How to use in-sentence of “excitement”

How to use in-sentence of “excitement”:

+ Following the match, Cena thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their hospitality, and expressed excitement over the event.

+ It gave a feeling of urgency and excitement to the fights.

+ He said, “That’s not to say that Amazing Alex isn’t an addictive experience – it’s just that compared to Angry Birds, there’s less excitement involved.

+ The cheetah frequently escaped into the orchestra pit, where it terrorized the musicians, adding another element of excitement to the show.

+ Edna Ferber later remembered her excitement when Kern first played the melody for her.

+ Before the men leave, whooping at the excitement of war and declaring how they’ll “whip those Yankees” and be back in a month, Scarlett agrees to marry Charles Hamilton.

+ The Ghost Dance caused a lot of excitement in the Sioux camps.

+ It can increase after excitement or exercise because of the quick breathing that takes place which causes the nerves of airway to become more stimulated.

How to use in-sentence of excitement
How to use in-sentence of excitement

Example sentences of “excitement”:

+ In an interlude, Eugene entered the ring and shared his excitement about being at his first WrestleMania with the crowd in attendance.

+ Their excitement and enthusiasm is a perk of their personality.
+ Nowadays any person who enjoys being cruel to others can be called "sadistic" even if they get no sexual excitement from what they do.

+ In an interlude, Eugene entered the ring and shared his excitement about being at his first WrestleMania with the crowd in attendance.

+ Their excitement and enthusiasm is a perk of their personality.

+ Nowadays any person who enjoys being cruel to others can be called “sadistic” even if they get no sexual excitement from what they do.

+ According to international Island Records manager, Jon Turner, “the general international feel is of excitement and ‘Spiralling’ is a favourite track of the US company.”.

+ Alger’s publisher and his editor urged him ramp up the excitement in his books.

+ This helps create excitement for the crowd at the finish.

+ As well as being known as one of Europe’s most brilliant pianists, his music was well known for its new ideas, excitement and poetic beauty.

+ Chariot racing was dangerous to both drivers and horses as they often suffered serious injury and even death, but these dangers added to the excitement and interest for spectators.

+ In the excitement of his discovery, Grover asks Percy to come and help him safely bring the half-bloods to camp half-blood.

+ Her excitement and anxiety is so great that she wants to take action right away.

+ Movie critic Hal Erickson wrote, ” is a roller-coaster of a Disney film, making up in excitement what it lacks in credibility or coherence…the film was ideal Saturday-matinee fodder for the kiddie trade in 1963.”.

+ The company’s international renown grew, but the excitement of its early Paris days was over.

+ A computer connected to the NMR can detect this change in excitement and it will cause different peaks and bumps to appear on the NMR diagram.

+ On the other hand, stimulation of the posterior part led to extreme excitement and defensive behaviour.

+ The shepherd now pipes the arrival of Isolde’s ship, and as Kurwenal rushes to meet her, Tristan in his excitement tears the bandages from his wounds.

+ Largemouth bass are widely sought after by anglers and are noted for the excitement of their fight.

+ This is the first, hopefully not the last, article that I’ve written for Simple News and I hope that with each one it brings you as much excitement to read as it does for me to write.

+ While his family is gone, Kevin initially relishes being alone and learns to take care of himself, but soon his excitement sours as he must stop two bumbling burglars, Harry, who are planning to rob every house in his neighborhood, from trying to burgle his house too by setting up a series of booby traps.

+ Most NMR machines can only detect excitement from one type of atom.

+ When an audience applauds with really wild excitement it is called an “ovation”.

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