How to use in sentence of “feast”

How to use in-sentence of “feast”:

+ The feast lasted for “5 days”.

+ The Holy Days continued with the feast of John the ApostleSaint John and Holy Innocents’ Day.

+ His feast day is celebrated on 22 October.

+ January 1 is celebrated the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, that is a feast day of precept of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

+ Today Fort Ouiatenon is open to tourists and is the location of the annual Feast of the Hunters’ Moon.

+ His feast day is celebrated on April 17.

How to use in sentence of feast
How to use in sentence of feast

Example sentences of “feast”:

+ The Catholic acts of consecration, reparation and devotion were introduced when the feast of the Sacred Heart was declared.

+ On the last Sunday of September, the villagers hold a feast in honour of the church.

+ During his time as Pope, there were many discussions of when, exactly, the feast of the Resurrection should be celebrated.

+ It has also been suggested that the island may not have been discovered until 30 July 1503 by a group of ships under the command of Estêvão da Gama Estêvão da Gama and that da Nova actually discovered Tristan da Cunha on the feast day of St Helena.

+ He had to compose music for many special feast days during the year.

+ In spite of all sorts of obstacles, and of the slowness of the Holy See, which in 1693 imparted indulgences to the Confraternities of the Sacred Heart and, in 1697, granted the feast to the Visitandines with the Mass of the Five Wounds, but refused a feast common to all, with special Mass and Office.

+ The earliest possible date for the feast is May 13, and the latest possible date is June 16.

+ His feast day is celebrated on January 11.

+ His feast day is 23 September, the same day as his death.

+ Afterwards there is a feast and everyone can eat.

+ Vitus’s feast day is June 15, which was his date of death in 303.

+ He was expected to provide music for feast days, and so he began to compose cantatas which could be reused each year.

+ Another result of the council was an agreement on the date of the Christian Passover, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar.

+ Before the formal start of naming, tropical cyclones were named after places, objects, or saints’ feast days on which they occurred.

+ His feast day is celebrated on July 11.

+ He is welcomed and a feast is held.

+ His Feast day is on July 19.

+ Little by little, the devotion to the Sacred Heart became a separate one, and on August 31, 1670, the first feast of the Sacred Heart was celebrated in the Grand Seminary of Rennes.

+ The last festival date was the 15th of November, the Ennead Feast in the House of Kay Heru and Wasir.

+ The Catholic acts of consecration, reparation and devotion were introduced when the feast of the Sacred Heart was declared.

+ On the last Sunday of September, the villagers hold a feast in honour of the church.

More in-sentence examples of “feast”:

+ On the following day, the Feast of Saint Stephen people from rich households would carry boxes of food out to the street for the poor and hungry.

+ Christmas is the main feast of the year.

+ His feast day is on 22 June and he is the patron of lawyers and politicians.

+ His feast day is celebrated on August 13 along with a fellow martyr Hippolytus.

+ His feast day falls on the 1st of March each year.

+ Aras and Danielle got celebrated with a feast the next day.

+ The feast day is celebrated on December 7.

+ During the Middle Ages in Europe, it was normal for people to have a big feast on the Tuesday before the Lenten fast started.

+ His feast day is April 3 or 6.

+ In the Netherlands and many other European countries, presents are given on the feast of Saint Nicholas, 6 December.

+ He was made a Saint by the Catholic Church and his feast day is celebrated on May 3.

+ One day, Master Shifu to host the upcoming annual Winter Feast that’s to be held at the Jade Palace with every single Kung Fu master.

+ The feast of the Ascension has been celebrated for many centuries.

+ There it referred to a feast of a rich citizen.

+ The feast soon spread to other dioceses, and the devotion adopted in various religious communities.

+ His feast day is celebrated on December 3rd.

+ His feast day is held on 30 November.

+ Elizabeth was entertained three times at Sudeley Castle, which including a spectacular feast in 1592 to celebrate the anniversary of the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

+ In Valhalla, the eïnherjar feast and make revelry, as they are served and cared for by the Valkyries themselves.

+ His feast day is celebrated on July 28.

+ At the Immunity Challenge, the players had to choose between a feast of cheeseburgers, fries, and soft drinks or the immunity challenge.

+ However, in 1765, it finally yielded and that same year, at the request of the queen, the feast was received quasi-officially by the episcopate of France.

+ In Annunciation Style dating the new year started on 25 March, the feast of the Annunciation.

+ There are also some words which are special for particular feast days.

+ On the following day, the Feast of Saint Stephen people from rich households would carry boxes of food out to the street for the poor and hungry.

+ Christmas is the main feast of the year.

+ Her feast day is kept on January the 3rd.

+ The feast is observed with an all-night vigil.

+ It is a very important feast in the calendar of the Christian Church.

+ He enjoyed a feast and a talk with Powhatan.

+ Coutances followed suit on October 20, a day with which the Eudist feast was from then on to be connected.

+ The book shows the Abbeydwellers bustling in Redwall, cooking, gathering flowers, and doing other things for the feast for their beloved Abbot.

+ He is considered a saint of the Catholic Church and his feast day is celebrated on May 25.

+ His feast day is celebrated on October 14.

+ His feast days are celebrated on January 5, February 3 and 22.

+ Joachim and Saint Anna’s feast day is July 26.

+ The feast is prepared by Andhrímnir .

+ However, not all countries hold the feast on this day.

+ Short-beaked Echidnas find food by smell, using sensors in the tip of their beak, and regularly feast on ants and termites.

+ The Christmas feast might start on Christmas Eve, with a special breakfast on Christmas morning, or at midday on Christmas Day.

+ July 1 is his feast day in America to honor the day he arrived in San Diego.

+ Grill the strips of meat over the charcoal embers just until they are charred by fire and kissed with smoke, then wrap them up with a bit of sweet, a shot of salty, a spark of spice, a lick of acidity, some crunch, and a boatload of savory for what eventually becomes a minor feast of culinary fireworks.

+ It was named for Saint Nicholas by SpainSpanish sailor Sebastián Vizcaíno after he saw the island on the saint’s feast day in 1602.

+ This feast probably started in the 10th century.

+ Qianlong wanted a feast at every stop that he made, and, when he arrived at one particular village, the villagers were very worried.

+ He is considered a Saint by the Catholic Church and his feast day is celebrated of January.

+ The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on December 8 each year.

+ That means that he is now officially recognized as a saint in the Catholic Church and has his own feast day.

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