How to use in sentence of “clergyman”

How to use in-sentence of “clergyman”:

+ In 1783, an EnglandEnglish clergyman called John Michell wrote that it might be possible for something to be so heavy you would have to go at the speed of light to get away from its gravity.

+ The book “Northanger Abbey” begins with, “No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her babyinfancy, would have supposed her born to be an heroine.” Her father, Richard, is a clergyman the music-master was one of the happiest in Catherine’s life.” She does not draw well; she did not like writing, or accounts, or French.

+ His brother Tom Hassal, a clergyman and his wife Ann Marsden and other family members were given land in 1831.

+ On 1 August 1774, UKBritish clergyman mercuric oxide in a glass tube.

+ A parish clergyman also adopts Gertrude’s teachings.

How to use in sentence of clergyman
How to use in sentence of clergyman

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