How to use in-sentence of “Civil war”

How to use in-sentence of “Civil war”:

+ Between 280 and 281, there was a civil war in Roman Europe.

+ The term civil war is a war where the sides involved in the fighting are from the same country.

+ His stances on slavery, and actions before the Civil War broke out, have been criticized by scholars.

+ In the United States, disagreement over slavery led to the American Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation.

+ The civil war between the Reds and the Whites started in 1917 and ended in 1923.

+ He served during the Civil War as a boatswain’s mate on the “USS Brooklyn”.

+ The movie tells the story of the American Civil War from the perspective of a young Southern United Statessouthern woman named Scarlett O’Hara.

How to use in-sentence of Civil war
How to use in-sentence of Civil war

Example sentences of “Civil war”:

+ In 1927, the Chinese Civil War began as the Kuomintang, led by Chiang Kai-shek, and the Communists fought one another.

+ After the Civil War and during the 19th century, a lot of European immigrants came to Belleville and the area around it.

+ In 1927, the Chinese Civil War began as the Kuomintang, led by Chiang Kai-shek, and the Communists fought one another.

+ After the Civil War and during the 19th century, a lot of European immigrants came to Belleville and the area around it.

+ It was originally created as Fort Sheridan, an US ArmyArmy post named after Civil War cavalry general Philip Sheridan, to honor his services to Chicago.

+ For a brief time it was under the control of China through the Guomindang government, but that government lost a civil war and moved to Taiwan.

+ After the Civil War ended, the Gullah became more isolated from the outside world.

+ See With more than 2,000 dead, the 44-day Costa Rican Civil War was the bloodiest event in Costa Rica during the 20th century.

+ The nobles gathered their armies as civil war neared.

+ In 1686 there was a civil war in England.

+ In the 2010s it became a battlefield in the Civil War and the government moved to Aden.

+ This was because the American Civil War started soon after construction started.

+ By August 1863, millions of people had been killed or injured because of Civil War battles.

+ Many of the medals presented during the Civil War were for capturing or saving regimental flags.

+ With Carlo Rosselli, Berneri organized the first troop of Italian volunteers to fight in the Spanish Civil War against Francisco Franco.

+ On April 12, 1861, the Civil War began.

+ Set in the Ukraine, beginning in late 1918, the novel concerns the fate of the Turbin family as the various armies of the Russian Civil War the White movementWhites, the Reds, the Imperial Ukrainian nationalists – fight over the city of Kiev.

+ During the American Civil War the townspeople built a stone fort in the middle of the town.

+ It was passed in December 6, 1865, at the end of the Civil War with only a handful of Democrats supporting the Amendment in both Chambers of Congress.

+ David Hacker, has made a new calculation of Civil War deaths which is about 20% higher.

+ A timeline of events leading up to the American Civil War describes the events which historians recognize as contributing to the American Civil War.

+ It was split after a three-year-long civil war between his grandsons.

More in-sentence examples of “Civil war”:

+ The movie is about life in Russia before and during World War I and during the Russian Civil War from 1917-1922.

+ The American Civil War and the Southern states of the newly formed Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis.

+ It happened a lot during the American Revolutionary War, American Civil War and other wars in which there were big areas of disagreeable land and few governmental resources to control them.

+ He was arrested and imprisoned without trial until the outbreak of the Nigerian Civil War where he worked in key jobs in the Biafran Armed Forces.

+ Sheridan, a general of the American Civil War era.

+ The fame of the painting helped to bring the Spanish Civil War to an end.

+ Abraham Cohn was an American Civil War Union Army soldier of Jewish descent.

+ The only female Medal of Honor recipient is Mary Edwards Walker, a Civil War surgeon.

+ In the American Civil War it was mounted on a flat rail car and protected with sheets of iron.

+ Contrary to some beliefs, the Nigerian civil war was not only attributed to religious intolerance.

