How to use in-sentence of “dissident”

How to use in-sentence of “dissident”:

+ Such is the risk of being a dissident and critic who reveals their real name on a website filled with people who have the ability to remain completely anonymous and have no standards to which they are held accountable.

+ In 2005, Esenin-Volpin participated in “They Chose Freedom”, a four-part television documentary on the history of the Soviet dissident movement.

+ Although some members opposed to the peace deal formed a dissident group.

+ From the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, he was a known figure in the Soviet dissident movement.

+ In the period 1986-1988 he organized a successful dissident campaign against the candidacy of Sofia for hosting in the city and adjacent VitoshaVitosha Mountain the Winter Olympics of 1992 and 1994.

+ Panduleni Itula, dissident candidate of Swapo, head of the Landless Movement of Bernadus Swartbooi gets 30% of the vote.

How to use in-sentence of dissident
How to use in-sentence of dissident

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