How to use in-sentence of “finding”

How to use in-sentence of “finding”:

– The process of finding the derivative via the difference quotient is called differentiation.

– Her stories are about murders and finding out who did them.

– Phrenology is looking at the human skull and finding strange bumps to be measured.

– There are used to “award” users for their work in finding DYKs.

– These types of speedruns take longer to make because the player can use the advantage of going back in time in the game and finding the fastest reactions for enemies and other items to beat the game in a time which the game developer would never thought the game could be beaten so quickly.

– Planetary science in a broad sense includes finding a planet’s orbital period and orbital distance from its star, the mineral makeup of the planet, and an attempt to learn its age.

How to use in-sentence of finding
How to use in-sentence of finding

Example sentences of “finding”:

– The MediaWiki software can make finding stubs easy for you.

– Many people became rich not from finding gold, but from running boarding houses/general stores because of good business from all of the miners.

– Thousands of people came to Australia in the hope of finding a lot of gold and becoming rich.

– I don’t think this should be something for me to unilaterally decide, so I’m interested in finding a consensus on the naming conventions.

– Heuristics is the art of finding an adequate solution to a problem, using limited knowledge and little time.

– He had spent over 50 years to collect them after finding that his ancestors had been involved in Ashford Black Marble manufacturing.

– He wrote a doctoral thesis in which he said that asking questions was more important than finding the answers.

– Existing and near-term astronomical technology is capable of finding planetary systems around these objects, increasing their potential for exploration.

– Some methods of calculating checksums allow finding a mistake.

– The oldest finding in the city area is dated around 4500 B.C.

- The MediaWiki software can make finding stubs easy for you.

- Many people became rich not from finding gold, but from running boarding houses/general stores because of good business from all of the miners.

More in-sentence examples of “finding”:

– About extinct species: I’m finding it difficult to lighten the shading enough that it would be noticeable.

– Most effort is put into finding profound analogies which teach us something worth knowing.

– It involves finding the next “superstar”.

– This finding created a theoretical ground in earthquake engineering for a damping-disengaged base isolation technology called Earthquake protector.

– When a bee returns to the hive after finding a good food source, it performs the dance.

– Weak delete because I’m just not finding any sources that are very reliable to show that this town even still exists.

– Very often this involves finding the minimal or maximal values, given some conditions, or constraints.

– Bart becomes trapped in the well and while the town decides to leave him there after finding out about the prank, his father Homer tries to rescue him.

– Secondary: A primary source is one which announces an original finding or opinion of some kind.

– These techniques were developed in the 1970s by DJ Kool Herc, Grand Wizard Theodore, and Afrika Bambaataa, as they experimented with Technics direct-drive decks, finding that the motor would continue to spin at the correct RPM even if the DJ wiggled the record back and forth on the platter.

– Because it is so potent, finding the right dose to use requires great care: Fentanyl comes as a highly diluted solution.

– When threatened by predators, they use their knowledge of their territory to finding hiding places in nearby vegetation.

– Numbuh 3 volunteers to browse the neighborhood for fireflies after finding and befriending one of the fireflies she convinces the firefly and any other fireflies that Knightbrace has not captured to help her burn through the garden fences to where the fireflies are being held captive, the School Clocktower.

– A problem that Black often has in the French defence is finding a way for his light squared bishop to become active.

– They then go to Los Angeles and pretend to be drag queens in order to stop the Mafia finding them.

– Sturt searched the desert areas of Australia in the hope of finding an inland sea.

– Armstrong is said to have been pleased with Ford’s finding of the missing “a”.

– Guinea hens are not known to be good mothers, but in the wild, the guinea hen’s mate may help tend the young keets during the day by keeping them warm and finding food.

– Business finance is about finding money for a company’s activities.

– For purposes of establishing authorship and finding more sources, students may also find the articles’ “History” tabs useful, as these detail every contribution the contributor and what he or she contributed.

– The hoard has been described by Leslie Webster, former keeper of the department of prehistory at the British Museum, as “absolutely the metalwork equivalent of finding a new Lindisfarne Gospels or Book of Kells”, and “this is going to alter our perceptions of Anglo-Saxon England as radically, if not more so, as the Sutton Hoo discoveries”.

– Debugging is the process of finding and fixing the mistakes.

– Relative dating is not about finding the absolute age.

– The algorithm is based on the fact that finding the Factorizationfactors of a large composite number is difficult: when the factors are prime numbers, the problem is called prime factorization.

- About extinct species: I'm finding it difficult to lighten the shading enough that it would be noticeable.

- Most effort is put into finding profound analogies which teach us something worth knowing.
- It involves finding the next "superstar".

– He is best known for his work of finding and naming the Programmed Cell Death Protein 1.

– An iguana uses its eyes to navigate through trees and forests, as well as for finding food.

– In order to be advantageous, sexual reproduction plus the difficulty of finding a mate.

– Legend says that Galahad searched for and later found the Holy Grail earning him the name ‘The Grail Knight’, as he was the only one on earth considered by God worthy of finding the Holy Grail.

– It does not make any finding of facts, and thus holds no trials.

– They solved this by finding a particle called a “gluon”.

– Other syndromes, such as Pakinsonian syndrome may have many causes, and finding the exact cause may be difficult.

– He began to try finding a third way other than the two that Kant called “skepticism” and “dogmaticism”.

– Could I be authorized for the AutoWikiBrowser please? I am finding many Formula One articles that use inconsistent naming formats and link references.

– The installation of an air conditioner depends on certain criteria, it starts with finding the ideal site for mounting the outdoor unit.

– In 1936, when Grese was 13, her mother suicidekilled herself by drinking hydrochloric acid, a poison, after finding out that her husband had an affair.

– The main problem of the format was tied to handling: Finding a song in the middle of a 90 minute tape takes several minutes, with Minidisc it is instantaneous.

– The plot centers around Fox McCloud restoring the remote Dinosaur Planet by finding pieces that have broken off of it.

– Hess also found that he could induce sleep in cats – a finding that was highly controversial at the time but later confirmed.

– Because the cost of many things is becoming higher, some people are giving up going on vacation to other countries, and are staying in their home country and finding interesting places to go there.

– Islam quickly conquered much of the Middle East and North Africa and spread along the major trade routes of the old world, finding appeal with traders and travellers.

– String theory includes particles that cause gravity, called gravitons; finding this out delighted the scientists who work on string theory.

– The theory was supported by finding the same minerals and fossils in western Europe and eastern North America.

– The band found several spray cans of gold DuPont paint in a room of the house; finding Ward naked and unconscious after a night of heavy drinking, they thought it would be funny to cover the drummer from head to toe in gold paint.

– An example is finding out a player’s team.

– After finding where the Murray entered the sea, the group then had the difficult and tiring work of rowing the boat back up the river.

– Seven hundred years later, one robot spends most days, cleaning the city and collecting essential properties, before finding a surviving plant hidden in a refrigerator.

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