How to use in sentence of “enraged”

How to use in-sentence of “enraged”:

– Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature the following year, an event which humiliated and enraged the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

– When Cassiopeia compares her daughter’s beauty to that of Thetis’, the enraged goddess demands that Andromeda must be sacrificed to the Kraken or Joppa will be destroyed.

– In London, he fires the Nanny he’d hired to care for Bonnie when she neglects to leave a nightlight on because of Bonnie’s fear of the dark, and is enraged by the woman’s insistence that giving in to the child will make her weak; Rhett tells her that Bonnie does not have a weak bone in her body.

– Computer rage may be caused by distress due to a hardware or software problem which the enraged person is unable to correct.

– Kong, enraged by the ensuing flash photography, breaks loose.

How to use in sentence of enraged
How to use in sentence of enraged

Example sentences of “enraged”:

– They escaped because they were enraged by the idea of “Preventive Custody Policy,” and that trials were conducted unfairly to the poor.

– The British government was enraged about this.

– Brown was enraged at this and wanted vengeance.

– The deaths of Attucks and four other Americans enraged the American people and helped trigger the start of the American Revolution.

– The enraged Romans put her into a barrel with knives stuck into it and rolled it down a street.

– In online interactions, enraged persons may flame and abuse other users, shouting at them through headsets, sending rude messages, or rage quit.

– Vane was enraged and wanted to kill Keightley in revenge.

– Military officials in Rome were enraged at his behaviour in the arena.

– But his boss tells him that someone else got it, which resulted Thomas to get very enraged by knocking down the toys and punching a big teddy bear, resulting himself being fired.

– At this, one of the prophets, Zedekiah son of Kenaanah was so enraged he went to Micaiah and slapped him in the face, saying sarcastically, “Which way did the spirit from the Lord go when he went from me to speak Micaiah replied, “You will find out…

– Abel, Heihachi’s lead scientific advisor, urged the enraged Heihachi to quickly find a way to capture Kazuya.

– About two years after he was drawing a mathematical diagram in the sand and enraged a soldier by refusing to go to meet the Roman general until he had finished working on the problem.

– Hitler was enraged by this press release.

- They escaped because they were enraged by the idea of “Preventive Custody Policy,” and that trials were conducted unfairly to the poor.

- The British government was enraged about this.

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