How to use in sentence of “consumption”

How to use in-sentence of “consumption”:

– There have been references to their consumption as food throughout history.

– The lack of consumption of potatos has a very real and adverse impact on their health and wellbeing.

– In economics, if a normal Good good becomes more expensive, its consumption will drop.

– Based on their results, researchers involved with the study cautioned against the consumption of Red Bull in individuals under stress, in those with high blood pressure, or in anyone with established atherosclerotic disease.

– What changes the amount of next period consumption is totally unexpected or not given information.

– A food chain also represents a series of events and consumption in which food and energy are consumed from one organism in an ecosystem to another.

– Just under 1,500 “SOLON-Movers” modules convert sunlight into environmentally friendly power, generating as much as the average consumption of the nearby town of Arnstein.

How to use in sentence of consumption
How to use in sentence of consumption

Example sentences of “consumption”:

– Economic growth is an increase in the production and consumption of goods and services.

– Prohibition was good as the consumption of alcohol was reduced, but it was bad in that the Mafia and other underground organizations took up rum-running.

– In the 1970s and 1980s, Ayurveda also changed for Consumption consumption in the Western world.

– It is economically important as the source of grapes, both for direct consumption of the fruit and for fermentation to produce wine.

– Restrictions: certain food taboos, staying only in the village or at home, avoiding certain places, no consumption of alcohol, cigarettes or stimulants or handling with sharp instruments.

– These gases are caused by the electrical consumption of the smelters and the byproducts of processing.

– In 1999 the average consumption of coffee was 3.5 cups per day per American citizen.

– The tutor he had hired died of consumption and the school which Baskerville then tried to use to teach his pupils crime was forced to close after an epidemic killed three students.

– A good where the consumption decreases when the income increases is called “inferior”.

– Most of the chicken eggs sold for human consumption are unfertilized.

– By the year 2020, Creos will thus install 300,000 smart meters that record detailed information on the consumption and production of energy in the entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, including 250,000 electricity meters and 50,000 gas meters.

– High oil prices and initially weak currency followed by increasing Demanddomestic demand, consumption and investments has helped the economy grow for nine straight years.

– Insulin is released by the pancreas in response to consumption of glucose.

– The problem is: Consumption itself is not punishable.

– The fact that the “Bagualosaurus” already has a dentition well adapted to the consumption of vegetation is especially important for the evolutionary history of the dinosaurs.

– The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders.

- Economic growth is an increase in the production and consumption of goods and services.

- Prohibition was good as the consumption of alcohol was reduced, but it was bad in that the Mafia and other underground organizations took up rum-running.
- In the 1970s and 1980s, Ayurveda also changed for Consumption consumption in the Western world.

More in-sentence examples of “consumption”:

– The Navitimer circular rule, referred to by Breitling as a “navigation computer”, featured airspeed, rate of climbrate/time of climb/descent, flight time, distance, and fuel consumption functions, as well as kilometer–liter fuel amount conversion functions.

– Given the influence of the temperature of water, as well as the lack of complete adjustment for age, alcohol consumption and smoking, the study concludes that mate is “not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans”.

– Since then, use of “420” has spread throughout the rest of the United States, and much of the rest of the world, in reference to cannabis consumption on April 20 or at 4:20p.m., the time the original group gathered after school.

– In cases where attacks have occurred and the victim has been unable to escape quickly, partial or whole consumption has occurred; lone divers are especially at risk of this.

– This form of digestion has two advantages: plants that are indigestible to other species can be digested and used, and time taken for actual food consumption is shorter.

– Marginal propensity to consume can be found by dividing change in consumption by a change in income, or.

– A preliminary abstract presented by the University of Miami’s Hannah Gardener linked daily consumption of diet soda to a 61% higher incidence of “vascular events” such as strokes and heart attacks, although Gardener acknowledged that these results could not be conclusively linked to harmful effects of diet soda itself, and may be the result of other behaviors.

– He tried to hide his writing, and also wrote in a very small print, so that the consumption of paper would not be noticed.

– Its simplest form is the “linear consumption function”.

– Therefore, the changes in the consumption cannot be expected but randomly walk.

– The farm was established with the objectives of increasing the amount of clean energy in the Egyptian national network and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.

– In a recent study of the eating habits of 2,018 women, consumption of mushrooms and green tea was linked to a 90% lower occurrence of breast cancer.