+ Every now and then there would be a civil war between claimants to the throne.

+ The Chinese Civil War was a civil war fought from 1927 to 1951, because of a difference in thinking between the Chinese Communist Party.

+ When the Civil War began on April 12, 1861, the entire US statesstate of Missouri was divided between pro-Confederate and pro-Union forces.

+ The then-recent American Civil War also weakened the case for federalism.

+ Throughout the competition, he gained widespread attention in Yemen despite the ongoing civil war and shortage of electricity.

+ The Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 gave the Germans the opportunity to test its new aircraft, pilots and weapons in battle.

+ So began a civil war in which Caesar eventually triumphed.

+ Since the Somali Civil War in the 1980s, there has been no working government that covers all of Somalia; instead, different clans have been fighting for control.

+ But they could win the war by simply not losing to the North.”The Civil War in Georgia: A New Georgia Encyclopedia Companion”, ed.

+ When the American Civil War began, her husband Robert and their sons were all called to service in Virginia.

+ The first Samoan Civil War lasted for eight years.

+ In the meanwhile, the American Civil War had broken out.

+ There are two forts named after Standish: a fort on Plymouth’s Saquish Neck built during the American Civil War and a larger fort built in Boston Harbor in 1895.

+ When the American Civil War broke out, the couple moved to Mississippi.

+ In 1965, there was a civil war between those that wanted Bosch back on power and those that were opposed to him.

+ The movie is about life in Russia before and during World War I and during the Russian Civil War from 1917-1922.

+ The American Civil War and the Southern states of the newly formed Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis.

+ The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861.

+ At the start of the American Civil War about 12.000 freed slaves lived there.

+ He helped found the free labor colony of Ceredo, West VirginiaCeredo, Virginia now Civil War ended the project.

+ Many military groups had started conflicts, and a civil war broke out.

+ After the Chinese Civil War in 1949, there were many Chinese Muslims fled Mainland China to Taiwan with the Nationalist government army.

+ The civil war has resulted in over 2.5 million people being displaced, and the relations between Sudan and Chad are at a crisis.

+ They did not want a civil war and Valerian had a bigger army than Aemilianus.

+ The Samoan Civil War is a Western definition of political activity in the Samoa Islands of the South Pacific in the late 19th century.

+ In February 2011, a civil war broke out in Libya when rebels fought against Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi and his government.

+ When the Civil War began on April 12, 1861, the entire US statesstate of Missouri was firmly divided between pro-Confederate and pro-Union forces.

+ The constitution of Switzerland that was made after a short civil war in 1848 was replaced in 1999.

+ A battle of the American Civil War battle was fought on this island in February of 1862.

+ The Roman EmpireRoman emperor Caracalla, wanted to make use of this civil war for a conquest of the East and attacked the Parthians in 216.

+ Economic difficulties caused by the Spanish Civil War led to only 13 issues being published between 1945 and 1947.

+ Orange County’s population went up and down following the Civil War up through the 1930s.

+ King Henry V of England was born in Monmouth Castle in 1387, but the castle itself was mostly knocked down after the Civil War in the seventeenth century.

+ After his death, his daughter Mathilda and his nephew, Stephen of EnglandStephen, argued over who would become the ruler of England, and started a civil war called The Anarchy.

+ The Russian Civil War had a very bad effect on agriculture also.

+ But the Civil war effectively ended states rights.

+ Banbury played an important part in the English Civil War prior to the Battle of Edge Hill, as shown by The Reindeer inn.

+ During the American Civil War from 1861-1865, the south broke away from the United States to form the Confederate States of America, or Confederacy.

+ American Civil War scholar Garry Wills calls Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address the modern parallel to Pericles’ Funeral Oration.

+ A civil war then began in 828 BC as his Ageeldest son governors of Assyria, allowing Babylonia, the Medes, Manneans, Arameans, Neo-Hittites, and Persians to largely recapture their land and Urartu to exert its influence in the region.

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