How to use in-sentence of “debate”

How to use in-sentence of “debate”:

+ An issue or debate always has two sides or positions.

+ On March 2 following the 2016 Super Tuesday primaries, Carson announced that while he was not suspending his campaign he “did not see a ‘path forward'” and would not attend the next Republican debate in Detroit.

+ I’m always up for an honest debate about article related content but this is totally out of line and saps me of any will to discuss issues with this user.

+ The other side of the debate argues that the 12th Amendment, in describing how elections are to be carried out, is enumerating additional requirement for holding the office of President.

+ There is a long-running debate about sauropod necks.

+ He also produced the first televised presidential debate in 1960.

+ Cameron and Comfort were a part in a debate on television with Atheismatheists Brian Sapient and Kelly O’Conner of the Rational Response Squad, at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan on May 5, 2007.

+ The debate was about evolution, and it was widely reported in the press.

How to use in-sentence of debate
How to use in-sentence of debate

Example sentences of “debate”:

+ This was brought up in a debate during a session of the parliament, during which new security measures were proposed, especially on the MRT system itself.

+ He co-moderated a Republican and a Democratic debate for ABC News alongside of Martha Raddatz.

+ Since the 1980s, the debate has focused on the causes of some minorities at all stages of the criminal justice system, including arrests, racial background of violent criminals as identified by their victims, prosecutions and incarcerations.

+ There is much debate over the effect of interbreeding on changes to the genes of a wild species.

+ There is debate about the reason for her dismissal.

+ Polls after this debate showed that Nick Clegg and David Cameron had done best with Gordon Brown slightly behind.

+ Kirsten Gillibrand, the Seniority in the United States Senatejunior Senator from New York, began on March 17, 2019 with her formal announcement in Troy, New York and ended when she failed to qualify for the third primary debate on August 28, 2019.

+ This was brought up in a debate during a session of the parliament, during which new security measures were proposed, especially on the MRT system itself.

+ He co-moderated a Republican and a Democratic debate for ABC News alongside of Martha Raddatz.

+ The winner of a debate may be decided by the audience’s vote, by judges, or by both.

+ At the historic debate on evolution held at the Oxford on 30 June 1860, Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, Benjamin Brodie and Robert FitzRoy spoke against Darwin’s theory, and Hooker and Thomas Henry Huxley defended it.

+ After failing to qualify for the third debate in September, Gillibrand ended her campaign on August 28, 2019.

+ Under the aegis of the Independence Club, Jaisohn organized the All People’s Congress, an open public forum to debate over political issues.

+ A subject of much interest and debate among viewers is the question of whether Xena and Gabrielle are lovers.

More in-sentence examples of “debate”:

+ There has been much debate on the bare existence of implicit learning because of the fact that knowledge gained is not verbalizable.

+ Since I was the one who started this debate again, I will address some of the issues.
+ I think this is turning into another useless icon debate so to speak...this isn't an issue.

+ There has been much debate on the bare existence of implicit learning because of the fact that knowledge gained is not verbalizable.

+ Since I was the one who started this debate again, I will address some of the issues.

+ I think this is turning into another useless icon debate so to speak…this isn’t an issue.

+ In 1998, when they published a 150th anniversary edition of the “Communist Manifesto” by Marx and Engels, edited by Boris Buden with an introduction by Slavoj Žižek, they approached one of us to organize a contemporary art exhibition that they hoped would trigger a timely public debate on the issues the Manifesto might raise in Croatia.

+ There has been much debate among taxonomists about which races of pocket gopher should be recognised as full species.

+ It is the subject of debate among geologists.

+ In July 1949, her unsure attitude toward American Catholics caused a public debate with Francis Cardinal Spellman, the Catholic Archbishop of New York.

+ The controversy over recognition of same-sex unions as marriages is a very important part of a larger debate about the definition of a family.

+ It is one-sided and extreme, not a debate or discussion.

+ Proponents and critics of SRI debate the claimed benefits and many questions about it remain unresolved.

+ During the first presidential debate, many said Reagan lost the debate and there were rumors about Reagan’s health citing his confusion on stage.

+ Vigorous debate took place on such points, and the debates were written down in detail.

+ Second Reading: A debate on the general principles of the bill is followed by a vote.

