How to use in-sentence of “iambic”

How to use in-sentence of “iambic”:

+ When iambic pentameter is unrhymed it is called blank verse.

+ Lines of iambic pentameter can be set also into stanzas.

+ It was written in iambic verse.

+ Almost the entire work is made up of 389 stanzas of iambic tetrameter with the unusual rhyme scheme “AbAbCCddEffEgg”.

+ Iambe is said to have created the iambic pentameter verse pattern in poetry.

+ This iambic pentameter is usually unrhymed, but sometimes rhymed.

+ But in this poem he used mostly iambic pentameter.

+ The rhythm of iambic pentameter is close to the rhythm of everyday English speech.

How to use in-sentence of iambic
How to use in-sentence of iambic

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