How to use in sentence of “effort”

How to use in-sentence of “effort”:

– Premchand passed his exam with great effort in 1898, and in 1899 he took up school-teaching job, with a monthly salary of eighteen rupees.

– As the leader of the association he made an effort to educate younger artist generation.

– It makes you feel less special because someone couldn’t be bothered to take the effort to give you a real message.

– Anderson, Josh Daniels, and Vansack Acid in losing effort against the team of Ikuto Hidaka, Jun Kasai, Naohiro Hoshikawa, and Tatsuhito Takaiwa.

– Stresemann’s decision to end passive resistance was motivated by his view that making a good faith effort to fulfill the terms of Versailles was the only way to win relief from the treaty’s harsher provisions.

– This effort allowed him to estimate the size of the current Hasidic Jewish population.

– The museum is a public-private venture, a cooperative effort of the United States Marine Corps and the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation.

– The Topeka Constitution was the first effort to create a Kansas governmental structure and write its basis in law.

How to use in sentence of effort
How to use in sentence of effort

Example sentences of “effort”:

– In baseball statistics, an error, abbreviated E and then the defensive positional designation, is the act, in the judgment of the official scorer, of a fielder misplaying a ball in a manner that allows a batting batter or baserunner to reach one or more additional bases, when such an advance would have been prevented given ordinary effort by the fielder.

– He was born into a family of very poor peasants but through a lot of hard work and effort was able to enter the University of Chile – something very unusual in a poor country like Chile.

– Ptolemy XIII sent Pompey’s head to Caesar in an effort to win his favor, but Caesar was not pleased with the gift.

– Thus, Turing made the single biggest contribution to the Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany, possibly saving the lives of an estimated 2 million people, through his effort in shortening World War II.

– Over the years, computer designers did their best to simplify instruction sets, in order to enable higher performance implementations by saving designers effort and time for features which improve performance rather than wasting them on the complexity of instruction set.

– Money for the expansion project came for the most from the effort from the “A-lag where the church’s youth from all over the world participate and do voluntarily work.

– All 777 stores currently offer Wi-Fi, an effort which was completed in 2006.

– This does not prove that the integers are uncountable, but it does illustrate what one might call a “failed” effort to count a set, because it is never possible to reach.

– When they do eat, they do not eat the amount of food their body needs, in an effort to avoid gaining weight.

– During his term as governor, he was a leading advocate in the effort to gain statehood for Alaska.

– He debuted on NXT in a losing effort against Seth Rollins.

– I think that the article is not overly long, and the few remaining complexities are probably worth the effort, but as I am not from the UK I cannot tell how important the company really is, and if it is worth spending the effort of simplifying the article up for discussion.

– In other words, the effort of catching and eating it would not be worth the effort expended by the predator.

– He emphasized the importance of Sukyung area because it is placed in the North part and kept in check Gu Ran that made an effort to come down to Goryeo.

– Intel wanted to make a large effort in creating IA-64 in the expectation that the resulting processor would be used by most enterprise systems.

– I have not yet included all the cases that I am finding to be considered landmark, but I wanted to get a consensus before putting more effort into it.

– They are leaders in this effort even when top Defense officials are away from the Pentagon.

– Gotzkowsky directed Frederick to reform the Prussian system of toll levies and import restrictions, and to construct a major a silk factory in an effort to compete with the French silk trade.

– I have spent a lot of time and effort trying to improve this page for the benefit of others since I started it 7 days ago.

– The hijacking ended after a rescue effort by the U.S.

- In baseball statistics, an error, abbreviated E and then the defensive positional designation, is the act, in the judgment of the official scorer, of a fielder misplaying a ball in a manner that allows a batting batter or baserunner to reach one or more additional bases, when such an advance would have been prevented given ordinary effort by the fielder.

- He was born into a family of very poor peasants but through a lot of hard work and effort was able to enter the University of Chile - something very unusual in a poor country like Chile.
- Ptolemy XIII sent Pompey's head to Caesar in an effort to win his favor, but Caesar was not pleased with the gift.

More in-sentence examples of “effort”:

– This is often done only to avoid controversy, with little or no effort being put in to give said person a role other than being there to represent a minority.

– The Guild was founded in 1933 in an effort to end exploitation of actors in Hollywood who were being forced into oppressive multi-year contracts with the major movie studios that did not include restrictions on work hours or minimum rest periods, and often had clauses that automatically renewed at the studios’ discretion.

– In World War I, Germany’s general Hindenburg Ludendorff supported the idea of total war, appealing total effort by all nations for war.

– In spite of all this the East India Company was again on the verge of bankruptcy, which stirred the British to make a fresh effort at reform.

– In the late 1980s the new Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev made an effort to make an ally of the United States to fix world problems caused by the war, with the ultimate aim of eliminating nuclear weapons completely.