+ There is debate as to whether mathematics is something human or if it is universal – see philosophy of mathematics on this.

+ I take copyright very seriously as people may remember from my arguments in the recent debate about allowing fair-use images not supported by the Wikimedia commons.

+ Following Romulus death the Roman Senate was not able to elect a new king and after much debate between Romans and Sabines they agreed to allow the Curiate Assembly to vote in a new king of Rome.

+ There is debate as to the name of the officer: some traditions credit Alexander Adams, others George Beckley.

+ Television had recently been introduced to the Quebec National Assembly, and the legislative debate on the referendum question was scheduled for prime time live viewing on March 4, 1980.

+ In November 1994, the place became well known for a murder kicking off a debate over role-playing games.

+ Intellectual debate has also focused around the issue of whether ethnic conflict has become more common since the end of the Cold War, and on finding ways of managing conflicts, through instruments such as consociationalism and federalisation.

+ The last such debate was about happy slapping.

+ Many argue the declaration was against the constitution, since there was no debate among the MPs in the Serbian Parliament.

+ Article was deleted on enwiki too and I agree with the reasoning there, The debate over autonomy and provinces in Nepal is already over and there is no such state, this article is misleading.

+ The Proud Boys became more famous on September 29, 2020 because the candidates talked about them in the first debate of the 2020 United States presidential election.

+ The third and final debate was shown on BBC One and was moderated by David Dimbleby.

+ This is inline with the first part of its mission, which to help raise the level of public debate on issues affecting Wales, by placing quality information in the public domain.

+ The arguments for slavery by Southern Spokespersonspokesmen said that chattel slavery, as practiced in the South, was more humane than the system of “wage slavery” practiced in the industrialized moral high ground in the national debate over slavery.

+ During his studies, Stresemann was exposed to the principal political arguments of his day, particularly the German debate about socialism.

+ The two of them may debate on issues relating to their area of jurisdiction.

+ In the debate of whether attack or defense was the stronger military action, Clausewitz supported defense because defending forces are able to use positions in a battle.

+ The archaeological community still debate whether the Neolithic Revolution was brought to the British Isles through by adoption by natives or by migrating groups of continental Europeans who decided to settle there.

+ Ham later announced that the publicity from the debate helped fundraising for AiG’s planned Ark Encounter theme park.

+ Professor Elliott calls for continued debate on the nuclear power issue.

+ Gray was featured on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation program Counterpoint in a debate entitled “Nine Lies about Global Warming”.

+ The slavery debate in the United States became more intense with the addition of the new territory and the question of whether slavery would be legal in the new territories.

+ Munro did not set any measure of relative height by which a peak qualified as a separate mountain, and much debate has since taken place over how distinct two hills must be if they are to be considered as two separate Munros.

+ There is some debate about how this amendment works with the 12th Amendment.

+ In an interview by CNN during the second Republican Primary debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Brown hinted at a possible presidential bid in 2016.

+ Although commonly used to refer to the period of Queen Victoria’s rule between 1837 and 1901, scholars debate whether the Victorian period–as defined by a variety of sensibilities and political concerns that have come to be associated with the Victorians–actually begins with the passage of Reform Act 1832.

+ I would like this debate to result in a clearly visible enforceable policy rule.

+ The University of Kansas has had more teams compete in the National Debate Tournament than any other university.

+ After failing to qualify for the sixth debate and poor polling numbers, Booker ended his campaign on January 13, 2020.

+ The economy was doing very well during his term, though there is a debate whether the economy was well because of Clinton’s policies or because of the Republicans’ policies.

+ The Emeishan Traps are part of the scientific debate on the causes of mass extictions.

+ As a result, Farnsworth gave up the debate and robosexual marriage became legal.

+ During the 2012 Obama reelection campaign, Kerry participated in one on one debate prep with the president, impersonating the Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

+ Leonard was on the debate team in school and says that if he had not had glasses, he would have been “the coolest kid on the debate team to get constantly shoved into his locker.” Leonard also mentions that he once had a bully who gave him such a terrible wedgie that it temporarily moved one of his testicles.

+ Following a widely panned debate performance, poor polling numbers, and a poor fundraising campaign, Lincoln Chafee announced on October 23 that he would be suspending his campaign.

+ There has been a lot of debate about which specimens, all very incomplete, should be called “Troodon”.

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