How to use in-sentence of “commit”

How to use in-sentence of “commit”:

– After a few months Pakhi threats ASR that if he doesn’t tell the reason then she will commit suicide.

– Some researchers argued that the experiments do not fully answer the question as to why apparently normal people commit atrocities in wartime.

– It is about a young woman who tries to commit suicide when an affair ends.

– On March 12, 2019, Huffman was arrested in connection with an alleged nationwide college entrance exam cheating scandal, charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud, and released on $250,000 bail.

– This means that people are scared of the death penalty and are less likely to commit a capital crime if they know they could get the death penalty.

– His primary activity is to incite humans to commit evil and lead the wrong path through deception.

– Being informal, there is no need to “register”, or to commit to anything.

– It is often said that they fall off cliffs or even commit mass suicide, but that is an urban legend created by a Disney documentary in which someone actually pushed the lemmings over the edge.

How to use in-sentence of commit
How to use in-sentence of commit

Example sentences of “commit”:

– In January 2007, Delara attempted to commit suicide.

– Mass murderers commit their crime for many reasons.

– Yet the hero or lead character may also do bad things, such as commit crimes, hurt or threaten people, or tell lies.

– The opera has nothing to do with ShakespeareShakespeare’s play Macbeth except for the fact that it is about a woman like Lady Macbeth who is tempted to commit a murder.

– Another job is to evaluate the defendant to see if he or she is able to be rehabilitated, or if they might commit the crime again.

– In a mass suicide, many people commit suicide for the same reason.

– If a witness stated this was not the criminal, they would probably commit perjury.

– Samurai women had to ask for permission to commit seppuku.

– He may have wanted to commit suicide in order to avoid a scandal because he was having a relationship with a nephew of an important aristocratic man.

– These somewhat abstract concerns usually determine some but not all details of a specific concrete market system where buyers and sellers actually meet and commit to trade.

– On March 11, 2020, Manning tried to commit suicide in the Alexandria City Jailfederal detention center in Alexandria, Virginia.

– Having seen him commit genocide on the Racnoss, she urges him to find a new companion to act as his moral support.

– Some prevention strategies make it harder for people to get the most common things used to commit suicide.

– Hitler believed that Paulus would either fight to the last man or commit suicide.

– Yoshitsune went deeper inside the castle keep to commit suicide according to the samurai tradition, while Benkei fought on at the bridge in front of the main gate to protect Yoshitsune.

- In January 2007, Delara attempted to commit suicide.

- Mass murderers commit their crime for many reasons.

More in-sentence examples of “commit”:

– Referees may caution players who commit such challenges.

– Soon, it became clear that the Nazis wanted to commit genocide.

– Shkreli was convicted of two counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiring to commit securities fraud in August 2017.

– Gang rapes usually involve three or more men as the ones who commit the crime.

– They were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage during a time of war.

– To prove he did not commit the crime, he is distracting the police whilst his brother Joey Cassidy vault to retrieve the diamond he was arrested for stealing.

– Once a driver commits a red-light foul, the other driver can also commit a foul start by leaving the line too early but still win, having left later.

– The second paragraph was original research because it expressed the editor’s opinion that, given the Harvard manual’s definition of plagiarism, Jones did not commit it.

– Rishi tries to commit suicide but Tanu’s soul comes and stops him.

– Predictive profiling attempts to predict which people might commit crimes in the future.

– He justified this war with allegations that Serbia was planning to commit genocide against the Kosovo Albanians.

– They went to Switzerland where they were allowed to commit assisted suicide.

– The movie was most certainly based on Anderson’s story, as the opening shots show a woman about to commit suicide from a bridge, as Anna Anderson did.

– They do it in order to prove that it is possible to commit the perfect murder.

– The largest penalty the judge could give Chauvin is 40 years in prison but most people who commit these crimes spend 10-15 years in prison.

– Some Japanese people still believe that they did not commit as many massacres as the Western World and China said they did.

– However the boys did not commit a crime.

– It was widely reported that he tried to commit suicide in 2007 after the relationship with Hudson ended.

– A samurai who wants to commit seppuku would take the weapon, open his kimono and stab the blade into his belly.

– Cain fell into sin and killed his brother Abel out of jealousy, making him the first person to commit murder.

– An officer may also arrest someone if they have probable cause to believe the person had committed or were about to commit a crime.

– That being said I WILL commit myself as an oppose or support and even if for some reason this request is closed before then I will still make my decision and reasoning known to anyone who asks.

– In 1939, he tried to commit suicide, but failed.

– In 1824, he was found guilty of “intent to commit a felony”.

- Referees may caution players who commit such challenges.

- Soon, it became clear that the Nazis wanted to commit genocide.

– The FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit who are threatening to commit suicide or other harmful situations after a crime has been committed.

– Another reason to commit “Seppuku” was the death of the daimyo.

– Emergency telephones are also placed at spots where many people commit suicide, like bridges or cliffs.

– Tom and his biker buddies commit suicide one by one with the goal of returning as one of the “undead”.

– It is a major sin to commit suicide or homicide.

– Al-Bayati claims Warren did not commit suicide, but was, in fact, murdered.

– He planned and ordered the Family to commit several brutal murders.

– Turner wanted to commit assisted suicide, but her husband donated his kidney in April 2017.

– For pedophiles who commit child sexual abuse, some studies have shown that pedophiles who are only attracted to children may abuse more children than pedophiles who also have adult sexual partners.

– If the same events, thoughts, feelings, and other things that led up to the self-harm happen again, the person may be more likely to self-harm again, or to commit suicide.

– So, to start a fight would be to commit battery.

– The Court has ruled that state laws cannot say a person “must” get the death penalty if they commit a certain crime, no matter what.

– The offence of being a common scold has also become obsolete in the United States because only women could commit it.

– In an effort to force nations to resolve issues without warfare, the United Nations Charter attempted to commit member nations to using warfare only under limited circumstances, such as to defend when attacked.

– At the Nuremberg Trials, Seyß-Inquart faced charges of conspiracy to commit crimes against peace; planning, starting and fighting wars of aggression; war crimes; and crimes against humanity.

– He was murdered by Andrew Cunanan, who used the same gun to commit suicide on a boat several days later.

– Gang rapists tend to be younger and commit their crimes repeatedly.

– They may help explain what caused a person to commit a crime, but they do not mean the person did nothing wrong.

– It takes into account the fact that children who commit crimes need the same sort of care as those who are victims of an offence or neglect.

– According to statistics, males commit more crimes than females.

– If a samurai were defeated or he dishonored himself by not following the code of “bushido”, he had to commit “seppuku”.

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