How to use in-sentence of “constable”

How to use in-sentence of “constable”:

+ To convey the effects of light and movement, Constable used broken brushstrokes, often in small touches, which he worked over lighter passages.

+ In many countries, the constable became a high military rank and great officer of State such as, the Constable of France.

+ Finally, she was carried bodily to the altar by the Constable of France, and married against her will.

+ Irvine was the site of Scotland’s 12th century Military Capital and former headquarters of the Lord High Constable of Scotland, Hugh de Morville.

+ He was the constable of Monticello Township in 1858.

+ A policeman, Constable Bowen was badly hurt, and died a few days later.

How to use in-sentence of constable
How to use in-sentence of constable

Example sentences of “constable”:

+ On 15 April 1878, Constable Fitzpatrick, went to the Kelly’s house to arrest Dan Kelly for stealing horses.

+ After she retired, she became a constable for the Ontario Provincial Police.

+ The gang then attempted to break out of the cul-de-sac, Gardstein being grabbed by Constable Choate almost at the entrance.

+ When the local policeman, Constable Nelson, arrived, Dunn shot him dead at close range.

+ The next day Kennedy and Scanlan went to search the nearby forest, while Lonigan and Constable Thomas McIntyre stayed at the campsite.

+ The puppet play is stopped by the characters Constable and Murdertext.

+ Some interesting excerpts from the transcript of Susannah’s trial are below: To the Marshall of the County of Essex or his lawful Deputies or to the Constable of Amesbury: You are in their Majesties names hereby required forthwith or as soon as may be to apprehend and bring Susanna Mertin of Amesbury in þ county of Esses Widdow at þ house of Lt.

+ The main character is Constable George Dixon.

+ Originally, the constable was the person who kept the horses of a lord or monarch., Encyclopedia Britannica online The title was later used in the monarchymonarchies of medieval Europe.

+ In the United Kingdom, Commonwealth of Nations and some European countries, a constable is the lowest rank of police officer.

+ Young became Chief Constable of Hertfordshire Constabulary in 1944.

+ In the end the Constable accidentally sorts everything out and everyone celebrates both marriages.

+ On 15 April 1878, Constable Fitzpatrick, went to the Kelly's house to arrest Dan Kelly for stealing horses.

+ After she retired, she became a constable for the Ontario Provincial Police.

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