How to use in sentence of “expressive”

How to use in-sentence of “expressive”:

– D language originated as a re-engineering of C++, and D’s design goals try combining the performance of compiled languages with the safety and expressive power of modern dynamic languages.

– People with expressive language difficulties are able to understand but cannot say the words and sentences they want to.

– One research team in China is trying to insert an expressive recombinant Mn-SOD protein from “D.

– Closing creditsOutro skits that play at the end of his videos often feature a trio of muppet-like puppets, and frequently depict comments from viewers of his videos that lack sense or show expressive concern about minor details.

– Folklore is the body of expressive culture, including storystories, popular beliefs, customs, and more within a particular people.

– Further carvings and art treasures are: The shrine of the apostles in popular because of the expressive faces of the apostles.

– Tie dye is an expression of emotion and is a very colourful and expressive type of art.

How to use in sentence of expressive
How to use in sentence of expressive

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