– At the start of the Second World War, the Nazis plotted to persuade the Duke to support the Nazi effort and planned to kidnap him.

– The X-37B effort will be led by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and includes partnerships with NASA and the Air Force Research Laboratory.

– These heightenings still did not meet irrigation demands and in 1946 it was nearly over-topped by water in an effort to maximize pool elevation.

– This isn’t a “project” that needs its own page here, moreover, this team effort is just a collaboration to get vital articles to VGA status.

– They would just have to take the extremely minor effort to create an account to do so.

– The game’s “virtual Metropolis” in which these stages take place is filled with what the developers called “Kryptonite fog” in an apparent effort by Lex Luthor to diminish Superman’s abilities.

– They felt that Gandhi was sacrificing Hindu interests in an effort to please Muslim groups.

– Le Guin described the effort as a “beautiful opera” in an interview, and expressed hopes that it would be picked up by other producers.

– This new system would decrease traffic jams but without the huge cost and effort needed to build more MRT lines and stations.

– Closed as not promoted: This article has been here for 3 weeks and I see hardly any effort to improve it.

– Prohibition was a constitutional experiment set up by the American government in an effort to decrease crime rates, reduce tax burden, and improve health in Americans.

– This is not like other games such as “Quake”, where you need a lot of effort and bugfixing work to even get the map to work.

– Art critic John Ruskin wrote that the English were not “in the habit of selling their pets.” An effort was made to stop the sale by going to court, but Barnum won.

– By the 1920s, silversword numbers were so depleted that the Maui Chamber of Commerce sent a petition to Washington, DC, requesting that a serious effort be made to save the species.

– This issue of the Editing newsletter includes information the Talk pages project, an effort to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily.

– A campaign for a vote therefore often focuses less on keeping the people who will always vote for their party; the parties spend more effort and money on convincing new people to vote for them.

– They used Scuderia FerrariFerrari engines in Minardi joined his team with BMS Scuderia Italia in an effort to survive.

– But yes, like DJSasso says, the effort that a full cup would take is better spent elsewhere.

– In an effort to fight this warming, roofs of buildings are being painted white across the city in an effort to increase the reflection of solar energy, or albedo.

– Flexibility training refers to developing a wide range of motionrange of movement in a joint or series of joints that is attainable in a momentary effort with the help of a partner or a piece of equipment.

- This is often done only to avoid controversy, with little or no effort being put in to give said person a role other than being there to represent a minority.

- The Guild was founded in 1933 in an effort to end exploitation of actors in Hollywood who were being forced into oppressive multi-year contracts with the major movie studios that did not include restrictions on work hours or minimum rest periods, and often had clauses that automatically renewed at the studios' discretion.

– In an effort to ensure information about dates is both verifiably correct and useful to readers, the template will insert a tag beside the release date information if no URL is provided.

– And finally at Sep.15th 1998, the new Zhejiang University was formed and developed rapidly during the past 12 years and made every effort to build itself as one of the first-class university in the world.

– As a considerable part of the movement’s work is undertaken at the United Nations in New York, the chair country’s ambassador to the UN is expected to devote time and effort to matters concerning the Non-Aligned Movement.

– Mary joins the war effort by becoming an ambulance driver.

– EE was created in an effort to perform all the genres available at the same time.

– List is much effort to maintain, and being “worst” isp robably against NPOV.

– This dialogue and cooperation can be taken as an effort to increase the global awareness about the organisation and bolster its political clout.

– Do you think that the simple wiki should opt into allowing global sysops here, in an effort to reduce long response times when our admins are offline? Just gathering thoughts.

– Birmingham manufacturing industry played a big role in the war effort in World War I and World War II.

– His album is a complete solo effort as he is doing everything: performing, composing all music, penning all lyrics, playing over ten instruments and producing, with the album’s recording is funded by his own Fall Out Boy earnings.

– On October 7, 1763, the Crown issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, an effort to reorganize British North America after the Treaty of Paris.

– It was the largest single administrative effort in the history of the United States that was not done during wartime.

– Please note that we already have an article History of the world, into which a lot of effort has been put.

– You have not put forth the effort to be allowed to bitch about him.

– I have been thinking about creating a team effort project that we all can collaborate in.

– Within three and a half months, this grass-roots effort raised $13,500,000 and saved the park.

– John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry was an effort by white peoplewhite abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859.

– Aranya thinks it as an intentionally effort to blander his occasion.

– It takes just a little more effort on my part to do this before the article then tends to get promoted ahead of when the discussion is scheduled to close.

– In an effort to get their hair back, men have tried “cures” like applying strange lotions or even having their heads packed in chicken manure.

– Despite a determined effort by Lasker, Capablanca still seemed on course for ultimate victory.

– Two days later, Dubai started an 11-day quarantine campaign as an effort to contain the coronavirus.

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