would not let an opportunity to go by, chasing difficult balls and impossible rebounds.

+ For example, if change 1000 adds a paragraph and change 1005 changes that paragraph, it will be impossible to automatically undo change 1000. In this case, the change has to be removed manually, and the text editor which appears allows this to be done easily.

+ Very often the result of a scientific experiment is difficult or impossible to replicate later, either by independent researchers or by the original researchers themselves.

+ This made it basically impossible to get any amendments passed.

+ I hope this shows that no dream is impossible as long as you keep believing in it! ” He trains in Stubaital, Austria.

+ If sets or finished parts of the movie are destroyed, it might even be impossible to finish the movie.

+ These were fashioned from bolts of brown canvas sailcloth, with gold ore storage pockets that were nearly impossible to split.

+ It now seems that the disruption of long distance trade cut easy supplies of tin, making bronze impossible to make.

+ This made it almost impossible to effectively defend the area.

+ It spawned five singles, “Sir Duke”, a song explaining the pleasures of music, “I Wish” wishing for childhood days to come back “As” a ballad of love which will last till The Impossible happens, “Another Star” a fast-paced Cuban style heartbreak ballad which featured on BBC’s promotional video for the 2014 World Cup and “Isn’t She Lovely” a song inspired by the birth Wonder’s daughter, Aisha Morris. The former two songs reached No.1 on the Billboard charts.

+ This causes high blood sugar levels and makes it impossible for the cells to use glucose to make energy.

+ Without fair-use this would be impossible for many companies.

More in-sentence examples of “impossible”:

+ Sometimes it is impossible to show the difference between two foreign words.

+ Today, the word is used to refer to a society that is unrealistic, and impossible to make.

+ Bova testified that the car had lurched forward while the defense argued that it would be near impossible as the car had been parked behind another vehicle.

+ Previous methods of cryptanalysis, such as Linear cryptanalysislinear and chosen plaintexts, which make them impossible to realize.

+ Still other melodies are impossible to sing.

+ The light bulb lets people do things at nightime which would be impossible in darkness.

+ Small German magazine that is nearly impossible to find.

+ However, if that function takes a very long time to compute, it may make her experiments difficult or impossible to run properly.

+ In the 80’s, part of the South Railway line was destroyed by the floods making it impossible to use.

+ Sometimes, because of global warming, this is impossible and the cubs die before they have had a chance to live.

+ She went on to say that protecting British citizens would be impossible if the security services were restricted to talking only to those with shared values and cited examples where people once deemed terrorists were now part of the political establishment: “Look at Northern Ireland, where former terrorists are in government…

+ Since the United States controls Top Level Domain, it would be impossible for another country to create a domain ending, for example,

+ It is impossible that this list is complete.

+ It was impossible for Quasthoff to play an instrument because of his disability.

+ The French revolution would have been impossible without the literature of Rousseau and Voltaire.

+ Nearly all the records were taken off the market for many years, making classic songs like “96 Tears “So Much In Love” by the Tymes, and “Bristol Stomp” by the Dovells impossible to buy.

+ In his history of Takarazuka, Kobayashi used a curiously domestic metaphor in describing his dream: “It would be impossible to train men in that way for our productions.

+ If Bach, who lived in the early 18th century, had gone from his home in Germany to France, he would have found it impossible to play his music properly on French organs.

+ They say that it is impossible for government institutions to make comparatively better decisions about production or the prices of goods and services because they do not have the knowledge or flexibility that millions of individual consumers have.

+ Without jointed limbs, it can be impossible to recover from being tipped over.

+ Although it may be impossible to prevent flooding, there are a number of methods you can carry out to stop the water coming into your home or working environment.

+ It is impossible to tell where the looted figurines are from.

+ However, this theory was seen as implausible because the Falkland Islands are far from mainland South America and the sea between the mainland and the islands is very windy, making it impossible to cross in simple canoes.

+ Between 1890 and 1910, all Southern states passed laws that made it difficult or impossible for blacks to vote.

+ Sometimes it is impossible to show the difference between two foreign words.

+ Today, the word is used to refer to a society that is unrealistic, and impossible to make.
+ Bova testified that the car had lurched forward while the defense argued that it would be near impossible as the car had been parked behind another vehicle.

+ Paternosters are nearly impossible to use for disabled people.

+ However, no known custom maps have been made because there is no level editor for the game and the developers made it impossible for players to use the level design computer program “UnrealEd”, which works for other Unreal engine games.

+ Since it is impossible to actually count infinite sets, we consider them countable if we can find a way to list them all without missing any.

+ Once a drive fails, it may be impossible or expensive to get data off the diskettes.

+ Another supposed cause is asphyxiation, which is also impossible because a fan does not remove any air from a room.

+ The supposed cause of death is often said to be carbon monoxide poisoning, although this is impossible because an electric motor does not create carbon monoxide.

+ Deliria are always a medical emergency, because it is impossible to predict how they develop.

+ He thought the Native Americans should be taught agriculture, but it would prove almost impossible to teach nomadic hunters to settle on one piece of land and farm it.

+ Any language construct that makes it impossible to quickly confirm the type safety of code was excluded from the CLS so that all languages that can work with CLS can produce verifiable code if they choose to do so.

+ They are also tested by a number of other near impossible tests which can be anything from performing the Trust shot to a few questions on subjects they learned in training.

+ He produced many other drawings of impossible objects, sometimes with the entire drawing being an undecidable figure.

+ Plato also explains that it is impossible for us to perceive these forms through our senses, like our sense of hearing or sense of seeing.

+ However, the Sun is so bright that it is impossible to see stars during the daytime, unless the observer is well shielded from sunlight.

+ At the time, many of the Southern states had laws which made it very hard or impossible for African-Americans to vote.

+ If you have two particles moving at each other with equal speed, it would seem impossible for either of them to do anything but be symmetrical.

+ It is impossible to refute many of his claims because he presents no evidence.

+ This makes the goal of self-actualization nearly impossible for the average person.

+ This makes it impossible for blood to get to part of the heart, and causes a heart attack.

+ Very new users who have run-ins with admins here without knowing the culture well here can make administering this wiki impossible if we entertain such requests.

+ In rough weather it may be impossible to land.

+ The telescope can take pictures of things so far away it would be nearly impossible to see them from anywhere else.

+ She tells them that, although Siegfried is so strong and impossible to kill in battle, he has one weak spot on his back.

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