How to use in-sentence of “ethiopian”

How to use in-sentence of “ethiopian”:

– Since 1985, he was the chairman of the Tigrayan Peoples’ Liberation Front, and the head of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front.

– The Ethiopian wolf, is a canid native to the Ethiopian Highlands.

– A canid from Ethiopia and Eritrea, the Ethiopian wolf, is sometimes called simian jackal, but it is really a wolf.

– Amharic is the most used Ethiopian Semitic language.

– The researchers at first found that the mummies most closely matched modern specimens seen in Eritrea and Ethiopia as opposed to those in neighboring Somalia, with the Ethiopian specimens “basically due west from Eritrea”.

– The Ethiopian Empire, also known as “Abyssinia” by foreigners, was an old empire.

How to use in-sentence of ethiopian
How to use in-sentence of ethiopian

Example sentences of “ethiopian”:

– The battle of Adwa is the foundation for Ethiopian Nationalist ideology.

– Italy invaded Ethiopia, the Ethiopian emperor begged the League to help him, but it did not do much.

– Girma Wolde-Giorgis was a Ethiopian politician and was the President of Ethiopia from 2001 to 2013.

– The Ethiopian wolf is one of the rarest and most endangered of all canid.

– This religionreligious text is said to be a part of the Old Testament by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

– Some P’ent’ay communities—especially the Mekane Yesus Lutheran Church for example—have been influenced by the Orthodox Tewahedo churches, which represents the dominant traditional Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian demographic, but for the most part are very Pentecostal in their worship and theology.

– Seyoum was killed during the Tigray War by the Ethiopian National Defense Force on 13 January 2021, aged 71.

– Negasso Gidada Solon was an Ethiopian politician.

– The mobilization drive would see millions of Ethiopian Citizens march from their towns, villages, and cities into the Northern Highlands for the preservation of their African Empire.

– CD, cassette and DVD sales are now one of the rare Ethiopian industries on the rise.

– In 1952, the United Nations placed the country and Asmara under Ethiopian control.

- The battle of Adwa is the foundation for Ethiopian Nationalist ideology.

- Italy invaded Ethiopia, the Ethiopian emperor begged the League to help him, but it did not do much.

– Sahle-Work Zewde is an Ethiopian diplomat.

– In the late 1970s, Petrov served as a military advisor to the Ethiopian Army.

– With his wife, the Ethiopian princess Andromeda Andromeda, his children are the sons Perses, Alkaios, Sthenelos, Elektryon, and the daughter Gorgophone.

– For Ethiopian Nationalists, this credibility has emboldened different groups, giving them more cohesion, whilst corroding national unity and notions of Pan-Ethiopianism.

– He was a member of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front before becoming independent.

– He, his son, and WAR were fined $12 million as a result of the murder of an Ethiopian by skinheads affiliated with WAR.

– He was the Chief of General Staff Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force from 2018 until his assassination in 2019.

– He was a central figure in Ethiopian Studies.

– Mickaël Bethe-Selassié was an Ethiopian sculptor.

More in-sentence examples of “ethiopian”:

– Bilal ibn Rabah was an Ethiopian born in Mecca in the late 6th century, sometime between 578 and 582.Bilal was an Ethiopian slave.

– Amonasro tells the Egyptians a lie: he says that the Ethiopian king has been killed in battle.

– The music is all famous, but among the most well-known parts are the aria that Radames sings near the beginning of act One in which he dreams of victory in battle and marrying Aida, the Ethiopian slave.

– The cases were a 48-year-old Chadian and a 55-year-old Cameroonian passenger on a 17 March Ethiopian Airlines flight from Dubai and Brussels, respectively, through Addis Ababa.

– These books were only written in Ethiopian languages for a long time, but have recently been translated into English.

– In March 1896 a definitive battle took place between the forces of colonial Italy, and those of the Ethiopian Empire in a town in northern Ethiopia called Adwa.

– With the belief that music should be for God, and him alone, Ethiopian “mezmur” does not have ethnic or cultural boundaries, nor restriction on what style or instruments to use.

– Mengistu Haile Mariam is an Ethiopian politician.

– P’ent’ay Christians use the history of the Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity prior to the 1960s as their own history, despite lacking historical continuity.

– Fearing of what recently occurred, Axum shifted its capital near Agew In the middle of the sixteenth century Adal Sultanate armies led by Harar leader Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-GhaziAhmed Gragn invaded the Ethiopian Highlands in what is known as the “”Conquest of Habasha””.

– By expelling notions of Ethiopianism or multi-ethnic Ethiopian national identity from the national political dialogue the TPLF has increased the ethnic cleavages and created a system revolving around ethnic affiliation, void of political ideology.

– Beta Israel Memorial is the central memorial dedicated to the Ethiopian Jews that were murdered on their way to Israel.

– The Ethiopian New Year falls on September 11 of the Gregorian calendar.

– The Prime Minister of Ethiopia is the head of the Ethiopian government and the most powerful figure in Ethiopian politics.

– Below, there is a list or table that compares the Books of the Bible in Judaism and in the Roman Catholic ChurchCatholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Slavonic Orthodox, Georgian, Armenian Apostolic, Syriac, and Ethiopian Churches.

