How to use in sentence of “fieldwork”

How to use in-sentence of “fieldwork”:

+ From 1915-1916 and 1917-1918, Malinowski did intense fieldwork on the Trobriand Islands, which helped him collect enough information to write multiple ethnographic reports.

+ The property also is the location of important archeological fieldwork and analysis by Roland Wells Robbins, a pioneer in the field of historical archeology, making the site of national significance in the development in this field.

+ Malinowski began his fieldwork in 1914, when he traveled to New Guinea to study the Mailu.

+ This process of natural or man-made burial is why archaeological fieldwork involves digging, and is expensive and takes a long time.

+ The data comes from fieldwork where virtually all the insects in a tree’s canopy are collected and analysed.

+ Malinowski retired from fieldwork in 1918.

+ He believed in the merits of fieldwork and unlike many past anthropologists, spent his time visiting and writing about the Azande and Nuer personally rather than only relying on others and writing from home.

How to use in sentence of fieldwork
How to use in sentence of fieldwork

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