How to use in sentence of “identify with”

How to use in-sentence of “identify with”:

+ Andrew Johnson did not identify with the two main parties while president and tried and failed to build a party of loyalists under the National Union label.

+ Young gay men embraced their sexual orientation with pride rather than shame, and could or would not identify with Garland’s melodramatic victimhood and emotionalism.

+ Many fans have told me they saw in my portrayals a moralistic mien, something they could identify with or fantasize about as children.

+ Singaporeans and non-governmental buildings may display or fly the national flag to identify with the nation.

+ The commonness among different people with different egos allows people to identify with one another.

+ It is in fact a way to identify with the ‘Aussie’ culture that many Anglo‐Saxon Australian citizens are so proud of.

+ This continued identification with the mother may result in what Kristeva refers to in “Black Sun, because female children both reject and identify with the mother figure at the same time.

How to use in sentence of identify with
How to use in sentence of identify with

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