– They believe Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity was paganized after the 960s, during the reign of queen Gudit, who destroyed and burned most of the church’s possessions and scriptures.

– Somalia and Ethiopia had a short war in 1964 over the Ethiopian part of Somalia, and it was obvious that more fighting was to come.

– Liège Airport is the world hub of TNT Airways, and the European hub of CAL Cargo Air Lines, El AlEl Al Cargo and Ethiopian Cargo.

– He is a boy born of an Ethiopian father and an Eritrean mother at a time when the two countries were at war with each other.

– The term was coined in the late 1960s and was used as a pejorative for churches that believed in the PentecostPentecostal experience and spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, used to describe local Protestant Christians who are not members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo churches.

– He is a 22 year old naturalized Ethiopian immigrant and Marine Corps Reserve Lance Corporal.

– Adesanmi died on 10 March 2019, when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed shortly after take-off.

– At the same time, the Oromo people began to question the Ethiopian Christian authorities in the Abyssinian territories, and wanted to keep their own religion.

– Next to these, there is a stone structure in the shape of an Ethiopian village, with boards that tell the story of the Jews that were not able to get to Israel.

– The Ge’ez language is a religious language that is used in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo ChurchEthiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Churches.

– A bodyguard siding with the nationalist factions assassinated General Se’are Mekonnen – the Chief of General Staff Chief of the General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force – as well as his aide, Major General Gizae Aberra.

- Bilal ibn Rabah was an Ethiopian born in Mecca in the late 6th century, sometime between 578 and 582.Bilal was an Ethiopian slave.

- Amonasro tells the Egyptians a lie: he says that the Ethiopian king has been killed in battle.
- The music is all famous, but among the most well-known parts are the aria that Radames sings near the beginning of act One in which he dreams of victory in battle and marrying Aida, the Ethiopian slave.

– Aida is an Ethiopian who has been captured and made slave to Amneris, the daughter of the King of Egypt.

– Some from Tsion Choir from Mulu Wongel joined the newly established choir and Meserete Kristos continued developing songs in Ethiopian languages.

– P’ent’ay Christians use the alleged “secularized teaching” of the current Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches, the alleged inability of most Orthodox followers to live according to the instructions of the Bible and the deuterocanonical books used by rural priests, as a proof to their belief in the Orthodox Tewahedo teaching is also mainly syncretized.

– The Tigray conflict is an ongoing armed conflict that began in November 2020 in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia, between the Tigray Region special forces and the Ethiopian National Defense Force, in Military alliancealliance with the Amhara Region special forces.

– Wilfred Thesiger was born in Addis Ababa where his father was an advisor to the Ethiopian emperor.

– He was elected the President of Ethiopia as a surprise choice on 8 October 2001 by a unanimous vote of the Ethiopian Parliament.

– Flora and fauna previously widespread retreat northwards to the Atlas Mountains, southwards into West Africa, or eastwards into the Nile Valley and thence either south-east to the Ethiopian Highlands and Kenya or north-east across the Sinai into Asia.

– The Ethiopian Book of Enoch also lists four Archangels which watch over the four quadrants of heaven; Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel.

– More persecution followed Ethiopian Protestants for more than a decade.

– Even though some of the older generation of singers didn’t have the financial means to make cassettes, they have influenced Ethiopian music in various ways while singing in local churches.

– Christian Bibles range from the 66 books of the ProtestantismProtestant canon to 81 books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible.

– Tigrinya is related to the Ethiopian Semitic language Ge’ez.

– P’ent’ay Christians schismed from the Orthodox Tewahedo churches, other branches of Christianity, or converted from other religions with the aid of Protestant missionaries to reform Ethiopian Christianity from what they perceived doctrinal-theological diversions.

– But most Ethiopian books say that Menelik I, the son of King Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba, was the first Emperor of this dynasty.

– Laxoox bread is very similar to “injera”, made in Ethiopian and Eritrea, but is much thinner and smaller in size.

– In order to control Sabaea the Romans took control of both sides of the entrance to the Red Sea, the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, since Cornelius Gallus had established a garrison at Arsinoe on the Ethiopian shore.

– He called for the removal of British and Italian colonies in Somalia, the defeat of Ethiopian forces, the expulsion of Christianity and the establishment of a Muslim Somali state.

– For the most part, Ethiopian and Eritrean Protestants state that their form of Christianity is both the reformation of the current Orthodox Tewahedo churches as well as the restoration of it to the original Ethiopian Christianity.

– Mulatu Teshome Wirtu is a Ethiopian politician and was President of Ethiopia from 2013 to 2018.

– The Eastern Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the ProtestantismProtestant Churches have the same texts, but their arrangement varies; the Syriac Churches and the Ethiopian Churches have different versions.

– According to Voice of the Martyrs there have been brutal killings of P’ent’ay Christians in rural areas that tend to be overlooked by the Ethiopian rural officials and stay undisclosed to international organizations.

– South of the Sahara, two belts of tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands run east and west across the continent, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ethiopian Highlands.

– In the Ethiopian Orthodox canon, it forms part of the “Rest of Jeremiah”, along with 4 Baruch.

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