– According to Oxford Dictionary, Retail is the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.

– According to Noah Casey, Lu’s teachings do not prohibit the consumption of meat and alcohol; however, “The consumption of alcohol is limited to quantities not resulting in intoxication, and the eating of meat is restricted to animals not butchered especially for the person consuming.

– Per capita yearly cigarette consumption post-war Germany steadily rose from 460 in 1950 to 1,523 in 1963.

– An independent study by researchers with the Framingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, has turned up results which indicate that the consumption of diet soda correlates with increased metabolic syndrome.

– He banned the consumption of alcohol and singing in court.

– Resource Consumption Accounting is formally defined as a dynamic, fully integrated, principle-based, and comprehensive management accounting approach that provides managers with decision support information for enterprise optimization.

– LEDs have much smaller consumption of power.

– Alcohol consumption is partially legal in Qatar; some five-star luxury hotels are allowed to sell alcohol to their non-Muslim customers.

– The G7 leaders agreed to work together to break the link between oil consumption and economic growth.

– Energy efficiency can reduce the consumption of energy while providing the same level of energy “services”.

– Therefore, in a highly productive system, direct consumption of dominant plants could indirectly benefit those herbivory-resistant and unpalatable species.

– There is no record of the finite strength of the distilled spirits in the context of its sale to or consumption by Native Americans.

– At that time, the population of Edo was much richer than the rural poor, were more susceptible to beriberi because of their high consumption of white rice which is low in thiamine.

- The Navitimer circular rule, referred to by Breitling as a "navigation computer", featured airspeed, rate of climbrate/time of climb/descent, flight time, distance, and fuel consumption functions, as well as kilometer–liter fuel amount conversion functions.

- Given the influence of the temperature of water, as well as the lack of complete adjustment for age, alcohol consumption and smoking, the study concludes that mate is "not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans".
- Since then, use of "420" has spread throughout the rest of the United States, and much of the rest of the world, in reference to cannabis consumption on April 20 or at 4:20p.m., the time the original group gathered after school.

– It is caused by increasing consumption due to a rise in real balances of wealth.

– CO emissions from energy consumption will peak in 2030.

– Space conditioning is again the single biggest consumption area, but it represents only about 30% of the energy use of commercial buildings.

– Three kinds of consumption are predation, herbivory, and parasitism.

– Consumer spending, consumption consumption, or consumption expenditure is when people buy goods and services.

– In case of suspected sudden consumption of a large amount of aluminium, the only treatment is deferoxamine mesylate.

– Due to the consumption of white-tailed deer, It is still argued whether or not the people of Tehuatican hunted more or relied on domestic animals.

– Uno’s main action as prime minister was to increase consumption tax, which caused an uproar among many voters and led to the Japan Socialist Party’s victory in the Tokyo metropolitan legislative election of 1989.

– Other example may be unintended consequences from buildings, or the increase of a need for police in areas where there is more consumption of alcohol.

– DeNoon at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, reported by Sharon Fowler at the ADA annual meeting, actually suggested the opposite, where consumption of diet soda was correlated with weight gain.

– Regrettably the long term effects were not studied, and in the present the eucalyptus is causing problems because of its high consumption of water.

– Numerous research studies, including the Nurses’ Health Study that involved over 86,000 women, have found that frequent nut consumption is related to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

– As a result, consumption of iodine-131 often leads to cancer of the thyroid.

– Segment of foodstuffs in the structure of ware production of national consumption is 45%.

– The early anti-smoking campaign was considered a failure, and from 1933 to 1937 there was a rapid increase in tobacco consumption in Germany.

– The X-Rays also come from the consumption of material on the surface of the more massive star in a process called thermonuclear burning.

– Flogging is used in Qatar as a punishment for alcohol consumption or illicit sexual relations.

– The goods are named after Thorstein Veblen, who first described the effect of conspicuous consumption in 1899.

– Regardless, it is certain that Poe suffered from the deleterious effects of alcohol consumption throughout his life.

– The city is the only municipality in North America that owns its own electric utility and provides its residents with 46% of their energy consumption through green wind energy.

– In favour also were those concerned with accidents, because both accidents and fuel consumption go down.

– It was during this period that Zevon’s excessive vodka consumption earned him the nickname “F.

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